
  • 网络chloropicrin;chlorpicrin;trichloronitromethane
  1. 对杀螟松的抗性试验用FAO滤纸药膜法进行,对氯化苦的抗性试验参照FAO磷化氢抗性测定法,在干燥器内熏蒸处理。

    Fenitrothion resistance was determined using the impregnated paper assays ( FAO Method No.15 ), and chloropicrin resistance was tested by fumigation in desiccators .

  2. 在土柱通风的挥发运移实验中,当孔隙流速为0.0131cm·s-1时,经2.5d后土壤熏蒸剂氯化苦在表层土的含量由200mg·kg-1降至一半,9d后基本不残留;

    After 2.5 day 's ventilation test in soil column at 0.013 1 cm · s-1 , the chloropicrin content in topsoil declines from 200 mg · kg-1 to a half , and it tends to zero after 9 days .

  3. GC-MS测定二氯甲烷溶液中的氯化苦及测定过程中产生的新生化合物

    The New Resultant of Chloropicrin from GC-MS Analysis of Its Dichloromethane Solution

  4. 氯化苦防治花生根结线虫病的研究

    A Study on the Control of Peanut Root-Knot Nematode With Chloropicrin

  5. 氯化苦在土壤中的消解动态和残留量检测研究

    Study on Degradation Dynamics and Residues Detection of Chloropicrin in Soil

  6. 氯化苦在土壤及作物中的检测及消解规律的研究

    Determination and Degradation Dynamics of Chloropicrin in Soil and Crops

  7. 氯化苦在土壤中的挥发及残留分析

    The Analysis of Volatilization and Remnant of Chloropicrin in Soil

  8. 氯化苦熏蒸土壤对微生物种群数量的影响

    Effects of Chlorpicrin Suffocating on Soil Microorganisms

  9. 土柱通风法去除表层土中氯化苦的模拟实验研究

    Laboratory ; Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling for Removal of Chloropicrin from Topsoil by Soil Vapor Extraction

  10. 方法将氯化苦的水解产物亚硝酸与8-轻基喹啉反应生成偶氮化合物,用示波极谱测定。

    Methods Oscillopolarography was used to assay the azo-compound produced by the reaction of chloropicrin and Oxin .

  11. 随着氯化苦这种绿色的农药被广大农民所认识和国家的重视,土壤消毒设备也会被更广泛的应用。

    As chloropicrin which is a green pesticide is recognized by peasants and paid attention in the state , soil disinfection equipment will be more widely used .