
shuǐ cǎo
  • water and grass;water plants;aquatic plant;water grass;waterweed;weed
水草 [shuǐ cǎo]
  • (1) [water grass]∶几种禾草或禾草状植物中的一种,繁盛生长在潮湿地方的

  • (2) [waterweed]∶任何漂浮水面或沉底的水生植物

水草[shuǐ cǎo]
  1. 最早的人类聚落,都是以逐水草而居来选择居住地。

    The earliest human always choose the place which around water and grass to live .

  2. 这里历史悠久,文化灿烂,山川秀美,民风淳朴,水草丰美。

    Zhangye is with long history , splendid culture , beautiful landscape , honest folk and abundant water and grass .

  3. 唯一的问题就是大量水草阻塞了水道。

    Large , clogging banks of weed are the only problem .

  4. g时,仅有少数细胞蓝染呈阳性;首先,进行了实时的光照计算、多样性雾效果模拟和水草运动控制。

    G per cell ; The first part is real-time calculation of light that is evaluated per pixel .

  5. 水草吸水性极强,保水性好,pH呈酸性,是蝴蝶兰栽培的理想基质。

    Aquatic weed with Good hydroscopic properties , water retention property and acidic pH make it the best matrix for cultivation of Phalaenopsis hybrimycin .

  6. 本文介绍了LED有色光源在水生物领域中的应用,尤其对热带鱼和水草在其生长过程中的作用和影响。

    This paper introduces the use of color LEDs in the field of water biology , especially its function and influence on the growth of tropical fishes and water plant .

  7. 目的探讨植物杀螺药血水草生物碱(ECA)对鱼类的毒性作用。

    Objective To understand the acute toxicity of a plant-derived molluscicide Eomecon Chionantha Hance alkaloids ECA to fish .

  8. 目的研究血水草生物碱(ECA)杀灭钉螺及日本血吸虫尾蚴的作用。

    To study the effects of Eomecon Chinanthe Alkaloids ( ECA ) on molluscicidal and against Schistosoma japonicum cercaria .

  9. Q连锁酒店把店长比喻成头羊,把员工比喻成羊群,羊群在头羊的带领下会自动寻找水草丰盛的草地,员工在店长的带领下会自动自发地工作。

    Q hotel chain to store manager likened to sheep , the staff likened the sheep , the sheep in sheep under the leadership will automatically look for plants rich grassland , staff manager under the leadership will be self-motivated work .

  10. 结果表明,在含水率约为17%,转速为4000r/min,筛孔为8mm时,水草粗灰分的去除效果较好,总的去除率达到70.8%,其中硫酸钠的去除率为34.7%。

    The result shows that crude ash removal effect for about 17 % moisture , 4000 r / min rotation speed and 8 mm size of sieve pore is the best and crude ash removal rate can reach 70.8 % among which sodium sulfate removal rate is 34.7 % .

  11. 您一定在水箱内放了过多的水草。

    You must have put too much duckweed in the tank .

  12. 仿生水草在海底管道悬空防护中的应用

    Application of Bionic Aquatic Weed for Scour Prevention of Subsea Pipeline

  13. 他看见水牛潜到水下逐食水草。

    He saw buffaloes dive beneath the floodwater to nibble grass .

  14. 血水草生物碱对钉螺神经系统超微结构的影响

    Effect of Eomecon chionantha alkaloids on nervous system of Oncomelania hupensis

  15. 大面积水草草害的综合防治研究

    Research on comprehensive prevention and harnessing of extensive aquatic plants harm

  16. 水草收割机行走机构的建模与仿真分析

    The Modeling and Simulation Analysis for Bogie of Aquatic Weed Cutter

  17. 水草在观赏鱼养殖中的作用

    The Roles of Float Grass in the Culturing of Ornamental Fish

  18. 他们带着牛羊寻找水草。

    They travel with their cattle to find grasslands and water .

  19. 水草泛指能在水中培育、生长的水生植物,即能够在水中生长的一类革本植物。

    The water grass generally refers to herbaceous plant growing in water .

  20. 现在,河畔的水草已经被洪水淹没。

    Now the riverside grasses for cattle are under water .

  21. 水草丰美的湖区也有高端美味了。

    Haute cuisine comes to the lush landscapes of the Lake District .

  22. 用基于图像相位变化的动画算法模拟水草在水中随水流的流动而摆动;

    Algorithm of motion without movement to simulate swaying of aquatic in water ;

  23. 观赏水草的种类调查及栽培技术的研究

    Study on Ornamental Water Grass Species and Cultivation Techniques

  24. 一般类型:地方兵种哈萨克是逐水草而居的游牧民族。

    The Kazaks are a nomadic people whose existence is centred around livestock .

  25. 它们要迁移到水草肥美的地方,还要在途中避免肉食动物的攻击。

    They migrate to find more food and water and to avoid predators .

  26. 在康河的柔波里,我甘心作一枚水草!

    In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant !

  27. 浆给水草缠住了。

    The oar got entangled in the weeds .

  28. 几种热带水草的组织培养和快速繁殖

    Tissue Culture and In Vitro Rapid Propagation of four Species of Tropical Aquatic Plants

  29. 有水草和无水草的两个浅水水库生物生产量的比较

    The comparison of biological production between two shallow reservoirs with and without aquatic macrophytes

  30. 我的钓鱼线和水草缠在一起了。

    My fishing line get entangled with weeds .