
  1. 您要来个时令水果拼盘吗?

    Would you like to have an assorted fresh fruit in season ?

  2. 把饼干弄碎撒在水果拼盘上。

    Crumble the biscuits over the fruit mixture .

  3. 谷类食品、机榨果汁、水果拼盘等多种选择。

    Good choice of cereals and fruit juices ( machine ) and bowls of fruit etc.

  4. 这是本店送的水果拼盘。

    This is a complimentary fruit tray .

  5. 我想他是跟一个设计水果拼盘的女孩坠入情网了……妈妈:不!

    I think he 's in love with some girl who designs fruit platters ... Mom : No !

  6. 这是一个水果拼盘程序,有些地方可能有点问题,大家可以分享一下。

    This is a fruit platter program , some places may be some problems , we can share it .

  7. 莱纳德:等等,我可以要一份水果拼盘啊。佩妮:你要吃水果拼盘?

    Leonard : Hang on a second . I could have the Penny : You want the fruit platter ?

  8. 我们到达之后发现,旅馆的客房很可爱,清洁、清爽、时髦,还有一些令人愉快的其它东西&水果拼盘、免费的饮用水等等。

    We arrived to find a lovely clean , cool , modern hotel room with some lovely extras-fruit platters , free water etc.

  9. 补上果蒂或斑点或小绿叶,就是一盘美味的水果拼盘!菊科的一个海盘车单子叶植物属,包括蒲公英。

    Fill the base of fruit , spot or small green leaves , is a delicious fresh fruit platter ! an asterid dicot genus of the family Compositae including dandelions .

  10. 亨特教授补充说道:“理论上,员工们应该考虑其他选择,例如水果拼盘,坚果或者奶酪等。而负责的老板也应该带头,在开会时避免这些零食。”

    Prof Hunt added : " Ideally office workers should consider other alternatives altogether like fruit platters , nuts , or cheese . Responsible employers should take a lead and avoid such snacks in meetings . "

  11. 甜点是精美的镀金三层的黑醋栗甜酒柠檬乳酪蛋糕,巧克力联盟咸焦糖和榛果蛋白酥皮奶油卷筒,浇上纯巧克力酱汁,白巧克力饼,和芒果,木莓和柠檬的水果拼盘。

    Dessert was a beautifully plated triple threat of cassis lemon cheesecake , chocolate alliance salted caramel and hazelnut dacquoise accompanied by a pure chocolate sauce , white chocolate finger , and mango , raspberry and lemon fruit reductions .

  12. 就算刚才我提到的所有东西放在我面前让我在你和它之间作抉择,我会毫不犹豫地选择:吃饱了再理你:水果拼盘!

    Even if I have just mentioned all the things to put in front of me , let me make a choice between you and it , I would not hesitate to select : Yes , have a further reason you : fruit platter !

  13. 我烤宽面条,特里西娅曾与樱桃西红柿意大利面,和我们分享了新鲜水果甜点拼盘。

    I had lasagna , Tricia had spaghetti with cherry tomatoes , and we shared a fresh fruit platter for dessert .