
  • 网络water scarcity;water shortage
  1. 这个国家的水资源匮乏可能会带来灾难性的后果。

    The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic

  2. 塔里木河流域深居内陆,气候干旱、降水稀少、蒸发强烈、水资源匮乏,生态环境极其脆弱。

    Tarim river basin situated the inland with dry climate , scarce precipitation , intensive evaporation , water shortage , and extremely fragile . ecological environment .

  3. 水资源匮乏将是制约该地区发展的一个主要因素。

    Water shortages in the area will be the main constraint on development .

  4. 除非现在就采取预防措施,否则水资源匮乏就会变得很严峻。

    Water storages will become acute unless preventive measures are taken now .

  5. 我国水资源匮乏,尤其是北方干旱、半干旱地区。

    China , especially northern arid-semiarid region , suffers from water resources shortage .

  6. 论我国水资源匮乏的应对策略

    On Solutions to the Lack of Water Resource

  7. 本区水资源匮乏,地下水超采严重。

    Water resources in the area are deficient .

  8. 目前长春市水资源匮乏,水资源危机严重。

    The water resources of Changchun City are seriously lack and face the high crisis .

  9. 这让人感觉到很惊讶,因为整个美国西南地区面临水资源匮乏问题。

    This is surprising , given that the whole American south-west confronts a water problem .

  10. 我国是一个水资源匮乏的国家,而水体污染更是加剧了水资源的紧张。

    China is a water resources deficient country , and water pollution intensified this situation .

  11. 干旱造成的水资源匮乏又成为该地区经济建设的主要限制因素。

    Lack of water re-source caused by arid is the main limiting factor of economic construction .

  12. 西部地区矿产资源丰富,但水资源匮乏;

    The western China area is rich in mineral resources , but lack of water resources ;

  13. 科学家们可以将这些(有利的)基因转入家养水稻,比如非洲,那里的水资源匮乏经常导致颗粒无收。

    Scientists could breed those genes into domesticated rice in Africa where water shortages can devastate crops .

  14. 我国水资源匮乏,同时又是旱涝灾害严重的国家。

    Our country is a country with lack of water resources and also serious flooding and drought disaster .

  15. 该计划将重点集中于至关重要的三个领域以减少食物价值链中的水资源匮乏:

    The program will focus on three areas critical to reducing water scarcity in the food value chain :

  16. 近年来,全球气候变化所导致极端天气和气候事件的频发造成了水资源匮乏,气候干旱等现象。

    For recent years , arid climate and shortage of water resource happened frequently due to global climate changes .

  17. 新疆是典型的干旱半干旱地区,水资源匮乏问题更加突出,严重制约着经济和社会的发展。

    Xinjiang is a typical area of arid-semiarid , lacking in water which is restricting the development of economy and society .

  18. 我们不能不承认的一点是,当前的全球气候变暖、水资源匮乏等一系列危害人类生存的问题,无不与城市化发展密不可分。

    We cannot admit that current problems such as global warming and water scarcity are all inextricably linked with urban development .

  19. 黑河流域地处西北干旱区,水资源匮乏,尤以下游为甚,土地退化严重。

    Heihe River Basin is located in the northwest arid area , water scarcity , especially in downstream , serious land degradation .

  20. 水资源匮乏引起的干旱胁迫已逐渐成为限制菊花生产以及园林绿化应用的主要因素之一。

    Water scarcity caused by drought stress has gradually become one of the main factors limiting the chrysanthemum production and landscaping applications .

  21. 世界上超过40%的人口中约有28亿人生活在水资源匮乏的地区。

    Over 40 percent of the world 's population , some 2.8 billion people , live in regions impacted by water scarcity .

  22. 大家必须学会在任何时候都节约用水,因为现在全世界大约有三分之一的地方水资源匮乏。

    People have to learn to conserve water anytime as there are almost one third of the world suffering from water shortage .

  23. 天津市是一个典型的资源缺水性城市,水资源匮乏严重影响了社会经济发展。

    Tianjin is a typical city short of water resources , and the shortage of water resources has influenced the economic development seriously .

  24. 北京作为我国的首都,是一座处于快速发展中的国际化大都市,但是也面临着水资源匮乏与水环境污染的问题。

    Beijing is the capital of our country and a fast-growing cosmopolis , which confronts the problems of pollution and scarcity of water resource .

  25. 土地粗放式利用,人口密度低以及植被覆盖度低、生物多样性差、系统稳定性差、水资源匮乏等特征限制了当地的城镇化发展。

    The characteristics of the ecological system with low vegetation coverage , biodiversity , and the shortage of water constrain the development of urbanization .

  26. 日趋严重的水资源匮乏和水环境污染已对我国社会、经济的可持续发展构成极大威胁。

    The increasing water resources shortage and water environment pollution have brought great threat to the sustainable development of society and economy in China .

  27. 为解决太原化工地区许多企业目前所面临的水资源匮乏这一难题提供了技术思路。

    All these measures will provide technical thought for solving the water resource crisis of many enterprises in which Taiyuan 's chemical industrial region presently .

  28. 水资源匮乏已成为制约区域经济社会发展、生态环境改善、人民生活水平提高的重要的瓶颈因素,因此废水资源化势在必行。

    The significance that the reutilization of wastewater could alleviate the crisis of water resource and realize the sustainable use of water resource are expounded .

  29. 报告作者们认为,目前,中国已经为水资源匮乏而困扰,其人口增长会消耗更多粮食,这也要利用更多的水。

    Water is already scarce in China , and the growing population is using more water through its increased consumption of food , the authors say .

  30. 沙区具有植被覆盖度低、生物多样性差、系统稳定性差、水资源匮乏等生态脆弱特征。

    The characteristics of sandy area are low vegetation cover , biodiversity poor , poor stability of the system , water scarcity and other ecologically fragile features .