
Wānɡ jīnɡ wèi
  • intimate of Sun Yat-sen;leader of the left wing of the KMT;head of Japanese-controlled regime in Nanking in 1940
  1. 汪精卫政治思想的演变及特点

    The Evolvement and the Feature of Wang Jingwei 's Political Thought

  2. 最终得罪了汪精卫,在1934年7月23日被永久停刊。

    It was stopped publication permanently on July 23 , 1934 .

  3. 蒋介石和汪精卫彼此间的活动有如唱双簧的关系。

    The duet was being acted by Chiang Kai-shek and Wang ching-wei .

  4. 一部分资本家,以汪精卫为代表,已经投降了。

    One section , represented by Wang Ching-wei , has already capitulated .

  5. 汪精卫一生的政治思想复杂而多变。

    Wang Jingwei 's political thought was complex and changeful all his life .

  6. 不论是公开的汪精卫和暗藏的汪精卫,都应该给以坚决的打击。

    Determined blows must be struck at all the open or undercover Wang Ching-weis .

  7. 汪精卫民族失败主义的产生、发展是一个历史过程。

    The emergence and development of Wang Jing-weis national defeatism was a historical process .

  8. 日本人和汪精卫容许你们再抗日吗?

    Will the Japanese and Wang Ching-wei allow you to continue the war against japan ?

  9. 那末,请问:汪精卫要不要破坏?

    Well , we should like to ask : shouldn 't Wang Ching-wei be destroyed ?

  10. 汪精卫是国共两党和全国人民的共同敌人。

    Wang Ching-wei is the common enemy of the Kuomintang , the Communist Party and the entire people .

  11. 延安定二月一日召开反对汪精卫卖国协定的民众大会。

    A mass rally to denounce Wang Ching-wei 's traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yenan .

  12. 汪精卫是公开的投降派的主要头目;蒋介石是暗藏在抗日阵线内部的投降派的主要头目。

    While Wang Ching-wei was the ringleader of the open capitulationists , Chiang was the ringleader of those hiding in the anti-Japanese front .

  13. 汪精卫在一九二七年叛变革命之后不久写过一篇东西,题为《夹攻之奋斗》。

    Fight against attacks from both sides was the title of an article written by Wang Ching-wei after his betrayal of the revolution in1927 .

  14. 指一九三九年十一月日本帝国主义交付汪精卫集团的《日支新关系调整要纲》。

    Wang Ching-wei signed a traitorous secret pact , called the " Programme for Readjusting Sino-Japanese Relations ", with the Japanese aggressors at the end of1939 .

  15. 汪精卫说:“最亲善的兄弟终久还是兄弟,重庆将来一定和我们走同一道路,但我们希望这一日期愈快愈好。”

    Wang Ching-wei said ," devoted brothers always remain brothers , and Chungking will certainly follow our road , the sooner the better , we hope . "

  16. 以客观的态度,结合具体的历史条件、时代背景,对陈独秀与汪精卫发表的宣言进行再评价。

    The paper tries to comment on the Joint Declaration by Wang Jingwei and Chen Duxiu objectively and on the basis of the concrete historical conditions and background .

  17. 汪精卫扩大会议派和南京国民政府先后主张召集国民会议,社会各界又一次掀起关于国民会议的讨论。

    Wang ching-wei and enlarged meeting of the nanjing national government has advocated called the National Congress , and another social circles about National Congress of the discussion .

  18. 罗易本人对小资产阶级的双重性认识,奠定了他向汪精卫妥协退让的思想基础;

    At the same time , Roy 's understanding of the petty bourgeoisie 's duplicity is the ideological basis for him to make compromise and concession to Wang .

  19. 粤港新经济合作格局演变及广东对策蒋介石与汪精卫在二次合作格局下的斗争与合作

    The evolution of economical pattern between Guangdong , HongKong and Singapore and Guangdong 's countermeasures The Struggles and Cooperation between Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei in the Second Cooperation

  20. 脱离汪精卫,是其从事和平交涉的主观出发点与日、汪和平运动的进展相矛盾的必然结果。

    His disengagement from WANG was the necessity of the contradiction between his subjective intent for peace and the progress of the " Peace Campaign " between Japanese and WANG .

  21. 但是他又说:“决没有人再敢背叛民国,破坏抗战,如汪精卫之流之所为。”

    But he adds ," certainly no one will ever again dare to rebel against the Republic and sabotage the war of resistance , as Wang Ching-wei and his like have done . "

  22. 汪精卫因无实权而在1932年8月初请辞行政院长职。主持和领导资政院工作的总裁(议长),在资政院有其特殊的地位和权力。

    He submitted his resignation of being the President of Administrative Council in early August 1932 owing to his powerlessness . The president had special position and authority in State Council for political Consultation .

  23. 泪汪汪的眼睛;水汪汪的眼睛;悲伤使得许多人的双眼泪汪汪。将这种两面分子,和坚决的汉奸如汪精卫、王揖唐、石友三等,加以区别。

    Swimming eyes ; watery eyes ; sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid . We make a distinction between such ambivalent elements and the out-and-out traitors like Wang Ching-wei , Wang Yi-tang and Shih Yu-san .

  24. 比方汪精卫,他顽固了许多时候,就不能再在抗日地盘上逞顽固,只好跑到日本怀里去了。

    Wang Ching-wei , for example , was a die-hard for a very long time , yet he could not keep on acting the die-hard within the anti-Japanese ranks and had to go over to the Japanese .

  25. 抗战初期汪精卫的战、和观述论建国初期西北地区群众的生活状况&以汉中地区为例的考察

    An Analysis of Wang Jingwei 's View on Strike and Reconciliation in the Early Stage of Anti-Japanese War A Study of People 's Living Condition in Northwest Area during the Early Stage of PRC & Taking an Example from Hanzhong Area

  26. 二月一日延安举行讨汪大会,全场义愤激昂,一致决议声讨汪精卫之卖国投降,拥护抗战到底。

    This mass rally against Wang Ching-wei , held in Yenan on February 1 , unanimously resolves , in righteous indignation , to denounce his treason and capitulation and to wage the War of Resistance Against Japan to the very end .