
shuǐ fèi
  • water rate;water rent
水费 [shuǐ fèi]
  • [water rate; water rent] 为供水而收取的钱

水费[shuǐ fèi]
  1. 河北省农业水费改革问题

    The Problem to Reform Agriculture Water Rate in Hebei Province

  2. 农业水费收缴方式改革之思考

    Some considerations about reform of collection modes of water rate for agriculture

  3. 1/4的消费者认为现在的水费很不合理。

    One in four consumers now say water prices are very unreasonable .

  4. 不缴水费引起的断水的比率正在上升。

    The rate of disconnections following non-payment of water charges is rising .

  5. 尽管他们已想方设法节约用水,水费仍旧在稳步上升。

    They saw their bills rising steadily , in spite of superhuman efforts to save water .

  6. 我想就水费及其他各种各样费用的上涨谈谈看法。

    I want to make a point about all these charges going up , water rates and all this that and the other .

  7. 他们还增加了用水量过大的人的水费。

    They also increase water bills for people who use too much .

  8. 本文主要对IC卡式水表水费收缴管理信息系统进行了分析、设计和研究。

    This article emphasizes the analysis and design and study of water rate collection MIS for IC card water meter .

  9. 该软件用于辅助管理单位进行水量申报的管理工作,能够访问Access数据库,读取相应数据,计算各个时刻的需水量,并确定应缴纳的水费。

    This software can be used in the water order information management through visiting Microsoft Access database , retrieving the ordering information , calculating the water demand at given time , and determining the corresponding water fees .

  10. 由于水费收取的业务非常繁杂,加上用户需求在不断变化,为了更好的达到目标,我们引入了UML技术,利用UML进行系统的分析和建模。

    Due to complicated charge courses and changeful customer 's requirement , the paper adopts UML technology which is used to analyse system and make module for system .

  11. 如总部位于加州的调查报道中心(CenterforInvestigativeReporting)最先报道的那样,在此期间,排在第一位的“水王子”的用水量是1180万加仑——够大约90个加州普通家庭使用——水费估计为9万美元。

    The " Wet Prince " topped the list at 11.8 million gallons during that time - enough for about 90 typical California families - at an estimated cost of $ 90000 , as first reported by the California-based Center for Investigative Reporting .

  12. 当啤酒酿造商SABMiller发现其位于波哥大的灌装厂的水费大幅上升的时候,它本可以退出该地区,可那么做就毁了当地经济。

    When SABMiller , the brewer , discovered that the water bills at its bottling plant in Bogot á were rising alarmingly , it could have pulled out of the area , which would have devastated the local economy .

  13. 逃避缴付或少付使用费的附加费支付水费及排污费直接付款授权书

    Direct Debit Authorisation Form for Payment of Water and Sewage Charges

  14. 住宅给水系统中按户计收水费技术探讨

    Technology of water fee charged by household in residential water system

  15. 北海市农业水费征管问题的建议

    Investigation and thinking of agricultural water fee collection in Beihai City

  16. 水费类型信息的修改、删除和查询。

    Water type information changes , delete , and query .

  17. 水费回收管理风险防范的法律思考

    About Preventive Measures against the Risk in Water Rate Collection

  18. 探讨了我国农业水费改革方向。

    The author probes into reformation of agricultural water cost in China .

  19. 承租人不缴纳水费、电费等怎么办?

    Lessee does not pay water charges , electricity charges , etc. ?

  20. 那样一来可以省下我不少水费。

    That will save a lot of money on my water bill .

  21. 天津市末级渠系农业水费补贴机制的思考

    Consideration of Subsidizing Water Tariff for End-canal System in Tianjin

  22. 这套系统节省大量水费开支的同时也节约宝贵的水资源,所以本系统具有重要的现实意义和广阔的应用前景。

    This system can save water cost and water resources .

  23. 我国农业灌溉水费管理的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Agricultural Irrigation Water Fees Management in China

  24. 管理体制不适应,水费价格偏低;

    Low water price because of improper water management system ;

  25. 水费缴纳二元结构制初探

    Discussion on the duality structure system of water rate paid

  26. 租金不包括煤气费,电费和水费。

    Rent doesn 't include gas , electricity or water .

  27. 这些费用包括水费、电费和网费。

    This fee includes the fee of water , electricity and internet .

  28. 谈水费按成本计收的必要性

    On the Necessity of the Payment of Water Fee According to the cost

  29. 青年运河灌区农业水费改革研究

    Study on Reform of Agricultural Irrigation Water Charge for Youth Canal Irrigation District

  30. 我想我们得在银行缴付水费。

    I think we have to pay the water bill at the bank .