
qīng rán shāo
  • Hydrogen combustion;hydrogen burning
氢燃烧[qīng rán shāo]
  1. 氢燃烧的非平衡热力学理论研究

    Study of Hydrogen Burning Inside the Stars by Non & equilibrium Thermodynamics Theory

  2. 氢燃烧后的恒星演化及物理原理

    Stellar Evolution After Hydrogen Burning And Physical Principles

  3. 氢燃烧预混合火焰NOx的生成特性

    Characteristics of NO_x Formation in Pre-mixed Combustion of Hydrogen

  4. S195柴油机掺氢燃烧在所有工况下,烟度都有新降低。

    Mixing Hydrogen with diesel fuel in model S195 diesel engine , the producing of smoke density is lower in all working conditions .

  5. 热载体再生时碳和氢燃烧动力学的同时测定

    Combustion kinetics of carbon and hydrogen in carbonaceous deposits on ROP catalysts

  6. 氢燃烧时火焰是淡蓝色,几乎不可见。

    It will burn with a pale blue , almost invisible flame .

  7. 热扰动是由安装在发动机进口前的氢燃烧温度畸变发生器产生的。

    A temperature distortion generator burning hydrogen in front of engine inlet produces thermal disturbance .

  8. 本文考虑到对流和扩散的因素,研究了氢燃烧的结构稳定性。

    The structure stability of the hydrogen burning inside the star is studied and the results are obtained .

  9. 因此,发动机掺氢燃烧是燃料重整的最有效应用方法。

    Therefore , combustion of adding hydrogen is the most effective application of fuel reforming for hydrogen production .

  10. 简要地评述天体核过程,着重讨论爆发性氢燃烧过程,并利用最新的反应率实验数据对氢燃烧过程进行了计算。

    The nuclear processes in astrophysics are briefly reviewed , and the explosive hydrogen burning are addressed and calculated with some new reaction rates obtained from the most recent experimental data .

  11. 氦核的大小和温度会影响中心氦燃烧产能率的变化,中心氦燃烧产能率的变化不仅对总产能率的变化有贡献,而且也会影响亮层氢燃烧产能率的变化。

    Both of the size of the He core and the temperature in the region of the He core determine the core He-burning which not only contributes to the total energy production rate , but also has influence on the H-burning shell .

  12. 汽油/氢发动机燃烧特性试验与仿真

    Experiment and Simulation on Combustion Characteristics of a Four Cylinder SI Engine Fueled with Hydrogen and Gasoline

  13. 当壳层中的氢也燃烧殆尽,恒星便开始融合氦。

    When the hydrogen in the shell , too , is exhausted , the star takes to fusing helium there .

  14. 在不同的再生反应深度下,焦碳的C/H比无明显变化,在再生过程中焦碳中的氢的燃烧速率并不比碳的燃烧速率快。

    During regeneration , the C : H ratios in coke do not change significantly versus the coke contents . It seems that the burning rate of hydrogen in coke is not faster than that of carbon during regeneration .

  15. 此外,由于(TLC)棒在氢火焰上燃烧,吸附剂被活化,不需重涂制。

    Furthermore , because TLC bar has been burnt on hydrogen flame , the absorbent is reactivated , so that it necd not to be recoated .

  16. 通过求解广义一维非定常Euler方程,数值模拟了氢燃料的燃烧室,并和实验结果进行了比较和分析。

    First , hydrogen-air scramjet combustor is numerically simulated and analyzed by solving the general one-dimensional unsteady Euler equation . Second , compressible , reacting , turbulent flow solutions are obtained .

  17. 氢燃料超音速燃烧带有限率化学反应的一维计算

    A One-Dimensional Calculation of Hydrogen-Fueled Supersonic Combustion with Finite Rate Chemistry

  18. 氢燃料发动机燃烧与排放控制研究进展

    Study on Combustion and Emission Control of Hydrogen Fueled Engine

  19. 污染对氢-空气燃烧影响的化学动力学分析

    Chemical kinetics analysis of the effect of vitiated air on combustion of h_2

  20. 铬/氢/氧燃烧火焰中的热力学参数计算和平衡分析

    Calculation of thermodynamic parameters and equilibrium analysis for cr / h2 / o2 flame

  21. 氢燃料发动机燃烧与优化控制

    Combustion and Optimizing Control in a Hydrogen-Fueled Engine

  22. 用光学纹影摄影术观察分析定容燃烧室内氢燃料的燃烧过程

    Analysis of Combustion Process of Hydrogen-Air Mixture in a Constant Volume Vessel by Optics Schlieren Photography

  23. 镁基储氢合金氢化燃烧合成技术及其设备研制

    Technology of hydriding combustion synthesis of Mg-based hydrogen storage alloy and the development of high-pressure reaction furnace

  24. 讨论了在催化裂化再生器中焦中氢元素的燃烧,并推算出其相对燃烧速度。

    The combustion of hydrogen in coke under regeneration is also discussed and its relative burning rate is reckoned .

  25. 对氢发动机正常燃烧和异常燃烧压力信号进行了小波包分解,提取出小波包能量。

    The pressure signals of normal and abnormal combustion were decomposed by wavelet packet and the wavelet packet energy was extracted .

  26. 开展了缸内直喷火花点火发动机燃用天然气掺氢混合燃料燃烧特性和放热过程的试验研究。

    The experimental investigation to combustion characteristics and heat release process in a direct injection spark-ignited engine fueled with natural gas / hydrogen blends was executed .

  27. 它们的温度会比太阳的温度高,而把原始状态的氢和氦燃烧成较重的元素像碳、氧和铁。

    They would have been hotter than the sun , and would have burnt the original hydrogen and helium , into heavier elements , such as carbon , oxygen , and iron .

  28. 本文分别采用了氢的预混合燃烧、调整N2比例燃烧、氢的分级燃烧、氢的浓淡燃烧等方法,以考察其NOx生成特性。

    In this paper , the whole premixed combustion 、 adapting the ratio of N_2 、 air-staged combustion 、 rich-lean combustion and so on are studied to see about produced characteristics of nitrogen oxides .

  29. 通过三维模拟计算分析了掺氢对缸内燃烧速度、温度及NOx排放的影响,并研究了进气和压缩过程中进气道和缸内的速度场及其对燃烧过程的影响。

    And by employing multi-dimensional simulation the effects of hydrogen addition on the combustion rate , cylinder temperature and NOx formation is analyzed . The flow patter in the intake port and the cylinder during the intake and compression process are also examined .

  30. 直喷发动机燃用天然气掺氢混合燃料的燃烧特性

    Combustion Characteristics of a Direct Injection Engine Fueled with Natural Gas / Hydrogen Blends