
  1. 对呀!我还喜欢蛤仔汤和海参。

    Yup ! I also like clam soup and sea cucumbers .

  2. 这是您要的蛋花汤和开胃品

    Here is the egg drop and appetizers to follow .

  3. 吃虫公司(EatGrub)还推荐将蟋蟀作为面条、汤和沙拉的配料。

    Eat Grub also recommends the crickets as a topping for noodles , soups and salads .

  4. 补阳还五汤和NGF对异种去细胞神经支架移植后神经再生和修复的实验研究

    Experimental study of BuYang HuanWu Decotion and NGF on Nerve Regeneration and Recovery in Xenogeneic Acellular Nerve Scaffold Graft

  5. 你们知道Dalton公司吧,他们制造汤和蔬菜罐头产品。

    you know Dortans , they make soup and can vegetables and such .

  6. 而他的朋友、无产阶级英雄列文(Levin)更喜欢卷心菜汤和粥。

    His friend , the proletarian hero Levin , prefers cabbage soup and porridge .

  7. 补阳还五汤和有效部位组方对沙土鼠脑缺血及再灌注后脑组织EAA的影响

    Effects of Bu Yang Huan Wu Decoction and its Active Fraction on Excitatory Amino Acid of Brain Tissue After Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion in Gerbils

  8. 结论(1)小补心汤和BX-2具有抗抑郁作用;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) Xiao Bu Xin Tang and BX-2 have antidepressant effect .

  9. 怡丰茶餐厅除了Laksa之外还有牛杂汤和砂煲鸡饭。

    Other than Laksa , there are also Mixed Beef Soup and Claypot Chicken Rice .

  10. 目的:观察甘露醇、复方大承气汤和脂肪乳联用治疗肾综合征出血热(HFRS)重度少尿期患者的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the therapeutic efficacy of combined use of mannitol , fu fang da cheng qi decoction and lipid emulsion in treating hemorrhagic fever renal syndrome ( HFRS ) with severe oliguria .

  11. 结果:不同剂量的二参泽术汤和丹参桃芎汤组NO、IL2值明显高于对照组,结果差异显著(P<0001)。

    Results : The serum levels of nitrogen oxide and interleukin 2 were higher in the Decoction treated mice than those in the control . ( P < 0 001 ) .

  12. 该公司首席执行官肯•鲍威尔(KenPowell)表示,通用磨坊的产品总体上受惠于人们晚上减少外出用餐的趋势。该公司产品还包括Progresso汤和家庭烘焙食品。

    Ken Powell , chief executive , said the company 's products , which also include Progresso soup and home baking brands , have in general benefited from a shift away from eating out in the evening .

  13. 在小鼠强迫游泳试验、小鼠悬尾试验、大鼠强迫游泳试验和小鼠5-HTP甩头试验等多个抗抑郁评价模型上,小补心汤和BX-2均显示抗抑郁作用;

    Xiao Bu Xin Tang and BX-2 show antidepressant effect in forced swimming test in mice and rats , as well as in the suspension test and 5-HTP induced head-twitches in mice .

  14. 牛尾汤和清汤,您要哪一种?

    Which would you prefer , oxtail soup or clear soup ?

  15. 我们有酸辣汤和紫菜汤。

    We 've got hot and sour soup and seaweed soup .

  16. 这是您要的蛋花汤和开胃品。

    Here is the egg drop soup and appetizers to follow .

  17. 他设法吞下一点汤和不涂奶油的土司。

    He managed to swallow a little soup and dry toast .

  18. 人们吃很多的炖菜,汤和杂烩。

    People ate a lot of stews , soups , and chowders .

  19. 我们有鸡肉面汤、意大利通心粉汤和奶油蘑菇汤。

    We have chicken noodle , minestrone , and cream of mushroom .

  20. 宝钗和黛玉觉得馄饨汤和奶咖啡的搭配滑稽到家了。

    They thought the wonton soup and milky coffee combination was hilarious .

  21. 汤和鱼解释了生命的一半情感。

    Soup and fish explain half the emotions of life .

  22. 八点我们吃饭。晚饭是汤和沙拉。

    We eat dinner at8: 00.It is soup and salad .

  23. 我要一碗汤和一份沙拉。

    I 'll just have a bowl of soup and a salad .

  24. 接在汤和鱼之后,换上来的是煮鸡和咸肉。

    There was soup and fish , removed by boiled chicken and bacon .

  25. 今晚晚餐我们吃的是汤和沙拉。

    Tonight at dinner we have soup and salad .

  26. 想到蒸豆汤和美女,我就迫不及待!

    Steamy bean soup and the girls , I just can 't wait !

  27. 再给我蚶汤和一杯加牛奶的咖啡。

    Also give me clam chowder and a cup of coffee with milk .

  28. 午餐光有汤和沙拉太清淡了。

    Soup and salad is too light a lunch .

  29. 加入油,胡萝卜块,小扁豆,蔬菜汤和牛奶。

    Add in oil , grated carrots , lentils , stock and milk .

  30. 最畅销的食谱把它用作汤和冰沙的调味剂。

    Best-selling cookbooks are using it as an additive in soups and smoothies .