
  • 网络yongchuan district
  1. 并根据重庆市永川区的实践,证明该方法的科学有效性,对于城市规划实施评估具有借鉴意义。

    This method is applied in Yongchuan district of Chongqing , that proves the scientific validity of the method and it has referential significance for medium and small cities .

  2. 另外结合了传统的分解预测,方法分析了永川区规划的重点项目以及对未来发展空间,对建设用地的预测也有一定的指导意义。

    Another combines the traditional decomposition method to analyze the forecast , Yongchuan district planning for the future development of key projects and space , the prediction of construction land also has certain directive significance .

  3. 1997年至2005年期间,永川区土地利用结构无论是在绝对数量方面,还是在组合类型、各土地利用类型之间的关系方面都发生了明显变化。

    From 1997 to 2005 , the type of land use relationship of significant changes have occurred both in absolute terms , or in combinations in Yongchuan .

  4. 因此,本文就永川区的茶文化旅游发展进行了探讨。

    Yongchuan plays a unique charm home and abroad for its rich culture of tea . Therefore , the development of the tea culture tourism in Yongchuan is discussed in this paper .

  5. 重庆市永川主城区交通规划主要内容研究

    Study on the Main Content of Transportation Planning of Yongchuan Main City of Chongqing