
  • 网络Lufthansa;Hansa
  1. 汉莎航空公司的飞机从法兰克福飞往拉巴斯。

    Lufthansa fly to La Paz from Frankfurt .

  2. 汉莎航空公司本来计划将其国内业务分立出去,成立一个子公司“汉莎运通”。

    Lufthansa had originally planned to hive off its domestic operations into a subsidiary , Lufthansa Express .

  3. 汉莎航空和法国航空公司(airfrance)领导了欧洲航空业的整合进程,并且仍然是最有可能的“掠食者”。

    Lufthansa and Air France have already led the consolidation process in Europe and remain the most likely predators .

  4. 斯波尔周二在Twitter上表示,对汉莎航空而言,这是“黑暗的一天”。

    Spohr Tweeted on Tuesday that it was a " dark day " for Lufthansa .

  5. 波士顿咨询集团和欧洲人事管理协会(europeanassociationforpeoplemanagement)举例称,若需求减弱,德国汉莎航空(lufthansa)无需协商就能削减空勤人员的工时和工资。

    Lufthansa in an example cited by BCG and the European Association for people management is able to reduce hours and wages of its crew without negotiation when demand weakens .

  6. 这样的禁令最初是由南非航空(SouthAfricanAirways)在今年4月发起的,随后阿联酋航空(Emirates)、汉莎航空(Lufthansa)和英国航空(BritishAirways)也加入其中。

    Such a ban was initiated by South African Airways in April , and Emirates , Lufthansa and British Airways later joined .

  7. 然而,汉莎科技公司发现,在不同的国家和地区执行JIT供应系统比预期的难度要大。

    However , as LHT found , implementing JIT supply across multiple sites in different countries proved more difficult than anticipated .

  8. 由于天气预报报告说德国北部大部分地区在下午晚些时候都有雷暴,我决定把需要在法兰克福转机的汉莎航班换成柏林航空(airberlin)早一些的直飞航班。

    With severe thunderstorms forecast for most of northern Germany in the late afternoon , I decided to swap my Lufthansa connection through Frankfurt for an earlier direct flight on Air Berlin .

  9. DB已经在和汉莎航空提供协同服务,比如说允许旅客可以只用一张票,从一班飞机转到一个列车。

    DB already runs co-ordinated services with Lufthansa that allow travellers to transfer from a plane to a train with a single ticket , for example .

  10. 德国汉莎航空公司(DeutscheLufthansaAG)周三表示,周四将暂停20个原定从六个欧洲机场飞往特拉维夫的航班。

    Deutsche Lufthansa AG said on Wednesday that it will suspend 20 scheduled flights from six European airports to Tel Aviv on Thursday .

  11. 三家澳大利亚航空公司和德国汉莎航空公司(Lufthansa)则明确禁止在机上使用该产品。

    Three Australian airlines and the German carrier Lufthansa have outright banned their use onboard .

  12. 汉莎航空(Lufthansa)的一些航班允许通过手机连接数据,但不允许打电话。

    Some Lufthansa flights allow data connections through a cellphone , but no phone calls .

  13. 德国的汉莎航空(Lufthansa)会飞经乌克兰,但避飞伊拉克北部和以色列。

    Germany 's Lufthansa , which flew over Ukraine , avoided northern Iraq and Israel .

  14. 汉莎航空(lufthansa)也在合谋操纵货运班机燃油附加费一案中得到了宽大处理。

    Lufthansa also received leniency for its role in exposing a conspiracy to fix fuel surcharges on cargo flights .

  15. 根据Verdi工会提供的数字,德国汉莎航空公司4000多名员工罢工,要求加薪。

    Workers at Germany 's Lufthansa on strike they say for better pay , more than 4000 staff according to the Verdi Trade Union .

  16. 翡翠航空(jadecargo)是深圳航空与德国汉莎航空(lufthansa)组建的合资企业,一年前开始运营,此后一直在以每三个月增加一架波音(boeing)747飞机的速度扩大机队。

    Jade Cargo , a joint venture between Shenzhen Airlines and German airline Lufthansa , started flying a year ago and has since been adding aircraft at the rate of one Boeing 747 every three months .

  17. 包括KLM荷兰皇家航空公司和德国汉莎航空在内的几家航空公司已经表示愤怒,因为他们认为停飞所有航班的决定完全基于电脑模拟。

    Several airlines , including KLM and Lufthansa , have expressed anger that the decision to ground flights appears to have been taken solely on the basis of a computer simulation .

  18. 因此,汉莎航空、法航和伊比利亚出售其拥有的艾玛迪斯(全球最大的分销系统)的股份;美国航空公司出售Sabre,英国航空公司和荷兰皇家航空出售Galileo等等。

    So Lufthansa , Air France and Iberia sold most of their shares in Amadeus ( the largest GDS ); American Airlines sold Sabre ; British Airways and KLM sold out of Galileo ; and so on .

  19. 公会与企业高层为了养老改革的过渡问题及汉莎总裁CarstenSpohr再成立一个新的子公司的计划争吵不休。

    Die Gewerkschaft Vereinigung Cockpit und die Unternehmensf ü hrung streiten um ü bergangsrenten sowie um Pl ä ne von Lufthansa-Chef Carsten Spohr , eine neue Billigtochter zu gr ü nden .

  20. 德国之翼的母公司汉莎航空(Lufthansa)的首席执行官卡斯滕•施波尔(CarstenSpohr)表示,卢比茨没有任何值得关注的异常记录,他是从这家航空公司的乘务员开始做起的。

    Carsten Spohr , chief executive of Germanwings " parent company Lufthansa , said there was nothing in the record of Mr Lubitz , who started working for the airline as a flight attendant , to raise concern .

  21. 这架空客(Airbus)A320飞机属于汉莎(Lufthansa)旗下廉价航空公司德国之翼(Germanwings),它在从巴塞罗那飞往杜塞尔多夫的途中突然开始迅速降低高度,8分钟内下降超过3万英尺,最后坠毁在法国南部阿尔卑斯山区。

    The Airbus A320 jet operated by Germanwings , the budget airline owned by Lufthansa , was en route from Barcelona to D ü sseldorf when it began to lose height rapidly , descending more than 30000ft in eight minutes before crashing in the southern French Alps .

  22. 德国慕尼黑新机场汉莎公司飞机维修机库已建成,机库结构采用的是2×152m跨度的预应力斜拉结构〔1〕。

    At Munich ′ s new airport , the first hangar in Germany has been successfully erected by Lufthansa Co. , of which the structure applied is prestressed cable stayed structure . Its span is 2 × 152m .

  23. 曼恩表示,汉莎航空是“一家高品质的公司”。

    Lufthansa is " a quality organization , " Mann says .

  24. 我要12点15分飞离纽约的汉莎三叉戟的机票。

    I want a Lufthansa Trident out of New York City at12:15 .

  25. 给乘客的建议是最好随时关注汉莎网站。

    As for passengers the advice is to check the Lufthansa website .

  26. 德国最大的航空公司——汉莎航空公司——取消近900次航班。

    Germany 's largest airline , Lufthansa , cancels nearly 900 flights .

  27. 德国汉莎航空公司表示,火山导致目前已经取消了两个航班。

    The German airline Lufthansa says it 's already cancelled two flights .

  28. 上个月,汉莎航空带我们走访了莫斯科的几个地方。

    Last month , Lufthansa showed us some places to visit in Moscow .

  29. 德国汉莎航空公司是世界十大航空公司之一。

    Lufthansa German Airlines is one of the world 's top ten airlines .

  30. “汉莎惊喜”是“盲订”潮流中最新的竞争对手。

    Lufthansa Surprise is the latest player to join the blind booking trend .