
  1. 汽车试验场可靠性试验强化系数的研究

    Research of enhancement coefficient of automobile reliability enhancement test on proving ground

  2. 汽车试验场高速环形道几何设计和计算

    Geometric Design and Calculation of Circuit Road for High Speed on Automobile Testing Ground

  3. 论汽车试验场的建设与发展

    Construction and Development of Proving Ground

  4. 中国定远汽车试验场

    China Dingyuan Auto Testing Field

  5. 制定载荷谱测试方案,在某汽车试验场完成载荷谱测试。

    According to the project , the load spectrum test in a vehicle test field is finished .

  6. 本文介绍了汽车试验场环形道各曲线段几何参数的设计方法。

    In this paper , a design method of circuit road on automobile testing ground hasbeen developed , presenting geometrical parameters of each curve segment of the road .

  7. 本文应用极端值分析法确定对汽车试验场耐久性试验具有统计代表性的最少试验场行驶循环次数。

    This paper applies the concept of extreme value analysis to determine the minimum number of driving cycles on proving ground , which can statistically represent the endurance testing of a vehicle on the proving ground .

  8. 对汽车试验场功能、发展历史、结构特点、主要设施等进行分析,全面研究虚拟试验场的基本结构设计和典型道路试验设施设计,并进行系统设计研究。

    Comprehensively summarized proving ground based on function , testing history , structure and main facilities . Do a comprehensive study on the basic structure design and typical road test facility design of Virtual proving ground . 3 .

  9. 通过回顾世界各国汽车试验场的建设和发展历程,介绍汽车试验场的主要道路试验设施,总结汽车试验场建设的特点与发展的趋势。

    Based on reviewing of the history of the construction and development of Proving Grounds all over the world , the paper presents the field facilities of Proving Grounds and summarizes the construction characteristics and the development trends of Proving Grounds .

  10. 汽车虚拟试验场中整车的建模技术与要点

    Modeling Techniques and Main Points of Whole Vehicle in the Virtual Proving Ground

  11. 美国通用汽车公司试验场的产品可靠性试验

    Product Reliability Test on GM Testing Ground

  12. SkyDrive公司在一份新闻稿中宣称,8月25日,该公司在丰田试验场进行了飞行汽车的公开展示。丰田试验场是日本最大的汽车试验场之一,也是该公司的研发母基地。

    Sky Drive Inc. conducted the public demonstration on August 25 , the company said in a news release , at the Toyota Test Field , one of the largest in Japan and home to the car company 's development base .

  13. 原始的汽车零部件可靠性试验是通过汽车在试验场上行驶一定的距离来进行。

    The original vehicle parts reliability experiments are preceded by driving the vehicle for a certain distance in the testing field .

  14. 分析研究汽车试验平台,尤其是国内外汽车试验场的历史、现状、功能和结构特点,结合虚拟现实技术的特点,进行虚拟汽车试验平台的整体设计。

    Making a research on VR and test platform for vehicle , especially the history , status , functions and structure of both the domestic and foreign proving ground to design the test platform for vehicle generally . 3 .

  15. 汽车前后轴台架疲劳试验与海南汽车试验场的疲劳寿命当量关系

    Equivalent Relation Between Fatigue Rig Test of Motor Vehicle Front and Rear Axles and Fatigue Service Life Obtained from the Hainan Proving Ground

  16. 上周四,菲亚特克莱斯勒公司提供了这款迷人的意大利产双座汽车的几辆样车,供外界在密歇根州切尔西的汽车试验场进行试驾。除了例行公事的吹毛求疵之外,汽车业记者们纷纷被4C的性能,尤其是它流线型的低车身外观所折服。

    On Thursday , several copies of the sexy Italian two-seater were available for test laps at FCA 's proving grounds in Chelsea , Mich. Aside from routine nitpicking , automotive journalists registered respect , if not awe , at the 4C 's performance and especially its low-slung , curvy exterior .