
shuǐ chāng pú
  • rhizoma calami
水菖蒲[shuǐ chāng pú]
  1. 结论水菖蒲水煎液兴奋胃底、胃体肌条的作用部分由胆碱能M、N受体介导。

    Conclusions The excited effect of shuichangpu are mediated by choline M , N receptor .

  2. 固相微萃取技术/气相色谱/质谱分析水菖蒲挥发性化学成分

    Analysis of volatile oil in Acorus calamus by SPME / GC / MS

  3. 水菖蒲不同提取物对德国小蠊的生物活性比较

    Comparison of Biological Activity of Acorus calamus with Different Extract Methods against Blattella germanica

  4. 水菖蒲对德国小蠊的生物活性及其杀蟑剂研究

    Study on Bioactivity of Acorus Calamus Rhizome Against Blattella Germanica and Product of Killing Cockroach

  5. 水菖蒲活性物质β-细辛醚对四种储粮害虫的熏蒸活性

    Fumigant toxicity of β - asarone extracted from Acorus calamus against four stored grain beetles

  6. 现代药理学研究表明,水菖蒲具有抗菌、抗癫痫、抗肿瘤、解痉和抗胃溃疡等多种作用。

    Pharmacological studies show its activities of inhibiting bacteria , anti-falling sickness , tumor suppressing , spasmolytic and stomachic activities .

  7. 水菖蒲(天南星科)为多年生水生草本,根茎入药。

    Acorus calamus Linn . ( Araceae ) is a perennial aquateic herb and its rhizomes can be used as Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  8. 针对外秦淮河的污染状况,采用挺水植物菖蒲和狭叶香蒲进行试验,对外秦淮河的污染水质进行净化;

    Based on the polluted status of the Qinhuai River , calamus and narrow leaf bulrush are used to clean the Qinhuai River water .