
shuǐ pínɡ tóu yǐnɡ
  • horizontal projection
  1. 试论C点的水平投影不存在

    Discussing the Problem About Horizontal Projection of Point C Non-existance

  2. 基于水平投影和Hough查找圆法的人眼状态识别研究

    Eye State Recognition Based on Horizontal Projection and Hough Found the Circle

  3. 13次较大地震震源机制解的主压应力P轴具有较大的垂向分量,水平投影方向为南东;

    The main pressure P axes of focal mechanisms of 13 large earthquakes have bigger vertical components , and its horizontal project orientation components are in all southeast direction ;

  4. 在球络法作旋转曲面的阴影中,则为使水平投影H的反旋转与直立投影面v相重合,因而更简化了这种球络法。

    It makes the Tangent Sphere Method more simple by the coincidence of the horizontal plane of projection in counter-revolution with the vertical plane of projection .

  5. 随着斜拉桥跨径的飞速增长,斜拉索的长度也大大增加,目前最长的斜拉索的水平投影长度已超过500m,这大大超出了常用斜拉索的长度,原有理论的计算精度值得研究。

    With the rapid increment of the span of cabled-stayed bridge , the length of stayed cable also increases obviously . It is necessary to study the character of long stayed cable .

  6. 倾斜侧杆的水平投影为50cm。优化结果表明,互插式连栋温室用钢量是相同结构参数立柱式连栋温室的63.86%。

    The optimal result indicates that the weight of steels of mutual insert multi-span greenhouse is 63.86 % of the same structural parameter pillar type multi-span greenhouse .

  7. 通过对回转抛物面与圆柱面相交的研究,得出交线的水平投影曲线为四次代数曲线Perseus座曲线的结论。

    Through studying the intersection of paraboloid of revolution and cylinder , the author concluded that the horizontal projection of the intersecting lines & , is the famous Four-order algebra curve-Perseus curve .

  8. 计算表明,反应器每立方米填料水平投影面积相当于直径为6.3m的沉淀池的面积。

    The calculation shows , the horizontal projection area of every m ~ 3 filter is equal to the settling area of the settling tank which the diameter is 6.3m .

  9. 悬挂耕地机组在水平投影面内若干平衡问题的讨论

    Discussion on the equilibrium problems of tractor-mounted plow in horizontal plane

  10. 弹道相机水平投影交会测量法的改进及精度分析

    Improvement of the Method of Horizontal-projection Intersection by Trajectory Camera

  11. 用水平投影网确定六臂倾角测井资料的地层倾角


  12. 凹阳台、阳台按其水平投影面积一半计算建筑面积。

    The space of recessed verand and tantilevered balcony is counted by half of the projection area .

  13. 线倾向:它是直线水平投影的方向,自正北顺时针度量。

    Trend is the direction of the horizontal projection of a line , measured clockwise from north .

  14. 储量计算水平投影图上矿体与断层交线的求法

    The method getting the crossline between ore bodies and fault on the horizontal projection map of reserve calculation

  15. 在识别中采用水平投影技术和双差分技术,能够方便、准确地确定车辆阈值并识别出车辆。

    Horizontal projection and double difference methods are adopted to get the adaptive threshold and recognize moving vehicle expediently .

  16. 采用水平投影法实现了文本行的切分,采用双三次插值法实现不同大小的文本行图像的规格化。

    Carries out text-row extracting using horizontal-projection algorithm , and normalizes the image size using bicubic-interpolation method . 5 .

  17. 首先用边缘检测算子提取边缘信息并进行二值化处理,然后对其进行水平投影确定水平位置,再用形态学将车牌连成一个连通的区域,再进行垂直投影就得到了车牌的位置。

    We use edge features and mathematics morphology to locate the plate region . First edge information is used to get binary image .

  18. 本文提出平面角的水平投影与其空间角相等时新的作图方法。

    This paper provides a new construction method used when the horizontal projection of the plane angle is equal to its space angle .

  19. 房屋的基底面积是指建筑物底层勒脚以上外围水平投影面积。

    The base area of the building is to show level of periphery of above of plinth of building ground floor is umbriferous area .

  20. 本文按年代顺序,来描述地貌表示法的三种主要类型&写景符号法、水平投影法和地景仿真法的发展演变及其文化与技术背景和关键人物。

    The paper describes the evolution of 3D relief presentations and the related background of culture and technology as well as important persons chronologically .

  21. 我们先利用脸部图像的垂直投影和水平投影对脸部器官进行了粗定位,然后通过一种快速的模板匹配算法进行了脸部器官(主要是眼睛和嘴巴)的精确定位。

    We roughly locate the organs using horizontal projection and vertical projection of the image , then we locate them exactly using a fast module-matching algorithm .

  22. 采用投影的方法提取人体形状特征,将垂直和水平投影向量结合为一维特征向量。

    The body silhouette is projected along columns and rows to obtain horizontal and vertical projection vectors , which are then combined into one dimensional data vector .

  23. 在第一层,作为预处理步骤,在位于海天线地区使用水平投影法,以减少复杂背景的干扰。

    In the first layer , sea-sky-line region is located using horizontal projection method , which is a preprocessing step to reduce the disturbance of complex background .

  24. 文中先通过垂直投影得到人脸的左右边界,再根据水平投影得到人脸额头的粗位置,并结合人脸的长宽比例的先验知识粗定位人脸矩形区域,最后标准化人脸图像。

    Then it cuts roughly the face picture into a rectangle outline by using horizontal projection method and transcendent knowledge of human face . Finally , it standardizes face image .

  25. 所以必须确定矿体与断层交线的水平投影位置,即重叠或拉开的区域。

    Therefore , the horizontal projection location of the crossline between ore body and fault , that is the area of " overlapping " or " opening " must be decided .

  26. 计算表明,空间线型预应力筋水平投影的曲率不宜太大,线型不宜太复杂,应尽量选择单波形曲线。

    The results show that it is inadvisable to select a large curvature of horizontal projection and a complicated space curve , while the use of single waved curve would be better .

  27. 福建会堂楼座水平投影净悬挑长度10.8772m,建筑功能不允许采用立柱方案承担竖向荷载。

    Cantilever span of Fujian Hall floor-seat is ( 10.877 2 ) meters in horizontal projection . The vertical loads can 't be born by vertical columns for the demand of architectural functions .

  28. 该方法可绘制垂直投影图、水平投影图、狗腿严重度图和三维井眼轨迹,对这些图形进行旋转、移动和缩放。

    The method is capable of drawing vertical projection , horizontal projection , dogleg seventy and three dimensional hole trajectory , and rotating , moving , enlarging and shortening of these drawings can be done .

  29. 首先采用运动检测分析方法,根据多帧差分图像中运动物体边缘点的水平投影确定目标的水平位置,并结合肤色检测算法进一步确定人脸位置,然后用训练好的支持向量机进行人脸验证。

    Firstly , the horizontal position of moving object is detected based on the horizontal projection of the edge of the difference images . Then , color information is used to detect face at the moving region .

  30. 试验条件下,反应器每立方米填料水平投影面积(即创造的沉淀面积)相当于直径为6.3米沉淀池的面积。

    On the experimental condition , the horizontal projection area of filter ( settling area be created ) in every cubic meter reactor is equal to the settling area of the settling tank which the diameter is 6.3m .