
  • 网络Automobile consumption;Auto Consumption;Automotive Consumer
  1. 第三章我国汽车消费信贷的发展状况。

    Chapter 3 : Developing status of our auto consumption credit .

  2. 第二章汽车消费信贷风险及相关理论。

    Chapter 2 : Auto consumption credit risk and theory .

  3. 随着我国进入WTO组织后能源市场的逐步放开和汽车消费在我国快速的增长,燃油的供应越来越贴近消费者的生活。

    With the opening of the energy source market after we entered the WTO and speediness increasing of car consumption , customers are paying more and more attention to oil supply .

  4. 本文采用Suits(1977)提出的Suits指数和洛伦兹曲线,首次估计和比较了中国汽车消费税和燃油税的累进性。

    This paper uses Suits index and Lorenz curve proposed by Suits ( 1977 ) to explore the progressivity of consumption and fuel tax in the Chinese auto industry .

  5. 汽车消费进入家庭后居住区规划设计对策研究

    Planning solutions of residential district when cars becoming family consumer goods

  6. 汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质及责任承担

    The Legal Character and Responsibility of Auto Loan Guarantee Insurance Contract

  7. 汽车消费贷款经销管理

    Distribution Management Providing a Consumed Loan to People for Purchasing Vehicles

  8. 城市交通管理中的汽车消费文化问题关注

    Attention on Issues of Car Consumption Culture of Urban Traffic Management

  9. 汽车消费信贷市场潜力巨大。

    The automobile consume loan is huge in the market potential .

  10. 中日汽车消费政策的比较研究

    The comparative analysis on automobile consumption policies of China and Japan

  11. 汽车消费越来越引起人们的关注。

    The automotive consumption is more and more attractive for people .

  12. 调整汽车消费税政策。

    We adjusted policies for the sales tax on vehicle purchases .

  13. 对大荔县汽车消费信贷市场的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Automobile Consumption Loans in Dali County

  14. 但由于种种原因,国内汽车消费持续低迷。

    But for many reasons , Chinese automobile market is always gloomy .

  15. 个人汽车消费信贷问题及对策研究

    Problems and Countermeasures of Individual Auto Consuming Credit in China

  16. 中国汽车消费信贷证券化模式研究

    The Mode Research on Asset Securitization of Automobile Consumption Credit in China

  17. 汽车消费贷款保证保险的法律性质在理论上存在保证说与保险说之争。

    There are insurance theory and guarantee theory about it .

  18. 我国汽车消费的现状与影响因素分析

    An Analysis on the Current and Influencial Factors of Our Automobile Consumption

  19. 汽车消费、住房抵押贷款违约特性及对策

    The Default Characters and Countermeasures of Auto loan & Housing Mortgage Loan

  20. 青年人将成为汽车消费的主力。

    The youth will become the main consumers of cars .

  21. 汽车消费金字塔的底部一定存在着一些空间。

    There must be room at the bottom of the car-buying pyramid .

  22. 全球经济不景气,除了中国以外的汽车消费市场也在萎缩。

    The global economic is not booming besides Chinese consumer auto market .

  23. 中国汽车消费信贷发展研究

    Study of the Development of Automobile Consumer Credit in China

  24. 产业结构及汽车消费与石油需求的协整关系检验&以北京为例

    Co-integration Test on Industrial Structure Automobile Consumption and Oil Demand

  25. 我国私人汽车消费宏观政策选择研究

    A Study on Macro policy Choice of China 's Private Car Consumption

  26. 武汉家用汽车消费市场研究

    The Research of the Market of Family Car in Wuhan

  27. 汽车消费限制到何时?

    How long will the limit of car consumption still go on ?

  28. 浅谈如何突破汽车消费信贷的瓶颈

    How to break through the barriers of vehicle consumption credit

  29. 汽车消费信贷与汽车企业营销战略

    Auto consumption Credit and Marketing Strategy of The Auto Enterprises

  30. 我国汽车消费信贷模式的风险分析

    Risk Analysis of Auto Consumption Credit Mode in China