
  • 网络brake pads
  1. J-671汽车刹车片胶粘剂的研究

    The Study on J-671 Adhesive for Automobile Brake

  2. 介绍了J-671汽车刹车片胶粘剂的组成、性能、应用,并对该胶粘剂的固化机理进行了研究。

    Composition , properties , and application of J-671 adhesive for automobile brake were introduced . Its cure mechanism was investigated .

  3. 汽车刹车片的研制和性能试验

    Development and Performance Test of a Brake-block Used in Trucks

  4. 汽车刹车片热成型排模

    Multi - Cavity Dies for Hot Forming of Automobile Brake

  5. 汽车刹车片用改性酚醛树脂的生产

    Production of Modified Phenolic Resin for Car Brake Lining

  6. 寻找汽车刹车片的厂家,如果你们有生产,请您联系我们。

    We need brake , if you can supply , please contact us .

  7. 汽车刹车片的热弹性结构分析

    Thermoelastic structure analysis of friction flake of automobiles

  8. 汽车刹车片检测系统油压控制子系统软件设计

    The Software Design of the Oil Pressure Control Subsystem for the Vehicle Checking System

  9. 汽车刹车片切磨机组配套金刚石刀具的研制

    Development on Diamond Tools Used in the Accessory Assembly for Cutting and Grinding Automobile Brake Shoes

  10. 两种纤维状矿物作为汽车刹车片增强材料的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Two Kinds of Fibrous Minerals as Complex Reinforcing Agents of Automotive Braking Block

  11. 我公司是专业生产汽车刹车片,洗衣机刹车带,工程机械刹车块的企业。

    Our company is specialized in producing auto brakes , washing machines with brakes , brake block construction machinery enterprises .

  12. 提高刹车片模具的使用寿命,降低制造成本,是汽车刹车片制造企业面临的一个重要课题。

    It is an important problem to improve the service life and cut down the costs in manufacturing brake block .

  13. 想从中国寻找汽车刹车片的制造商,请制造商与我们联系。

    We are looking for auto parts in china , if you have any experence for chrysler , contact us pls .

  14. 已成为全国最具实力,专业性最强的生产汽车刹车片胶粘剂和其它精细化工产品的厂家。

    Now , it is the strongest and most professional manufacturer of auto-used brake block adhesive and other fine chemicals in China .

  15. 根据桑塔纳汽车刹车片卡子结构特点,确定该产品的冲压工艺和产品展开尺寸,介绍模具设计方案,解决产品弯曲回弹问题。

    Accroding to the structure characteristics of the Santana brake pad , determined product stamping process and blank size , the die design method was introduced , and solved the bending spring back .

  16. SF-3102型电动轮自卸汽车半金属刹车片的研制

    Development of Half-metal Brake Shoes of SF-3102 Electric-wheeled Dumping Car

  17. 重载汽车铁基粉末冶金刹车片的研制与应用

    Development and application of iron-base powder metallurgy brake plate on a heavy duty truck

  18. 科技的进步推动了汽车速度的不断提高,汽车提速会引起刹车片的高温热衰退问题,改善热衰退性能已经成为刹车片研究的主要方向。

    The progress of science and technology promote the car speed to increase , and motor speed can cause brake pads high temperature heat recession , so improving performance of the heat recession has become the main direction of the research of brake pads .