- 网络waterboarding;water boarding;Water Torture;Chinese water torture

Memos prepared by the justice department during the Bush administration argued that techniques such as waterboarding were legal , allowing the CIA to claim it was just following guidelines .
But US law on waterboarding is not as clear as it should be .
No , this is not some new form of water torture but rather Dr Dennis Gross 's Steamer Solutions ( $ 125 , currently only available in the US ) , a DIY skincare device that promises to open my pores and restore brightness to my dull skin .
Perhaps 14000 people were sent to S-21 for a daily routine of electrocution , water-boarding and flagellation before being carted off for execution - a shovel or spade to the head - at the nearby " killing fields . "
With Mr bin Laden in his watery grave , a chapter may close .
But they 're actually doing it to you , you are being waterboarded.yes .
Which I have never seen waterboarding , you hear that term all the time .
You know , I guess one , I 've never been there for natural waterboarding .
Brutal methods of interrogation such as waterboarding are , in the ordinary meaning of the word , torture .
Critics say many of the harsh interrogation practices , including water-boarding or simulated drowning , amount to torture .
Their methods included confinement , throwing subjects into walls , sleep deprivation , and - perhaps most notoriously - waterboarding .
The four documents-issued under the Bush administration-revealed details of interrogation techniques like simulated drowning that have been condemned around the world .
Nashiri 's attorneys argue he should not be tried because he was subject to the near-drowning technique called waterboarding and mock executions .
Americans are already quarrelling about whether it was waterboarding , now banned , that produced the tip that led the CIA to Abbottabad .
What purpose would be served in laying out the legal sophistry that said the repeated water-boarding of detainees was not cruel , inhuman or degrading ?
Early excesses in the war on terrorism , such as waterboarding , warrantless wiretapping and " extraordinary renditions ", have been stopped or rolled back .
The very fact that CIA interrogators thought they needed to water-board two prisoners a total of 260 times says all that needs to be said about efficacy .
In Thursday 's speech Mr Brennan said tactics like water-boarding were " a recruitment bonanza " for extremists , and he such techniques had undermined America 's national security .
Once , pretty much everywhere , beating your wife and children was regarded as a father 's duty , homosexuality was a hanging offense , and waterboarding was approved .
She was one of the few that I know of who was subjected to the water torture , which is not dissimilar from what people might know as water-boarding today .
The president 's most important departure from his predecessor 's approach was to renounce waterboarding and other brutal techniques used after 9 / 11 , which most reasonable people regard as torture .