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  • Yongxing;【地名】【越南】Ving Hung
  1. 目的通过调查永兴县柏林镇居民胃蛋白酶原C基因多态性分布情况,研究环境因素与胃癌发病病因之间的关系,为胃癌的早期诊断提供实验依据。

    Objective To study the connection between environmental factors and the causes of gastric cancer and to provide experimental statistics for the early detection , the survey of polymorphism of pepsinogen C gene among the people in Bolin town , Yongxing County , Hunan Province was conducted .

  2. 在调研永兴钢铁公司实际生产情况、发展瓶颈等的基础上,进行CIMS需求分析,设计了YG-CIMS系统体系结构。

    Based on the survey and study of actual production of Yong Xing Iron & Steel Company , the paper has discussed demand analyses for CIMS and designed general YG - CIMS system architecture of CIMS . 3 .

  3. 以永兴钢厂现场生产数据为基础,研究各种工艺参数对HRB335钢种表面横裂纹的影响。

    Effects of various process parameters on the surface cracking of steel grade HRB335 have been studied with the on-site data acquired from Yongxin Steel-making Plant as the basic material .

  4. 永兴县紫色岩桉树造林技术研究

    The gardening technology of Eucalytus in violet rock of Yongxing County

  5. 永兴海堤风浪模型试验研究

    The model test of sea dikes under irregular wind wave action

  6. 湖南省永兴县生态旅游现状与可持续发展

    Present Situation and Sustainable Development of Eco-Tourism in Yongxing Country

  7. 1996年宜宾永兴5.4级地震烈度分布及其震灾评估

    Intensity distribution and disaster assessment for 1996 m5.4 Yibin earthquake

  8. 永兴古镇传统空间特色解析及保护规划

    Analysis of Spatial Characteristics and Protection Planning of Yongxing Town

  9. 永兴循环经济产业园注重引进具有科技含量的项目。

    Yongxing Circular Economy Industrial Park attaches great importance to technology-based projects .

  10. 湖南永兴阁沉降监测与垂直度检测

    Subside Supervisings and Vertical Checkings of Hunan YongXing Pavilion

  11. 7浩沙(永兴)健身会所,2005年12月开业。

    HAOSHA ( Yong Xing ) fitness center , Start in December 1,2005 .

  12. 永兴县土地利用结构与空间布局优化研究

    A Research on Optimization of Landuse Structure and Spatial Layout in Yong Xing

  13. 我的意思是说末班车车离开第一个站也就是永兴街。

    It just means the last bust left the first stop , Yongxing Street .

  14. 四川永兴汉墓出土染色绢分析

    Analysis on the Dyed Silk Unearthed from a Han Tomb at Yongxing in Sichuan Province

  15. 上海永兴包装机械有限公司用户提供优美的产品和完善的服务。

    Shanghai Yongxing Packaging Machinery Co. , Ltd to provide the beautiful products and improve service .

  16. 本文对茶陵-永兴盆地南缘的航磁(△T)异常进行了研究。

    This paper discusses aeromagnetic anomalies (Δ T ) on South margin of Chaling & Yongxing basin .

  17. 第五部分是永兴企业低成本经营战略方案的选择和制定,通过价值链分析及外部关键战略要素分析得出,成本领先战略是永兴公司的最优选择;

    In the fifth part is the constitution and the selection of Yongxing low cost management strategy scheme .

  18. 永兴人竭诚为广大客户提供热情优质的服务,恭候您的光临!

    Yongxing people dedicated to providing our customers with quality service enthusiasm , look forward to seeing you !

  19. 揭阳市路欣塑胶有限公司(原广东省揭阳市东山区玉浦永兴塑料厂)创建于1983年,为揭阳地区开创鞋业先驱。

    Jieyang City Luxin Rubber Co. , Ltd was established in1983 , which was the pioneer of shoes industry in jieyang Area .

  20. 浦城永兴地区分布大面积Ⅰ型花岗岩,具有成分和结构演化序列。

    The I-type granite , widely distributed in the Yongxing area of Pucheng County , presents an evolution sequence of the composition and structure .

  21. 而管理学、经济学和企业战略计划及战略管理等是研究永兴低成本经营战略的理论依据。

    And Management , Economy , Enterprises ' Strategy Planning and Management , and etc. are exoterica gist of Yongxing low cost management strategy .

  22. 揭阳市永兴表带厂主要生产不锈钢实心手链、实心表带、包边带、包片带及配件。

    Jieyang YongXin Table Factory , Major producers of solid stainless steel bracelet , solid strap , including sideband , including films with and accessories .

  23. 据永兴等9个县资料分析,共粪检40569人,其感染率为7.5%,感染率范围为2.1%&85.2%。

    An overall infection rate of 7.5 % ( ranged from 2.1 % to 85.2 % ) was showed in 40 509 people experienced stool examination .

  24. 永兴YX-4224型孵化设备是煤电两用,出雏孵化一体,采用双温双控,纳用高级净化板。

    Yong Xing YX-4224-type device is coal dual incubation , hatching hatching one , pairs of dual-temperature control , and satisfied with the high-level purification plate .

  25. 失衡的乡村,倾斜的大厦&湖南省永兴县大金土小学学生失学状况调查与原因透视

    Imbalance Country and Slant Mansion & The Investigation of Condition and the Analyse of Its Reason of the Deprived-school Condition of Primary School Students at Da Jin-tu School in Yongxing County Hunan Province

  26. 第六部分是低成本经营战略方案的实施,结合永兴公司的实践和民营公司特色,提出了一套完整的低成本战略实施措施。

    And the implementation of low cost management scheme is in the sixth part , it proposes a suit of performing scheme by combining Yongxing 's practice and the characteristics of village enterprises .

  27. 304年(永兴元年),刘渊开始起兵。很快发展到五万人,定都于离石(山西离石),建国号“汉”,自称汉王,胡、汉各族很多人归附他。

    In 304 , he launched a campaign to overthrow the Jin government and soon his armies expanded as much as 50000 . Establishing capital at Lishi ( now Lishi in Shanxi province ) .

  28. 由软流层变化及断裂分布,认为扬子准地台和华南褶皱系两大构造单元的分界位于茶陵&永兴断裂附近。

    According to the variation of the asthenosphere and the distribution of the fault system , it is suggested that the border between the Yangtze paraplatform and the Southern China fold system is near the Chaling-Yongxing fault zone .

  29. 通过内部资源、环境、管理、机制的分析及内部要素的评价,相比较经营规模较小的区域内的竞争对手而言,成本领先同样是永兴公司的最优选择。

    By value chain and critical outer factor analyzing , and also the evaluation of inner resource , environment , management , mechanism , and other inner factors , it concludes that low cost strategy is an appropriate choice when comparing with small-scaled competitors .

  30. 本文在永兴公司内外部经营环境的深入分析的基础上,确定了永兴公司成本领先的竞争战略,提出一套低成本战略的具体实施方案,并以公司的实践对方案进行了验证。

    On the bases of conducting a deep analysis on both the inner and outer performing environment in Yongxing Corporation , mis article makes certain the cost-oriented competitive strategy and puts forward a suit of actual implementation blueprint , and also verified this project by practicing it in the corporation .