
  • 网络hydrogenase;a-HBDH
  1. 根据氢酶所含的金属元素,可分为NiFe氢酶、Fe氢酶和不含金属元素的metalfree氢酶。

    According to the metal atoms within hydrogenase , it can be classified as NiFe - hydrogenase , Fe - hydrogenase and metal-free hydrogenase .

  2. 镍对花生根瘤菌(Rhizobiumarachis)氢酶活性的影响

    Effect of nickel on hydrogenase activity in Rhizobium Arachis

  3. 目前已有数种NiFe氢酶和Fe氢酶的X射线衍射晶体结构被阐明。

    Presently , the crystal structures of NiFe-hydrogenase and Fe-hydrogenase from a few kinds of microorganism have been revealed .

  4. 吸氢酶则能回收和利用固氮过程所放的H2,减少能量损失,从而提高共生固氮效率。

    Hydrogenase can uptake and reuse the H 2 produced by nitrogenase , which results in decreasing the loss of energy and increasing the efficiency of nitrogen fixation .

  5. 含hup基因的质粒在催娩克氏杆菌中的稳定性及吸氢酶的表达

    The Stabilization of Plasmid Carrying hup Genes and the Expression of H_2 uptake Hydrogenase in Klebsiella oxytoca

  6. 几种水稻联合固氮菌吸氢酶(hup)基因的鉴定及分析

    Identification and analysis of hydrogen uptake ( hup ) genes of several associative nitrogen fixing bacteria with rice plant

  7. 目的了解线粒体NADH俄氢酶亚单位1(ND1)基因中的3316位点G→A突变在我国DM患者中的存在情况。

    Objective Recently np3316G → A mutation of MtDNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit I ( ND1 ) gene was also found to be one of the susceptible genes in type 2 DM .

  8. 用植物低温保护剂处理番茄幼苗,超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧比氢酶(CAT)活性升高,丙二醛(MDA)含量及电导率降低。

    After spray Plant low temperature protection agent by us prepared tomato seedlings , increased the enzyme activities of superoxide dismutases ( SOD ), catalase ( CAT ) and peroxidase ( POD ) but the content of MDA and the electrical conductivity rate decreased .

  9. vinosum可溶性氢酶可以利用甲基紫精、苄基紫精和细胞色素C为电子载体催化吸氢与放氢,但不能利用NAD,NADH,NADP和NADPH等进行催化放氢和吸氢。

    Methyl viologen , benzyl viologen and cytochrome C can be used as electron carrier by soluble hydrogenase for catalyzing both hydrogen-production and hydrogen-uptake . No hydrogenase activity was detected when using NAD , NADH , NADP and NADPH as electron carrier .

  10. 研究指出,NaHSO3增强光合速率与减小氧化氢酶、硝酸还原酶活性密切相关,为NaHSO3是光呼吸抑制剂的论点提供佐证。

    And that NaH - SO_3 raise photosynthetic rate is related to the decrease activity of catalase and nitrate reductase , for NaHSO_3 argument of inhibitor of photorespiration offer testimony .

  11. 一种海生单细胞蓝藻的氢酶特点和功能探讨

    Characteristics and possible function of hydrogenase in a unicellular marine cyanobacterium

  12. 戊二基辅酶A去氢酶缺陷患者的迟发神经病变

    Late - onset neurologic disease in glutaryl - CoA dehydrogenase deficiency

  13. 氢酶结构及催化机理研究进展

    Recent Advances on the Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of Hydrogenase

  14. 克氏肺炎杆菌NiFe-氢酶基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Gene Encoding NiFe-hydrogenase from Klebsiella pneumoniae

  15. 吸收光谱结果显示氢酶是铁硫蛋白。

    Immobilized enzymes It was an iron-sulfer protein identified by absorption spectrum .

  16. 根瘤菌吸氢酶基因转移的研究

    Studies on transference of hydrogenase genes of Rhizobium Arachis

  17. 紫云英根瘤菌109菌株氢酶诱导表达


  18. 产酸克雷伯氏菌氢酶分离提纯与特性的初步研究

    Primary Studies on Purification and Properties of Soluble Hydrogenase from Klebsiella oxytoca HP1

  19. 台湾相思结瘤固氮与吸氢酶活性研究

    Symbiotic Nitrogen-fixing and Uptake Hydrogenase Activity in Acacia confusa

  20. 测定氢酶吸氢活性的光谱分析法

    A Modified Spectrophotometric Method for Measurement-of H_2-uptake Hydrogenase Activity

  21. 镍-铁氢酶的研究进展

    The Progress of Ni - Fe Hydrogenase Research

  22. 利用微量热法和热动力学方程研究了过氢化氢酶反应。

    Microcalorimetry and thermokinetic equations were used to study H2O2 decomposition by beef liver catalase .

  23. 氢酶-碳纳米管纳米复合物的形成以及电化学性质研究

    Hydrogenase-Carbon Nanotubes Conjugates and their Electrochemical Properties

  24. 杨梅根瘤具有吸氢酶,能有效地提高根瘤的固氮效率。

    The root nodules of Myrica rubra contain a hydrogen-absorbing enzyme which can increase effectively nitrogenase activity .

  25. 氢酶活性表达的时间进程受镍的调节,氯霉素阻遏氢酶活性。

    Time course of expression of hydrogenase activity showed that the derepression of hydrogenase activity depended on nickel .

  26. 镉单独处理、农药单独处理以及镉和农药复合处理能提高氧化氢酶的活性。

    Cadmium alone , chlorpyrifos alone , and combined treatment of cadmium and chlorpyrifos increased the activity of catalase . 2 .

  27. 几种因子对固氮酶、吸氢酶和放氢活性的影响并探求三者之间的关联性;

    Several factors in the activity of nitrogenase , hydrogenase and hydrogen production , furthermore , the relation among the three ;

  28. 绿藻可逆性氢酶制氢是太阳能光解水制氢的理想途径。

    H2 production by reversible hydrogenase in green algae is a perfect approach of H2 production by photo-hydrolysis through solar energy .

  29. 大多数氢酶含有金属原子,它们参与氢酶活性中心和[FeS]簇的形成。

    The overwhelming majority of hydrogenases are metalloenzymes . The metal atoms are involved in the forming of active site and [ Fe-S ] clusters .

  30. 讨论了基于微藻的硫缺乏生理调控而发展起来的一步法与两步法光解制氢的方式,其中微藻可逆产氢酶两步法间接光解制氢是最具发展潜力的制氢方式。

    The one-stage and two-stage indirect biophotolysis by reversible hydrogenase based on sulfur-deprived culture were discussed . It is concluded that the two-stage one holds the greatest potential for the future development .