
  • 网络Shenyang Metro;shenyang subway
  1. 此文以沈阳地铁车站为例,对通风方案和空调方案进行了CFD仿真模拟和对比分析,探讨了东北城市地铁车站采用通风方案的可行性。

    Taking the Shenyang metro for example , this article makes a CFD simulation and performs a comparative analysis of the ventilation and air-conditioning schemes and explores the feasibility of adopting the ventilation scheme at the metro stations of cities in the north-east area .

  2. 沈阳地铁降低造价的总体思路

    General viewpoints on the cost reduction of Shenyang metro

  3. 沈阳地铁一号线沈阳站站方案研究

    Scheme Study of Shenyang No.1 Subway Station at Shenyang Railway Station

  4. 沈阳地铁站空调通风系统设计

    Design of Ventilating and Air-conditioning System in Metro Station of Shenyang City

  5. 沈阳地铁南京街站基坑围护方案研究

    On foundation pit supporting scheme of Nanjing street station in Shenyang subway

  6. 辐射井在沈阳地铁一号线降水中的应用

    Application of Radiation-Well in Dewater of Shenyang Subway Line One

  7. 而如此让人期待的沈阳地铁也坚持以环保节能为目标。

    The metro in Shenyang adheres to environment protection and energy saving .

  8. 浅谈沈阳地铁工程安全管理

    Research on safety management of Shenyang metro engineering

  9. 沈阳地铁文化建设的基本构想

    Basic Idea for Cultural Construction of Shenyang Subway

  10. 基于互换论的沈阳地铁设施效能增加值研究

    Study on Efficacy Added Value of Shenyang Subway Facilities Based on the Exchange Theory

  11. 沈阳地铁一号线暗挖隧道防水设计与施工技术的探讨

    Discussion on Water-Proofing Design and Construction Technology of Undercut Tunnel of No.1 of Shenyang Metro

  12. 沈阳地铁一号线某标段深层降水难度较大。

    The deep dewater of one section in Shenyang subway No.1 line is very difficult .

  13. 结论此方法用于沈阳地铁效能值测算和分析中尚属首次,其特点是简单实用,计算精度较高,具有较好的客观性和应用性。

    The method is characterized by its simplicity , practicability , accuracy , and objectivity .

  14. 沈阳地铁一号线某段盾构衬砌变形有限元分析

    Finite analysis on shield lining deformation at a stage of 1 # line of Shenyang metro

  15. 沈阳地铁和超长地下室结构混凝土规程对膨胀剂及补偿收缩混凝土的控制

    Control of Shenyang Regulations of Subway and Over-length Basement Structure Concrete on Expansive Agents and Shrinkage Compensating Concrete

  16. 该成果可为即将投入运营的沈阳地铁工程提供重要参考。

    The results are important references and can be put into operation for the subway project in Shenyang .

  17. 昨日,沈阳地铁一号线的自动售、检票系统在地铁展示馆正式亮相。

    The automatic selling and checking system of Shenyang No.1 Metro Line was demonstrated on subway exhibition hall .

  18. 设计了拟建沈阳地铁沈阳站点人工挖孔桩支护施工的基坑降水方案;

    The thesis designs the pit dewatering scheme of hand-dug piles support of ShenYang subway 's ShenYang station construction ;

  19. 沈阳地铁新乐遗址站为暗挖车站,采用管幕预筑法施工。

    Xinle Ruins Station of Shenyang Metro is a Mining Station , which is constructed by Pipe-roof Pre-construction Method .

  20. 沈阳地铁的建设,标志着城市的经济实力和经济活力,成为城市发展新的经济增长点。

    The construction of Shenyang metro represents the economic strength and vitality which has become a new economic growth point of the city .

  21. 2010年,沈阳地铁一号线运营后,这批自动售、检票系统将被应用在地铁一号线上。

    The automatic selling and checking system will be used for Shenyang No.1 Metro Line , which will be put into use in2010 .

  22. 按照计划,沈阳地铁票价在确定之后,运营部门还要对地铁站内的售检票系统进行调整,安装软件,录入相应的票价程序。

    According to the plan , the metro operators will install software , input program and test machines , after the ticket prices are settled .

  23. 应用此试验装置,采用均匀试验设计,以固砂剂为注浆材料,以沈阳地铁注浆层砂土为受注介质,对渗透注浆进行试验研究。

    Using uniform design , the sand consolidation agent , as grouting material , spreading in Shenyang sandy strata is tested with these experiment devices .

  24. 将该方法应用于沈阳地铁某段的地质模型建立中,仿真结果说明所建三维地质模型合理、平滑、逼真。

    This method is applied to Shenyang Metro certain geological modeling , the simulation results show that three-dimensional geological model is reasonable , smooth and realistic .

  25. 以沈阳地铁一号线区间盾构隧道为研究对象,采用考虑地层弹性抗力的修正惯用法和布伽耶娃法对衬砌管片环进行内力计算。

    The distribution law of structural internal force of lining segment is analyzed , and influences of different calculation method on structural design of shield tunnel lining are also discussed .

  26. 通过总结编制沈阳地铁前期技术文件的实践经验,阐述编制地铁前期技术文件的内容,即建设规划,可行性研究,总体设计文件的目的、重点和各章节的联系等。

    Based on the practice in compiling technical documents of Shenyang Metro planning , the experience in working out construction planning , the feasibility study , and the integrated design documents are introduced .

  27. 沈阳地铁将是展现城市风采的重要窗口。然而,透过所收集的相关资料和案例研究发现,目前沈阳地铁运营中遇到了一系列问题。

    Shenyang Metro will be the important channel to show cityscape . However , through related materials collected for the case study findings , present a series of problems encountered in the operation of Shenyang metro .

  28. 至于上述方案是否能最终成为沈阳地铁实行的票价标准,沈阳市物价局相关负责人表示,“目前的票价正在测算论证中,待到下次新闻发布会再向社会公布。”

    As for whether the program can be agreed and carried out , an official of the pricing bureau said : " It is still undergoing argument , which will be released to public on next press conference . "

  29. 最后,利用预计程序,计算了徐州某矿开采地下水流失引起的地面沉降和沈阳地铁沈阳站点基坑降水引起的地表变形情况。

    Finally , the thesis uses the program to calculate surface subsidence caused by groundwater loss in a coal mine of Xuzhou and the surface deformation caused by pit dewatering at the Shenyang station in the process of construction of subway .

  30. 沈阳市地铁一号线项目施工期环境影响及对策研究

    Environmental Impact and Countermeasure Study on Construction Time of Underground No.1 Project in Shenyang