
qíng huà qīng
  • hydrogen cyanide
  1. 机械通风在处理氰化氢中的应用

    Application of Mechanical Ventilation in Dealing With Hydrogen Cyanide

  2. 人们发现香烟中含有氰化氢。

    Hydrogen cyanide is found in cigarettes .

  3. 氰化氢激光干涉仪测量HL-1装置等离子体电子密度

    Measurement of electron density on the HL-1 TOKAMAK using HCN laser interferometer

  4. 结果事故发生6h后,青梅腌制池内空气中氰化氢浓度高达156mg/m3。

    Results The concentrations of hydrocyanic acid , acetonitrile , methane , and carbon dioxide were very high in the air of the pool .

  5. 运用李代数陪集空间方法,结合莫尔斯(Morse)振子的解离特点研究了具有多重共振的高激发振动态氰化氢(HCN)分子的解离。

    The bond breaking at high excitation of the HCN molecule with various couplings is studied along with Morse oscillator by the coset ( phase ) space method of Lie algebra .

  6. 急性氰化氢气体中毒6例的急救与护理体会

    Emergency care and nursing of 6 cases of acute cyanide poisoning patients

  7. 等离子体密度测量用氰化氢激光外差干涉系统的改进

    Improvements of HCN laser heterodyne interferometer for measuring plasma density

  8. 氢化钛粉脱氢过程伴随脱氮行为的热力学分析【化】氢氰酸,氰化氢

    Thermodynamic analysis of the behavior of denitrogenation during titanium hydride powder dehydrogenation

  9. 电积-酸化法从高铜氰溶液中回收铜氰锌【化】氢氰酸,氰化氢

    Recovery of cu , Zn and cyanide from strong copper cyanide solutions by electrowinning-partial acidizing

  10. 氰化氢脱除方法

    Removal methods of hydrogen cyanide

  11. 还有一件事是我们可以用键的形式来表示氰化氢。

    The other thing is that we can re-write our h c n in terms of bonds .

  12. 例如蓖麻子中致命的蓖麻毒素或杏仁中的氰化氢都是植物自身用来抑制害虫的成分。

    Toxins like deadly ricin in castor beans or hydrogen cyanide in almonds are designed to deter pests .

  13. 该反应涉及简单的有机分子酮或醛,它们与氰化氢和氨结合。

    The reaction involves simple organic molecules called ketones oraldehydes , which combine with hydrogen cyanide and ammonia .

  14. 本文主要对氰化氢气体在火灾烟雾中的毒性及其抗氰救治措施进行研究。

    This paper was aimed to study the toxic mechanism and anti-cyanide measures to hydrogen cyanide ( HCN ) in fire smoke .

  15. 氰化氢的中毒症状包括头晕、头痛甚至呕吐、痉挛,症状的严重程度取决于你吃的苦杏仁量。

    Hydrogen cyanide poisoning includes symptoms from dizziness and headache to vomiting and convulsions , depending on how much you 've eaten .

  16. 氰化氢、甲醛和苯均为无色的有毒气体,易被肺、胃肠、皮肤吸收。

    Hydrogen cyanide , formaldehyde and benzene are toxic , colorless gases that are absorbed easily by the lungs , gastrointestinal tract and skin .

  17. 戈尔丹斯基认为,这种以太空环境为基础的反应或可帮助生命的构建分子从氰化氢,氨和水等简单成分中形成。

    Goldanski believed that such space-basedreactions might have helped the molecular building blocks of life assemble fromsimple ingredients like hydrogen cyanide , ammonia and water .

  18. 肠溶物的单向流动可以防止有毒物质的积累,使臭腹腺蝗成功耐受木薯叶中的氰化氢。

    One-way movement of the gut contents prevents accumulation of toxic substances to injurious levels , enabling the insect to favourably tolerate hydrogen cyanide in cassava leaves .

  19. 我们通常在商店看到的是甜杏仁,但它们的近亲——苦杏仁——含有有毒的氰化氢。

    The almonds we usually see in stores are known as sweet almonds , but their close cousin - the bitter almond - contains dangerous levels of hydrogen cyanide .

  20. 罗斯塔还在防腐剂中发现与微量含杏仁气味的有毒氰化氢混合在一起的甲醛和甲醇。

    Also in the mix : formaldehyde and methanol , found in embalming fluid , mixed with faint traces of poisonous hydrogen cyanide , which has an almond-like aroma .

  21. 铁的解吸探索实验发现,用第一步硫酸解吸回收氰化氢的氢氧化钠溶液处理第二步氨水解吸后的纤维,然后用硝酸钠解吸,有一定的效果。

    The elution results showed that there would be a definite effect after the fiber was treated by sodium cyanide after elution by sulphuric acid and ammonia , then with sodium nitrate .

  22. 分光光度法测定焦炉煤气中的氰化氢具有简单、快速、准确等特点,可用于焦炉煤气生产的监控。

    The determination of NCN in coke oven gas by mans of spectrophotometry has the simple , rapid and accurate features , which can be used for monitoring production of coke oven gas .

  23. 热烫或烘烤都能去除苦杏仁中的氰化氢,但尚未有可靠的调查研究表明需要煮多久或达到多高的温度才能去除氰化氢。

    Blanching or roasting destroys the hydrogen cyanide in bitter almonds , but there doesn 't seem to be any solid research on what temperatures you need to reach or for how long .

  24. 它还可以防止一氧化碳,烟雾,氰化氢,二氧化硫,其他气体,颗粒,烟雾,烟尘,氨,氯,磷,和辐射热的危害。

    It also protects against carbon monoxide , smoke , hydrogen cyanide , sulfur dioxide , other gases , particulates , fumes , soot , ammonia , chlorine , phosphine , and radiant heat .

  25. 用气液平衡装置测定了不同温度下氰化氢在煤气和冷凝液中的气液平衡数据,并得出了氰化氢在煤气和冷凝液中的气液平衡关系式。

    Gas liquid equilibrium data of HCN in COG and condensate at different temperatures are measured by means of gas liquid equilibrium system , and gas liquid equilibrium relation of HCN in COG and condensate is obtained .

  26. 那么,请大家来告诉我,并且记住它,你认为氢,碳和氮中哪个原子,应该在氰化氢的中间呢?

    So , why don 't you go ahead and tell me , keeping that in mind , which atom in terms of h c or n would you expect to be in the center of hydrogen cyanide ?

  27. 英国用了一系列抢眼的图片,例如熏得奇黑无比的牙齿,配上香烟会释放“苯、亚硝胺、甲醛和氰化氢”之类的警告语。

    Britain uses a range of catchy pictures . A shot of implausibly blackened teeth , for instance , accompanies its warnings about the " benzene , nitrosamines , formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide " that cigarettes give off .

  28. 今早的新闻发布会上,天津环境环境保护局总工程师鲍静玲说到,周日17个空气质量检测站其中一个检测出氰化氢超过正常值0.08%。

    One of the 17 air quality monitoring stations detected hydrogen cyanide exceeding normal level by 0.08 percent on Sunday , said Bao Jingling , chief engineer of the Tianjin Environment Protection Bureau , at Monday 's press conference .

  29. 而如果你把它们放在通风良好的地方,在室外处理,那么氰化氢气体,将会被释放到空气中,这样你就安全了,过后就可以吃了。

    And if you put this in the well-ventilated area , if you prepare this outside , the h c n gas will actually be released into the air , so you 're safe , you can eat it later .

  30. 包强调称当地居民不要与雨水直接接触,如果粉尘遇水将变成氰化氢,这是一种无色的剧毒性液体,超过常温将变成蒸汽。

    Bao warned local residents against exposing themselves to rain because if the dust is mixed with water , it triggers the formation of hydrogen cyanide , a colorless and highly poisonous liquid that becomes a vapor at even slightly above room temperature .