
  • 网络silver oxide;AgO
  1. 快速测定铝/氧化银电池电解液中碱浓度的方法

    Quick Measurement of Alkali Concentration in Electrolyte of Al / AgO Battery

  2. 介绍了由微机和监视技术组成的监控装置在自动激活一次锌氧化银电池制造工艺中氩弧焊接技术上的应用,着重阐述该系统中的监控装置、焊接装置及I/O接口控制电路。

    The technology of microcomputer monitor system which applied in argon arc welding procedure of the manufacture of automatically activated primary Zn AgO batteries was introduced . The monitor system , welding device and the I / O interface control circuit were expounded emphatically .

  3. X射线衍射分析表明,载银二氧化硅表面覆盖的为具有面心立方结构的纯单质银,无氧化银等杂质。

    X-ray diffraction revealed that the surface of SiO2 was surrounded by pure silver , and the silver had face-centered-cubic structure .

  4. SEM表明薄膜中的氧化银纳米颗粒尺寸均小于30nm。

    The existence of nano-scale silver oxide grains smaller than 30 nm were demonstrated by SEM .

  5. 探讨了采用锌氧化银电池做UPS电源,在恒压充电电压与放电电压极其接近的情况下,能否保证足够的充电效率,能否提供足够的充电容量。

    The results that whether the Zn-AgO battery can provide enough charge capacity and ensure enough charge efficiency were studied in the case that the charge voltage at constant voltage approached to the discharge voltage when Zn-AgO battery is used as UPS .

  6. 本文根据194只扣式锌/氧化银电池在2kΩ恒电阻条件下放电时间(寿命)的统计结果,导出了该电池寿命的概率分布是服从正态分布规律的。

    The probability distribution function for the life of the button type zinc silver oxide cells is a normal distribution based on the statistical data obtained from the discharge time of 194 pieces of cells under 2k Ω constant resistance discharge .

  7. 通过ab-initio/STO-3量子化学计算结果归属了植酸分子的振动模,并根据SERS光谱推测植酸分子是通过六个磷酸酯键中的四个与氧化银胶粒表面产生吸附作用。

    Based on ab-initio / STO-3 quantum calculations results , assignments to the vibrational modes of phytic acid were carried out . On the basis of the mechanism of SERS , the adsorption modes were suggested that phytic acid chemically adsorbed on the oxide silver surface through four phosphate bonds .

  8. 乙烯环氧化银催化剂中铯的助催作用

    Study of Cs Promoting Effects on Ag Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation

  9. 氧化银在玻璃工业中用作着色剂。

    Silver oxide in the glass industry for the coloring agent .

  10. 锌银电池中氧化银电极的光电化学研究

    Photoelectrochemical studies of silver oxide electrodes in zinc - silver oxide battery

  11. 锌-氧化银电池恒压充电的性能研究

    Study on performance of Zn-AgO battery charged at constant voltage

  12. 方法常规HE染色,特殊染色氢氧化银氨液浸染法。

    Methods Routine H-E staining and Argento-Ammonia hydroxide staining was carried out .

  13. 最后一次退火,这时的镯子裹着薄薄的一层氧化银。

    Last anneal treatment , left the beauty covered in oxidized silver .

  14. 黄烷酮烯醇硅醚的合成及其与氧化银反应

    Preparation of Silyl Enol Ethers from Flavanone and Their Reaction with Silver Oxide

  15. 植酸在氧化银溶胶中的表面增强拉曼光谱

    Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectra of Phytic Acid in the Sol Silver Oxide

  16. 过氧化银的分析方法研究

    Study on assay method of silver peroxide

  17. 基于自组装技术合成纳晶二氧化钛、氧化银薄膜的研究

    The Research of Synthesis of Nanocrystalline TiO_2 and Ag_2O Thin Films Based on SAMs Technology

  18. 稳定性氧化银(Ⅱ)的制备

    Preparation of Stable Silver (ⅱ) Oxide

  19. 用半导体高-低结概念对氧化银(Ⅱ)阴极过程所作的一种新解释

    A new explanation to the cathodic process of silver (ⅱ) oxide with the concept of semiconductor high-low junction

  20. 云龙难选氧化银铜矿的酸浸&硫化沉淀浮选工艺的研究与生产实践

    Study on Treating Yunlong Refractory Silver-Copper Oxide Ore by Acid Leaching Sulfide Precipitation Flotation Process and Its Commercial Practice

  21. 表征催化剂性能的动力学色谱微机系统1.乙烯环氧化银催化剂的表征

    On-line GC System for Catalytic Kinetic Investigation 1.Characterization of the Kinetic Performances of Silver Catalysts in the Epoxidation of Ethylene

  22. 蛋白质(白蛋白或凝胶)和氧化银的胶状制剂,用于水成溶液中作抗菌剂。

    A colloidal preparation of protein ( albumin or gelatin ) and silver oxide ; used in aqueous solution as an antibacterial agent .

  23. 研究发现,银在凹凸棒石中主要以离子及细小结晶银的方式存在,同时可能存在少量氧化银。

    The results show that , the silver in palygorskite crystal mainly occurs as ions and fine crystal , maybe some silver oxide .

  24. 改进了以氧化银为催化剂氧化呋喃甲醛制备呋喃甲酸的方法,产率由原来的44.3%~51.7%提高到78.7%。

    The silver oxide catalytic oxidation of furfurol in manufacturing furoic acid was improved . The yield was increased from 44.3 % ~ 51.7 % to 78.7 % .

  25. 以未经电解的粗银为原料,氧化银和银氨溶液为中间产物,用甲醛为还原剂,采用行星式球磨方式可以制备高纯度片状银粉。

    High purity flake silver powers , which are mainly used as electric paste in electric industry , can be manufactured by the novel method using unpurified silver as raw material .

  26. 在地板中复合添加氧化银抗菌剂和光触酶抗菌剂,达到24小时广谱强效抗菌的效果。

    Compound to add and oxidize silver antibacterial pharmaceutical and antibacterial pharmaceutical of mere cataloes in the floor , reach the result with potent and antibacterial wide table for 24 hours .

  27. 气相缓蚀剂中,己二胺肉桂酸、二环己胺癸酸、三乙醇胺癸酸以及苯并三氮唑在一定程度上抑制了过氧化银的分解。

    The decomposition of the silver peroxide could be inhibited for a certain degree with the volatile corrosion inhibitors such as cinnamic acid hexamethylene diamine , dicyclohexylamine capric acid , triethanolamine decanoic acid and benzotriazole .

  28. 本文研究了在磷酸介质中亚锰离子与过氧化银进行氧化还原反应的最佳条件和反应机理,提出了一个测定过氧化银的新方法。

    In this paper , the condition and mechanism of oxide-reduction of manganous ions to silver peroxide in the media of phosphoric acid are investigated , and a new method to determine silver peroxide is put forward .

  29. 铝电池阳极材料应用于铝-二氧化锰电池、铝-氧化银电池、铝-空气电池、铝-过氧化氢电池等水溶液电解质电池和熔盐与常温有机熔盐电池。

    The aluminum anodic materials are applied to the batteries with aqueous solution electrolytes such as Al-MnO 2 , Al-AgO , Al-air and Al-H 2O 2 batteries , and the batteries with the molten salt electrolytes or the organic electrolytes .

  30. Ag/Sn原子比低于0.20的样品中,银物种为分散态氧化银及晶相氧化银,这些样品具有较高的比表面和催化活性;

    When Ag / Sn atomic ratio is lower than 0.20 , the main silver species is silver oxide existing in both dispersed state and crystal phase , and all the corresponding catalysts show relatively large surface areas and high catalytic activities .