
  • 网络water/binder ratio;water-binder ratio;water to binder ratio
  1. 在一定范围内,随着水胶比的增大,混凝土的强度先增大后减小,混凝土的早期抗裂性能则呈现逐渐增强的趋势。

    To some extent , the strength is increased first and then decreased with the increase of water to binder ratio , while the anti cracking performance at early ages is enhanced .

  2. 不同水胶比下,配制了水胶比分别为0.42、0.40、0.38的双掺矿物掺合料高性能混凝土,同样采用电通量法对其持荷28d的混凝土电通量进行了测试。

    Under different water to binder ratio , the electric flux of high-performance concrete , with two kinds of mineral admixture at W / B ratio of 0.42 、 0.40 and 0.38 , is measures by the same method at 28d age period .

  3. PRC低水胶比体系硅酸盐水泥水化特性与力学性能研究

    Research on portland cement hydration and mechanical properties of PRC low water cement ratio system

  4. 本文研究了钢纤维对RPC抗压强度的增强效应,通过变化钢纤维掺量和水胶比,获取了增强效应的临界钢纤维掺量和RPC临界水胶比。

    In this paper , the effect of steel fiber content on RFC compressive strength has been investigated .

  5. 随着水胶比的增大,砼3d和28d抗压强度显著降低,坍落度明显增大;

    With the increase of W / B ratio , 3 d and 28 d compressive strength decrease and the slump increase notably ;

  6. 应用XRD、TG-DTA和温度测量等方法,研究了低水胶比条件下普硅水泥和膨胀水泥的水化特点。

    Employing XRD , thermo-analysis and calorimetric instruments , the hydration characteristics of expansive cement and Portland cement with low W / C were studied .

  7. 同时也探讨了HBC混凝土水胶比与28d抗压强度的关系以及C50~C80强度范围内HBC混凝土7d强度与28d强度的关系。

    And the relation of water binder ratio with compressive strength at 28d has been studied too .

  8. 在高强混凝土中掺入含水率高的预湿轻质骨料(自养护剂),是一种加强低水胶比HPC养护的新方法。

    Mix pre-soaked and high moisture content lightweight aggregate ( autogenous curing agent ) in HPC , it is the new method that enhancement curing of low water / binder ratio HPC .

  9. 研究了空白混凝土、单掺FA及FA与SF复合的混凝土在水胶比为0·35,龄期为28d时在NaCl溶液中抗冻的性能和抗冻试验前后抗氯离子渗透的性能。

    The capability of chloride permeability and frost-resistant of concrete 、 concrete with FA and concrete with SF and FA , in 28 days as well water binder rate 0.35 in NaCl solution , was studied .

  10. RPC混凝土水胶比为0.21时,抗氯离子渗透能力要比高强度(HSC)混凝土水胶比为0.25时的大得多,RPC混凝土的抗化学侵蚀能力要比HSC混凝土大。

    Under the condition of water-binder ratio 0.21 the chloride ion-penetration resistance of RPC is much greater than that of high strength concrete ( HSC ) with water-binder ratio of 0.25 and the chemical corrosion resistance of RPC is greater than that of HSC .

  11. 试验对水胶比以及硅灰、粉煤灰、磨细石英粉和钢纤维等原材料的掺配比例对RPC的抗折强度、抗压强度和流动性的影响规律进行了研究。

    Then , the proportions of raw materials , which include water cementitious materials ratio , silica fume , fly ash , crush quartz and steel fiber , were carried out through experiments to get the influencing laws on bending strength , compressive strength and fluidity of RPC .

  12. 验证了水胶比与混凝土强度之间Bolomey线性关系的存在。

    After having tested the binder sand strength of composite binding materials , the existence of Bolomey linearity relation between water binder ratio and the strength of concrete is demonstrated .

  13. 采用来源于高、中、低三种不同水胶比(0.60、0.40、0.26)混凝土加工而成的再生骨料,配制RAC,测定抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度和断裂能。

    Concretes at three water / binder ratios ( 0.60,0.40 , and 0.26 ) were processed to form recycled aggregate ( RA ), which were further used to prepare RAC . Compressive strength , tensile splitting strength , and fracture energy were determined respectively .

  14. 在数据分析中采用极差分析法和方差分析法,分析水胶比、粉煤灰掺量等四个因素对混凝土28d强度的影响程度。

    In the date analysis , the ultra deviation analysis method and method deviation analysis method were applied . The paper analyzed the influence degree of the water glue ratio , fly ash mixed quantity and other factors to the strength of concrete 28d .

  15. 新型除臭剂与活性炭联合投加去除水体异臭味不同水胶比、浆体体积含量以及复掺硅灰与磨细矿渣粉混凝土的ARH变化与相应的AS大小均具有非常显著的线性相关性。

    Combined Addition of New Deodorant and Powdered Activated Carbon for Removing Undesirable Odor from Water Body There is significant linear correlation between ARH change and AS of concrete with different w / cm , paste volume content and the combined addition of SF and GBFS .

  16. 不同水胶比混凝土的收缩性能研究

    Self Shrinkage Properties of Concrete with Different Water to Binder Ratios

  17. 影响水泥砂浆干缩的因素很多,研究表明,随水胶比增大水泥砂浆干缩增大;

    There are many factors influencing drying shrinkage of cement mortar .

  18. 低水胶比下工业废渣与水泥熟料的相互作用

    Interaction of industrial residue and clinker at low W / B

  19. 低水胶比掺膨胀剂的水泥水化特性

    Hydration Characteristics of Expensive Cement Paste with Low Water / Cement Ratio

  20. 低水胶比水泥基材料的自收缩

    Autogenous Shrinkage of Cement-based Materials with Low Water Binder Ratio

  21. 混凝土渗透性测试方法的改进及水胶比的影响

    Improvement of concrete permeability testing methods and effect of W / B ratio

  22. 水胶比和粉煤灰掺量对粉煤灰活性因子的影响

    Influence of water to binder ratio and content on fly ash activity factor

  23. 低水胶比粉煤灰混凝土的耐盐酸侵蚀性能研究

    Study on Hydrochloric Acid Resistance of Fly Ash Concrete with Low Water-Gel Ratio

  24. 高水胶比混凝土的自收缩可以忽略不计。

    The self-shrinkage of concrete with higher water to binder ratio is negligible .

  25. 低水胶比混合水泥的水化硬化特征

    The Hydration and Hardened Characteristics of Blended Cement Under Low Water to Binder Ratios

  26. 同水胶比下高效减水剂对硫铝酸盐型膨胀剂效能的影响

    Influence of superplasticizer on performance of sulfo-aluminate expansion agent at the equal water-binder ratio

  27. 水胶比和粉煤灰对混凝土绝热温升的影响

    Influence of water-binder ratio and fly ash on the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete

  28. 矿物掺合料对低水胶比混凝土干缩和自收缩的影响

    Effect of mineral admixtures on drying and autogenous shrinkage of concrete with low water-to-binder ratio

  29. 水胶比和集料对高性能混凝土力学性能的影响

    The influence of water-gel ratio and aggregate to the mechanical property of high performance concrete

  30. 水胶比和细度对矿渣粉煤灰胶凝材料性能的影响

    Effect of Water-binder Ratio and Fineness on Performance of Slag and Fly Ash Cementitious Material