
  • 网络yuanling;Yuanling County
  1. 农村寄宿制学校存在问题的探讨&以怀化沅陵县太常乡为例

    On Problems of Boarding Schools in the Rural Areas & Take Taichang Town , Yuanling County , Huaihua City as an Example

  2. 沅陵县旅游资源丰富,文化底蕴厚重,已成为新世纪湖南旅游的一个亮点。

    Yuanling County is rich in tourism resources and cultural details . It has become one of the attractive tourism spots in Hunan Province in the new century .

  3. 新时期乡镇图书馆经费筹集机制初探&兼谈沅陵县部分乡镇筹资创业办法

    Approach to the Raising Funds Mechanism of Rural Libraries in the New Period

  4. 后发展地区推进《体育(与健康)课程标准》现状与发展对策研究&以湖南沅陵县为个案

    On Status Quo and Countermeasures of Advancing Curricula Standard on P.E in Late Developing Area

  5. 湖南西部的沅陵县,旅游资源尤其是人文旅游资源极为丰富,但却一直没得到相应的开发利用。

    County Yuanling locates in the west of Hunan province with its graceful environment and rich natural resource . But the bountiful tourist resource , especially humanities tourist resource has not been exploited as well as possible .

  6. 沅陵县有着1500多年的产茶历史,是湖南省的名优绿茶生产基地之一,茶叶产品曾多次获国内外大奖。

    Yuanling County , which has a long history of 1,500 years of tea production , is one of the origins of high-quality green tea in Hunan Province , and its tea products have won many awards at home and abroad .
