
shuǐ shànɡ yùn shū
  • freight;water transport
  1. 环境的压力使人们更加认可水上运输。

    Environmental pressures are strengthening the case for waterborne freight .

  2. 吊装的安全性在水上运输安全中占有重要的地位。

    The safety of hoisting plays an important role in the safety of water transport .

  3. 水上运输已因铁路和良好的隧道而变得过时了。

    Water transportation was outmoded by railroads and good pikes .

  4. LPG水上运输是一种既经济又安全的运输方式,其大批量、长距离、低成本的优势使其成为LPG跨区调运的主要运输方式之一。

    LPG shipping is an economical and safe mode of transport , its high-volume , long distance , low-cost advantages make it one of the main mode of inter-regional LPG transportation .

  5. 石油和天然气主要是依靠管道运输和水上运输。

    Oil and gas are transported mainly by pipeline and ship .

  6. 中国水上运输安全管理研究

    Research on the Safety Management of Waterborne Transportation of China

  7. 中国水上运输能力也飞跃式发展。

    China 's water transportation has also developed very rapidly .

  8. 水上运输承担着90%以上的国际贸易运量。

    The water transportation bear over 90 % goods volume of international trade .

  9. 贡多拉曾经是威尼斯运河上主要的水上运输工具。

    Gondolas were once the chief form of transportation through the canals of Venice .

  10. 国际救援和军事应急水上运输通道的快速建立

    On the Quick Establishment of Waterborne Transportation Corridors for International Relief and Military Emergency

  11. 水上运输液化天然气的前景

    The Prospect of Shipping LNG by Water

  12. 木材工业过去在水上运输木料时所十分倚重的就是鳄鱼。

    In the movement of logs by water the lumber industry was greatly helped by alligators .

  13. 近几年,特别是在国际贸易中,水上运输占有了很大的运输比例。

    In recent years , water transport has occupied a large proportion of transport in the international trade .

  14. 水上运输、码头经营繁盛活跃,商船云集,是宜昌重要的对外窗口,上而川滇、下而湘鄂吴越。

    In addition , water transportation and business at docks were prosperous which made Yichang an important city in geography .

  15. 它对生态环境、农牧渔业、居民健康和水上运输等构成了严重威胁。

    It has been badly threatened to ecological environments , agriculture , fishery , health of citizen and waterway transportation .

  16. 随着我国内河航运的蓬勃发展,水上运输任务日益繁重。

    With the vigorous development in our country inland river shipping , water transport is becoming more and more arduous .

  17. 水上运输依托优越的自然条件,内河航运与沿海运输相结合,构成了相互交错、四面通达的水路交通网络。

    Relying on the advantageous natural conditions , river transport and coastal shipping together constituted a relatively well-developed water transportation network .

  18. 在水上运输过程中,因船舶超载运输而导致的沉船事故时有发生。

    In the water transport process , the sunken wreck accident which causes because of the ships overload transportation sometimes occurs .

  19. 作为全欧洲最为繁忙的水上运输通道之一,每年通过莱茵河运送的各种货物总量多达数百万吨。

    It is one of Europe 's busiest waterways , a formidable conduit that handles millions of tonnes of traffic a year .

  20. 随着内河水上运输事业的不断发展,人们对内河水上航行安全也越来越关注。

    With the development of inland waterway transportation business , people pay more and more attention to the inland waterway navigation safety .

  21. 贡多拉是威尼斯独特的水上运输船,贡多拉在威尼斯古代就开始流行,至今已近有几个世纪的历史了。

    A unique form of water transportation , the gondola has been used to carry passengers along Venice 's waterways for centuries .

  22. 我国水上运输有着悠久的历史,长期担负着国家的重要运输任务,在我国的交通运输体系中始终占有重要的地位。

    Water transport has taken important responsibilities of our country , and has always held a prominent position in the traffic system .

  23. 作为水上运输的重要交通工具,船舶结构的实时强度近年来成为研究人员的关注焦点。

    As an important waterborne transportation vehicle , the real-time strength of ship structure has already been a focus by many researchers .

  24. 随着水上运输和水上作业的发展,海上人身伤亡案件不断发生。

    Along with the development of transportation and operation at sea , cases of loss of life or personal injury at sea occured continuously .

  25. 在古埃及,由于尼罗河水上运输是最主要的交通方式,船就成为最常见的运输工具。

    Since the Nile was the only major means of communication in ancient egypt , the most common means of transport had to be boats .

  26. 船舶作为主要的水上运输工具以其装载量大、费用低的优势在国际贸易往来中发挥着重要的作用。

    As the main water transport vehicle , ship plays an important role in international trade with its large loading capacity , low cost advantage .

  27. 由于北美的东北区域处在河流航道交汇的地带,水上运输像独木舟这样的船运就显得尤为重要。

    Since the northeastern region of North American is interconnected by many streams and waterways , water transportation by vessels like a canoe was most essential .

  28. 长江三峡2003年6月高程蓄水成库后,通航环境明显改善,水上运输量快速增长。

    After the high-water impoundment of Three Gorges reservoir since June 2003 , the navigation environment has improved significantly , water transportation volume has being growing rapidly .

  29. 随着经济全球化、一体化进程的不断加快,世界航运业得到了很大的发展,水上运输的重要地位也越来越突显。

    With the acceleration of economic globalization and integration , the maritime industry is developing rapidly , and the status of water transportation has seen a significant increase .

  30. 长江是贯穿我国东、中、西部的水路通道,蕴藏着巨大的运能资源,拥有巨大的水上运输规模。

    Yangtze River is a waterway channel which passes our country through east to west , it contains huge transport capacity resources , has the huge water transport scale .