
  • 网络oxidation period
  1. 结果表明:随着燃烧风预热温度增加,铜精炼阳极炉氧化期重油流量减少趋势十分明显,节能效果显著。

    The results showed that reducing trend of heavy oil flux about oxidation period of rotary anode furnace in copper refining was quite obvious , its saving energy was remarkable with the increase of temperature of warm-up burning air .

  2. 其结果氧化期脱碳速度提高71.67%,氩气消耗降低8.29m~3/t,冶炼时间缩短11.3min。

    The results show that the decarbonization rate in oxidation period is increased by 71 . 67 % . consumption of argon gas is reduced by 8.29 m3 / t , and smelting time is shortened by 11 . 3 min.

  3. 在氧化期,由于电弧比较稳定,控制精度要求较高,PID控制优于模糊控制。

    Within the oxygenating stage the arc is more steady and high control precision is demanded , so PID controller is better than fuzzy controller .

  4. 加速氧化期是FeS分子内部的活性被激活并进行氧化反应的过程,温度迅速升高。

    In the accelerative oxidation stage , the interior ferrous sulfide molecules are activated and proceed the oxidation process . The temperature rises rapidly .

  5. 中速氧化期是FeS试样表面的分子活性被激发,与FeS试样表面吸附的氧气发生氧化反应的过程,温度增加较慢;

    In the medium speed oxidation stage , the molecules on the surface of ferrous sulfide sample are activated , and the oxygen adsorbed on the surface of ferrous sulfide sample motivates the oxidation process . The sample temperature elevates rather slowly .

  6. 电弧炉炼钢氧化期强化脱磷的工艺分析

    Analysis on reinforced dephosphorization during oxidizing period in electric arc furnace

  7. 并注意到吹氧冶炼氧化期脱磷效果较差,平均脱磷量仅为0.004%左右;

    Dephosphorization during the oxidizing period is found to be rather ineffective , the average [ P ] removed amounts to about 0.004 % only .

  8. 表生氧化期黄铁矿与毒砂氧化形成氧化铁矿物,金被吸附到氧化铁矿物之上得到富集。

    In the supergene mineralization stage , pyrite and arsenopyrite were oxidized to iron ( hydr ) oxide minerals and gold was enriched by adsorption onto the iron ( hydro ) oxide minerals .

  9. 矿床形成分热液成矿期和表生氧化期,其中热液成矿期又分黄铁矿-毒砂-石英阶段、金-黝铜矿-方铅矿-闪锌矿-石英阶段、石英-碳酸盐阶段。

    The deposit underground thermal ore forming phase and surface oxidation phase . The thermal ore forming phase consists of a pyrite arsenopyrite quartz stage , a gold tetrahedrite galena sphalerite quartz stage and a quartz carbonate stage .

  10. 用氧化诱导期(OIT)和红外吸收光谱(IR)对这4种材料中的抗氧剂的损耗动力学进行了研究。

    The depletion process of antioxidants in the resins has been tracked by use of oxidation induction time ( OIT ) and infrared absorption spectra ( IR ) .

  11. 200℃氧化诱导期在65min左右;

    The oxydation induction period is about 65 min at 200 ℃;

  12. 氧化诱导期测试条件的选择与确定

    Selection of test conditions for the determination of oxidative inductive time

  13. 氧化诱导期终点测定方法,系统研究和论述了抗氧化剂的抗氧化活性的测定及评价方法.对不同方法进行了综合比较与评价。

    Determination methods of endpoints of autoxidation induction periods .

  14. 高密度聚乙烯树脂氧化诱导期的热分析

    Thermal Analysis of OIT of HDPE Resin

  15. 而涂层的氧化寿期近似正比于其主体层厚的平方。运用氧化退化与时间的关系式,进行简便的辅助实验,即可预测出这类涂层的高温氧化寿命。

    Using the obtained relationship formula , the high-temperature life of those coatings can be evaluated through the simple and convenient additional experiment .

  16. 当单独使用时氧化诱导期几乎是抗氧剂1010的1.8倍,抗氧剂3114的1.5倍。

    The induction period of oxidization was nearly 1.8 times of antioxidant 1010 and 1.5 times of antioxidant 3114 when it was used alone .

  17. 为了改善天然橡胶的热氧老化性能,试验了防老剂D提纯品和工业品对天然橡胶热氧老化性能的影响,测试了其热氧化诱导期、热失重、热老化的性能变化。

    In order to improve the effect of antioxidant D on the thermal oxidative ageing properties of natural rubber ( NR ), antioxidant D of different purities are added in NR.

  18. 结果表明,合成产物能显著提高润滑油的氧化诱导期和起始氧化温度,具有优良的抑制氧化作用。

    Results show that the molybdenum compounds can increase both oxidation induction period and oxidation initial temperature of lubricants , which means the molybdenum compounds have good inhibition of oxidation .

  19. 用加压差式扫描量热仪测定润滑脂的氧化诱导期和起始氧化温度,可以计算出润滑脂的活化能,从化学动力学的角度评价润滑脂的氧化稳定性。

    The activation energy of grease can be calculated through determining oxidation induction time and initiative oxidation temperature of grease by pressurized differential scanning calorimetry , and the oxidation stability of grease can be evaluated form the view of chemical dynamics .

  20. 但GSH易氧化,货架期短,不易透过细胞膜,这些因素限制了它的应用。

    However , GSH is easy to oxidize and hard to go through the cell membrane , which limit its application greatly .

  21. 成矿期分为原生沉积富集、水热交代蚀变、表生氧化淋滤三期;

    The generalization can be divided into three metallogenic stages : primary sedimentary concentration , hydrothermal alteration and epigenetic oxidation and leaching .

  22. 结果表明:MgO能显著缩短铝合金熔融氧化过程的孕育期及Al2O3/Al复合材料的生长时间,有助于复合材料以光滑方式进行氧化生长。

    The results show that the incubation period of the directed oxidation process for Al – Zn – Si alloy and the growth time of Al2O3 / Al composites can be shortened markedly due to the MgO covering the alloy surface .

  23. 榛子饮料浓缩液脂肪氧化动力学与贮存期预测

    Study on the storage life of condensed hazelnut protein beverage liquid

  24. 延长二氧化硫脲产品保质期的研究

    Products study on prolonging storage life of thiourea dioxide

  25. 结论50.0~200.0mT稳恒磁场可促进脊髓神经细胞脂质过氧化过程而致发育期神经系统的损伤。

    Conclusion Static magnetic field might damage the development of embryonic spinal cord neurons by enhancing the lipid peroxidation .

  26. 选取烃类局部氧化物理参数(氧化诱导期、最高反应温度)来表达并计算汽油辛烷值,并根据所建立的关系式测定汽油辛烷值。

    The sectional oxidation parameters of hydrocarbon can be used to express and calculate octane numbers . formed is reacted with excess of iodide in an acidic medium to give free iodine ( I ?)

  27. 同时氧化速率与光照面成正比。(4)通过光照加速试验得到的各不同加速条件下的速率表征模型,可以得到多光照因素下油脂光照氧化的保质期预测模型。

    While the oxidation rate was proportional to the light exposed surface . ( 4 ) The predict model of packaged fat foods with light multivariate factors was gotten by combining the corresponding representation models under different light accelerated conditions .