
  • 网络Cement retarder
  1. FGD脱硫灰渣及其用于水泥缓凝剂的研究

    Research on Preparation for FGD Desulfurized Slag and It ` s Application as Cement Retarder

  2. 水泥缓凝剂&低粘度CMC

    Cement Retarder & Low Viscosity CMC

  3. 超高温油井水泥缓凝剂PQ的室内研究

    Laboratory study on oil well cement retardant PQ of ultra-high temperature tolerance

  4. 亚氨基二乙酸(IDA)是生产除草剂草甘膦、新型两性铬络合品红染料、燃油清净剂、水泥缓凝剂、洗涤漂白活化剂、顺铂类抗癌药物等的重要中间体和原料。

    The iminodiacetic acid is the important intermedia and raw materials of the sweet phosphine of herbicide weedicide , new-type amphoteric fuchsin dyestuffs of chromium chelating , cement retarder , bleach activator , platinum anticancer drug etc.

  5. 介绍了一种新型油井水泥缓凝剂QR-300C的应用性能和在吐哈地区3口深探井油层套管固井中的应用情况。

    The paper introduces the field performance of a new kind of oil well cement retarder QR-300C , and its application in production string cementing on three deep exploratory wells at Tuha oil field .

  6. 水泥缓凝剂项目中预处理工序与原磷酸装置如何建立水平衡

    Water balance in pretreatment unit of a cement retarder project

  7. 半干法脱硫灰用作水泥缓凝剂的研究

    Study on Semi-Dry Flue GAS Desulfurization ASH as Cement Retarder

  8. 钛白渣作水泥缓凝剂的应用研究

    Research the application of titanium white residue as set retarder in cement

  9. 钛石膏作水泥缓凝剂研究

    Study on Titanium Gypsum as Set Retarder for Cement

  10. 电解锰渣用于水泥缓凝剂的生产研究

    Studies on replacement of gypsum by manganese slag as retarder in cement manufacture

  11. 磷石膏作水泥缓凝剂的试验研究

    Experimental Research of the Phosphogypsum as the Cement Retarder

  12. 改性电石渣作复合水泥缓凝剂的研究与应用

    Research and application of compound cement with modified carbide

  13. 磷石膏改性及其作水泥缓凝剂研究

    Modification of Phosphogypsum and Its Application for Cement Retarder

  14. 简易湿式脱硫石膏作水泥缓凝剂

    Gypsum from Rapid Wet Desulphurizing Process as Cement Retarder

  15. 水泥缓凝剂装置中磷石膏预处理的水平衡

    Water Balance of Phosphogypsum Pre-treatment in Cement Retarder Plant

  16. 研究用火电厂简易湿式脱硫产物-脱硫石膏产品作为水泥缓凝剂。

    The application of FGD gypsum product as the cement setting retarder is investigated .

  17. 固态碱组分碱矿渣水泥缓凝剂

    Study of Solid Alkaline Component AAS Cement Retarder

  18. 酿酒废料的应用研究&油井水泥缓凝剂的室内研究

    Application studies on waste products from winery laboratory performance on retarder for Oilwell cementing

  19. 利用工业废石膏作水泥缓凝剂的技术研究

    Research on using waste gypsum as cement retarder

  20. 磷石膏制水泥缓凝剂工艺述评

    Process review of producing cement retarder by phosphogypsum

  21. 磷石膏作水泥缓凝剂及其成粒工艺研究

    Study on the palletizing process for the use of phosphorous gypsum as cement retarder

  22. 添加胶凝材料改质磷石膏作水泥缓凝剂的新工艺

    New technology for modification of phosphogypsum by adding gelatinizing material to produce cement retarder

  23. 利用工业废渣&氟石膏代替天然石膏做矿渣水泥缓凝剂试验

    Research on slag cement retarding agent with waste of industry , instead of native gypsum

  24. 油井水泥缓凝剂的评定方法

    Evaluation Method for Oil Well Cement Retarder

  25. 磷石膏制水泥缓凝剂生产线的设计特点与达标措施

    The Design Features and Standard Reaching Measures of the Cement Retarder Production Line with Phosphogypsum

  26. 介绍了利用生产混凝土外加剂时排放的工业废石膏作为水泥缓凝剂的研究。

    The research on using waste gypsum from producing concrete admixture as cement retarder is presented .

  27. 脱硫石膏作水泥缓凝剂必须低温烘干。

    The FGD gypsum should be dried at low temperature for the use of cement retarder .

  28. 采用台州发电厂脱硫石膏生产水泥缓凝剂颗粒项目的方案设计

    The Design of Using the Project of Taizhou Power Plant with Production of Cement Retarder Gypsum Particles

  29. 热电厂脱硫石膏与天然二水石膏相似,适合作水泥缓凝剂。

    The FGD gypsum similar to the natural gypsum in common characteristics , and is adequately used as cement retarder .

  30. 利用锰渣部分替代石膏作水泥缓凝剂进行了一系列的试验,得出以下结果:锰渣部分替代石膏作水泥缓凝剂在理论和试验方面均是可行的;

    The manganese slag was used to replace gypsum partly as retarder , the results showed that it was possible principally .