
jiānɡ hàn dà xué
  • Jianghan University
  1. 方法:实验于2003-03/2004-07在江汉大学医学与生命科学学院实验室完成,选择健康雄性SD大白鼠40只。

    METHODS : The experiment was carried out in the laboratory of School of Medical and Life Sciences , Jianghan University from March 2003 to July 2004.Forty healthy male SD white rats were selected .

  2. 江汉大学的定位及办学特色的思考

    Thoughts on the Orientation and the Characteristics in Running Jianghan University

  3. 关于江汉大学办学理念的思考

    Reflection on the Idea of Running New Jianghan University

  4. 江汉大学附属医院1999~2001年抗高血压药应用分析

    Analysis of the Use of Antihypertensive Agents in Affiliated Hospital of Jianghan University in 1999 ~ 2001

  5. 唐嘉颖(音译),22岁,江汉大学大三学生,正在重新考虑毕业后是否要独自生活。

    Tang Jiaying , a22-year-old junior at Jianghan University , is reconsidering living on his own after graduation .

  6. 江汉大学新校区的占地面积是老校区的三倍。

    The New Campus of Jianghan University covers an area that is3 times as big as the old campus .

  7. 体育师资培养与社会需求&江汉大学体育系毕业生综合素质情况调查

    Training teachers of physical education and the social demand - Investigation of composite quality of graduates of physical department of Jianghan University

  8. 单位:中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所波谱与原子分子物理国家重点实验室,江汉大学医学与生命科学学院。

    SETTING : State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics , Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics , Chinese Academy of Sciences ;

  9. 本文介绍了江汉大学图书馆网站建设的思路规划,对几个有代表性的应用服务模块进行了阐释,总结了江汉大学图书馆网站建设的经验。

    This paper introduces the thinking and plan of website construction in Jianghan University Library . It combines personal practice to give a deep discussion and explanation on several representative application service modules . It summarizes the experience on the construction of the website in Jianghan University Library .

  10. 江汉大学是经教育部批准,由原江汉大学、华中理工大学汉口分校、武汉教育学院、武汉市职工医学院合并组建的一所多科性本科高等学校。

    Jianghan university , an amalgamation of the former Jianghan university , Hankou branch of Huazhong University of science and technology , Wuhan College of education , and Wuhan Medical College for further education , has been approved by the Ministry of education as a comprehensive institution of higher learning .