
  • 网络vaporization rate
  1. 汽化率的增加显然取决于蒸汽分解火焰区的径向位置。

    The enhancement in vaporization rate evidently depends on the radial location of the vapour decomposition flame zone .

  2. 介绍提高立式热虹吸再沸器管内传热系数的计算方法,提出此传热系数与汽化率的关系;分析其设计的优化。

    The author introduces the calculation method for enhancing the heat transferring coefficient inside tubes of the vertical heat siphon reboiler and the relation between the heat transferring coefficient and the vaporization rate , and also analyzes the optimization of the engineering design .

  3. 根据大量数据反复多次计算证明,对一般富天然气进行N&R迭代法求解汽化率(E)时,初始值取0.9~1.0为宜。

    It has been proved many times that the intial value ranging is in 0 . 9  ̄ 1 while calculating . E of common rich gas by Newton-Raphson iteration .

  4. 通过物料衡算确定该条件下闪蒸汽化率达90%以上,其中IPA汽化率达95%以上,且整个分离流程不发生结焦堵塞。

    Through mass balance calculation in this condition , vaporization rates were obtained : the total flash vaporization rate over 90 % , IPA over 95 % . And coking and blocking in the process did not occur .

  5. 本文介绍了常减压装置原油蒸馏塔的过汽化率计算及控制。

    Absttract The calculation and control of over evaporation in crude oil distillation units are reviewed in this paper .

  6. 实验考察了闪蒸器喷嘴、进料流量、进料温度及闪蒸压力对闪蒸汽化率的影响。

    The influence of the nozzle , feeding flow , feeding temperature and pressure on flash vaporization rates was studied .

  7. 根据对不同原油,不同的加工方案、通过计算或直接测量常压塔过汽化率来合理给出常压炉出口温度控制指标,既能保证产品收率和质量,又能节省燃料油。

    On the basis of different crudes and different processing schemes , control temperatures at the outlet of heater coil to atmospheric tower can be obtained by calculation or direct measurement .

  8. 模型求解可以得到转油线内压力、温度、流速和汽化率沿转油线轴向的变化情况,结果表明,各参数的变化主要发生在过渡段和合流段,低速段变化不大。

    The axial pressure , temperature , velocity and evaporation rate are predicted by the model and it is found that variations of parameters principally occur in the transition section and the junction site .

  9. 通过调整聚丙烯装置闪蒸过程工艺参数,考察了生产负荷、聚丙烯颗粒平均直径、物料平均停留时间等因素对闪蒸丙烯汽化率的影响规律。

    The influences of production load , average diameter of polypropylene pellets and average residence time on propylene evaporation rate in flash process were studied via the adjustment of the process parameters of the flash drum .

  10. 通过大量模拟计算,探讨了闪蒸汽化率和组分拨出率随闪蒸级数变化的规律,并在单级和多级闪蒸实验中得到验证。

    The change of the vaporization rate and the removal rate of components with the number of stage have been studied by a number of simulated calculations , and some rules have been established and verified through one / two stages adiabatic flash experiments .

  11. 从实验得到了推算页岩油平衡汽化的温度-压力-汽化率的关系相图。

    From the experimental results , the phase diagrams , which correlate the temperature , pressure and percentage of vaporization of equilibrium flash vaporization of shale oil , are constructed .

  12. 利用最小二乘法,对大庆和辽河原油的常压重油减压平衡汽化曲线进行拟合,得到平衡汽化率与汽化温度和油汽分压的经验关联式,其计算误差在工程设计允许范围内。

    By means of least square method , fittings for vacuum equilibrium vaporization curves of atmospheric residua from both Daqing and Shengli crudes were carried out and empirical formula correlating percentage of equilibrium vaporization with vaporization temperature and partial pressure of oil vapor was obtained .