
  • 网络water erosion;Water-Corrosion
  1. 也可以修建梯田来减少水侵蚀。

    Terraces can also be constructed so to reduce water erosion .

  2. 等高耕作可以减少水侵蚀。

    Contour tillage reduces water erosion .

  3. 泥土能够被风和水侵蚀掉。

    Soil can be eroded away by wind and water .

  4. 一些水侵蚀某些类型的岩石和土壤。

    how some water eats away at certain types of rock and soil .

  5. 受水侵蚀的高地压大倾角松散煤层巷道支护实践

    Practice of supporting in loose eroded coal roadway with high ground pressure and big dip

  6. 他们称,这个发现展示了一种防止表面受到水侵蚀的简单方法。

    They say the discovery shows a simple way to protect surfaces from water damage .

  7. 水侵蚀发生在春天雪水融化的时候。

    Water erosion occurs during the spring with the thawing and melting action of the snow .

  8. 水泥砂浆酸性侵蚀试验研究Ⅰ非流动酸性水侵蚀试验

    Study of acid corrosion of cement mortar ⅰ experiments on still acid solution Corrosion Erosion Testing

  9. 在干湿交替的水侵蚀环境中,不宜采用普通水泥混凝土和抗硫酸盐水泥混凝土;

    In the alternation of wetting-dry water corrosion environment , the Portland cement concrete and the anti-sulfate cement concrete are not suitably used ;

  10. 海浪的泡沫周围的风和水侵蚀沿海的隧道,在西南部的澳大利亚的港口坎贝尔国家公园。

    Photo of the Day : Best of2007 Surf froths around the wind-and-water-eroded coastal tunnels in southwestern Australia 's Port Campbell National Park .

  11. 湿润的丘陵地区本身是主要被水侵蚀而形成的包含各种干扰频率的生境复合体,是一个从小流域角度来研究植被与地形的关系的理想单元。

    The humid hilly regions are the habitat complex containing various disturbance frequency eroded by water and they are a reasonable research unit for the study on the relationship between vegetation and topography .

  12. 机械扰动后,粘土和砂砾土受水侵蚀影响相差不多,但在风蚀情况下,砂砾土抗风蚀能力远强于粘土。

    After the the soil is disturbanced by machinery , the clay be effected as same as the gravel soil by the water erosion , but gravel soil erosion resistance is far better than clay ability by the wind erosion . 3 .

  13. 地下水作为参与物质循环过程及物质地球化学平衡不可缺少的一部分,其对地表水侵蚀作用的贡献研究,将为以后研究长江河口地区物质运移提供理论基础。

    As a part and parcel of substance cyclic process and geochemical balance , groundwater plays an important role in the study of river erosion . The study will provide theoretical basis for substance migration in further research in the region of Yangzi River estuary .

  14. 最可能的建造者可以追溯到公元前2500年的哈夫尔法老。但是其他的科学家认为雕像上有水侵蚀的迹象表明,建造的时间还要更早,或许可以追溯到埃及王朝那个时代。

    The pharaoh Khafra is the main suspect , which would date the structure back to around 2500 BC , but other scientists have argued that evidence of water erosion of the statue suggests that it is much older and perhaps even predated the dynastic era of the Egyptians .

  15. 类型3S外壳适用于室外应用,保护壳内设备不受风尘和水的侵蚀,并在外壳覆盖外层冰或雹的情况下,壳内设备仍然能够运行。

    Type3S enclosures are intended for use outdoors to protect the enclosed equipment against windblown dustwaterto provide for its operation when the enclosure is covered by external ice or sleet .

  16. MDF复合材料的XRD,DTA,IR以及SEM分析显示,环境水的侵蚀将引起聚合物化学改性并使未反应水泥颗粒继续水化,并导致水泥/聚合物界面削弱。

    Examinations of the MDF composites by XRD , DTA , IR and SEM reveal that water immersion leads to chemical modification of the polymer phase and rehydration of unreacted cement grains in the composites , resulting in weaknesses of the interface between cement and polymer .

  17. 粘性土土洞形成的水化学侵蚀实验

    Hydrochemical erosion test of formation of clayey soil hole

  18. 水的侵蚀分为地表水侵蚀和地下水侵蚀。

    The erosion of water can be divided into surface water and ground water .

  19. 沸水和水蒸汽侵蚀试验

    Boiling water and water vapour etching test

  20. 采用最先进的.外因则以水的侵蚀为最直接的决定性因素;

    The exterior elements take the erosion of water as the most directly decisive factor .

  21. 水和侵蚀性介质是引起混凝土破坏和其中钢筋锈蚀的最主要外部因素。

    Water and the aggressive substance are the essential factor which induced the damage of concrete and steel reinforcement corrosion .

  22. 所有门上的油漆都已经斑驳了,特别是浴室的门,木质门框已经被水浸泡侵蚀了。

    The doors on the paint are all chipped and especially in the bathroom there is some water damage along the wood frames .

  23. 不同降雨和植被覆盖条件下的水沙侵蚀过程情景模拟分析结果可为黄土高原丘陵沟壑区流域水土保持工程规划与设计提供依据。

    The results of this investigation will be greatly benificial to regional , soil and water conservation planning and designing in Hilly-gully region .

  24. 荒漠化的完成主要是通过自然植被的减少和随后的土壤被风和水加速侵蚀。

    Desertification is accomplished primarily through the loss of stabilizing natural vegetation and the subsequent accelerated erosion of the soil by wind and water .

  25. 尽管上层土经过长时间才形成,但是如果不正确利用,则会由于风和水的侵蚀经过几季就消失。

    Although topsoil takes a long time to build up , if mistreated it can vanish in just a few seasons due to erosion by wind and water .

  26. 铜以炭质吸附和固溶胶形式赋存于地层中,因酸性水溶液侵蚀而分解析出,并渗入地下深处参加热液成矿作用。

    Copper exist in the form of carbon adsorption and solid sol in strata , penetrating into the depth with acid solution to take part in hydrothermal mineralization .

  27. 报道了用有机成聚合物渗透加固保护砂岩文物的研究,目的是提高文物的机械强度,队止或减缓水的侵蚀。

    Fluorinated polymers were applied to sand stone heritage in order to increase its compressive strength and consolidation as well as to enhance its resistance to desegregation by water .

  28. 第一段:水深0&5m,该区海底地形相对平坦,以水动力侵蚀的粗糙海底地貌为主。

    The first unit , with water depth ranging from 0 to 5 meters , is relatively flat , topography is dominated rough seabed which is caused by erosion .

  29. 而作为路基填筑主体的岩土类材料,在干燥的状态下能够提供足够的承载力,但在水的侵蚀软化下,会逐渐丧失强度以及稳定性。

    Geotechnical materials as the main body filling material of subgrade has enough bearing capacity in dry environment , but it will be lost strength and stability when water erode into subgrade .

  30. 除此之外,还包括与水的侵蚀紧密相关的微地形地貌条件、水文地质与气候条件、人类活动等外部因素。

    In addition , it also includes some factors that are close and related with the erosion of water , such as micro-topography and micro-relief conditions , hydro-geological conditions , climate factors and human activities .