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  1. 沈葆桢治理台湾平地民政策

    SHEN Bao-zhen 's Policy Of Governing Taiwan People In Plain Area

  2. 第二部分从外来人才引进的规模和选择两个方面分析了沈葆桢引才的实践活动。

    The second part of the introduction of talents from outside the scale and choice of two aspects of analysis of Shen Pao-chen cited only practical activities .

  3. 第一部分对沈葆桢外籍人才思想所产生的时代背景进行了探讨,分析了其思想转变的原因和过程。

    The first part of the Shen Pao-chen thought generated by foreign personnel discussed the historical background , analyzed the reasons for changing their thoughts and processes .

  4. 在改革力度上,他走得不如李鸿章远:李鸿章甚至要求废除八股,而沈葆桢只是提倡在科举中增设算学一科而已。

    His strength to reform was not as strong as Li Hongzhang : Li even want to abolish stereotyped writing , but Shen just want to promote math as an additional subject in the imperial examination .

  5. 最后,第四部分对沈葆桢引进外来人才思想和实践进行一个总体的评价,从积极影响、局限性和历史启示三个方面予以概括。

    Finally , the fourth part of the introduction of foreign talents to the Shen Pao-chen thought and practice an overall evaluation of the positive impact of , limitations , and historical enlightenment to be summed up in three aspects .

  6. 人才引进以后要如何管理和使用才能实现引进的目的?第三部分重点对用才这个问题进行了探讨,突出了沈葆桢管理和使用外来人才的不同之处。

    After the introduction of talents to how to manage and use to achieve the introduction of purpose ? The third part of an emphasis on using them this issue is discussed , highlighting the Shen Pao-chen management and use of foreign talent is different .