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  • 网络Jiangpu County
  1. 南京市江浦县沿长江滁河湿地的开发利用与保护

    Utilization and Protection on Wetlands Along Yangzi River and Chuhe River in Jiangpu County , Nanjing City

  2. 发展多熟立体种植促进农业结构调整&江浦县多熟立体种植现状与发展趋势

    Developing Vertical and Multiple Cropping Systems To Promote Agricultural Structure Adjustment : the Present Situation and Developing Trend in Jiangpu County

  3. 一座农村小学交往环境的整体营造&谈江浦县行知小学规划及教学楼设计

    Holistic Construction of Communication Circumstance in a Country Grade School & the Plan of Xing-zhi Grade School and Building Design

  4. 复合模型法在景观生态环境质量评价中的运用&以江浦县旅游区为例

    Application in the Estimation of the Landscape Ecological Environment Value with Complex Model Method & Case study in Jiangpu tourism districts

  5. 结果表明,生态灾害频繁发生和系统抗灾能力不强是江浦县湿地存在的主要问题;

    The results showed that the frequent occurrence of ecological disasters , and the weak ability against these disasters are main present problems in the wetland ecosystems .

  6. 1988和1990年秋季,在南京市郊江浦县用超高频雷达、气球拖带空中捕虫网及田间笼罩,对褐飞虱秋季回迁进行了研究。

    Radar , aerial netting and ground sampling were used to study the autumn migration of Nilaparvata lugens ( Stal ) in Jiangpu County , suburb of Nanjing City , in 1988 and 1990.Jiangpu with single middle and late rice .