
  • 网络sand burial
  1. 2沙埋对中间锦鸡儿幼苗生长发育的影响;

    The effects of sand burial on seedling development of Caragana intermedia ;

  2. 研究了沙埋深度对荒漠植物红砂幼苗出土和生长的影响。

    The impacts of sand burial on seedling development of Caragana intermedia ;

  3. 沙埋深度0·5cm条件下,4个物种具有最高的出苗率和出苗速率。

    In general , a 0.5 cm sowing depth resulted in the highest seedling emergence and emergence rate .

  4. 但当沙埋厚度超过0.6cm时,种子出苗就会受到抑制;

    But when the seed-covered sand thickness was more than 0.6 cm seedling emergence from the seeds was inhibited ;

  5. 当沙埋厚度超过1.2cm时,将不能出苗;

    When the seed-covered sand thickness was more than 1.2 cm the seedling emergence did not occur ;

  6. 沙埋对六种沙生植物种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响

    Effects of sand-burying on seed germination and seedling emergence of six psammophytes species

  7. 研究结果如下:1.沙埋改变植物微生境。

    The result showed : 1 . Sand burial changed the plant microhabitat .

  8. 五种荒漠植物幼苗出土及生长对沙埋深度的响应

    Seedling emergence and growth responses of five desert species to sand burial depth

  9. 结果表明:每种植物的出苗率都随着沙埋深度的增加而降低,而且遵循着指数方程关系。

    In the burial experiment , seedling emergence declined exponentially with sand burial depth .

  10. 在沙地环境中,沙埋是影响植物幼苗存活的一个重要因素。

    Sand burial is one of the main factors that affect seedling survival in sand land .

  11. 沙埋深度可调节光照、土壤湿度和土壤温度,从而调节种子萌发。

    The buried depth of seeds controls germination by adjusting illumination , soil temperature and moisture .

  12. 风蚀沙埋是制约沙区人工造林成活率的主要因子之一。

    Wind erosion is one of main factors to restrict the survival rate of artificial forestation .

  13. 三种一年生藜科沙生植物出苗对沙埋深度和水分条件的响应

    Seedling emergence of three Chenopodiaceae annuals in response to different sand burial depths and irrigation regimes

  14. 极端干旱沙漠中无沙埋干扰时几种固沙植物栽植试验研究

    Cultivation Experiment of A Few Sand - binding Plants without Sand Bury in the Extremely Arid Desert

  15. 在群落发展期,沙埋促使沙生柽柳灌丛茁壮生长;

    In the developing stage of the community , sand burying stimulated vigorous growth of the shrubs .

  16. 长江滩地沙埋杨树木材解剖性质及其变异的研究

    Study on the Anatomical Properties and Variation of Sand Covered Poplar Grown in the Beaches of Yangtze River

  17. 5种荒漠植物幼苗的生物量受沙埋深度的影响不显著。

    However , the biomass of the five desert species had no significant correlations with the sand burial depth .

  18. 不易沙埋的铁路路基断面形式问题

    Problem of the Cross - section Patterns of the Subgrade of Railway Uneasy to be Burried Under Shifting Sands

  19. 6周的沙埋试验结果显示:当沙埋深度达到其株高时,约有70%的幼苗死亡;

    When burial depth was up to 100 % of their shoot height , about 70 % seedlings died ;

  20. 白刺种群各性状对沙埋深度的响应主要体现在高生长和生物量上;

    The responses of the population characteristics to sand burial depth were mainly manifested in the height growth and biomass .

  21. 除弱沙埋条件白刺种群密度外,其他各性状都与沙埋有着显著相关关系;

    There existed significant correlations between sand burial and the population characteristics except the population density under weak sand burial .

  22. 沙生灌木类克隆植物通过其根蘖繁殖抵抗沙埋并占有新的生态位,也为AM真菌提供了特殊的生存环境。

    Clonal plants occupy new ecological niche by root-sucker reproduction surviving sand burying , which also provide special environment for AM fungi .

  23. 强沙埋条件的种群各性状发育最适沙埋深度均大于弱沙埋条件下;

    The optimum sand burial depth for the development of the population characteristics was higher under strong than under weak sand burial .

  24. 结果表明:轻微程度的沙埋(例如沙埋深度是原始羊柴分株高的10%~20%)可以加速羊柴分株的高生长,提高叶片生物量、茎生物量以及整个地上部分的生物量。

    The results showed that slight sand burial could accelerate ramet growth and enhance their leaf biomass , stem biomass and shoot biomass .

  25. 由于沙埋在水平空间表现出非均匀性,克隆植物的基株或克隆片断常常经历局部沙埋。

    Due to the unevenness of burial in horizontal space , genet or clonal fragment of clonal plants often incurs partial sand burial .

  26. 毛乌素沙地4种沙生植物种子萌发及出苗对沙埋及单次供水的响应

    Effects of one-time water supply and sand burial on seed germination and seedling emergence of four popular psammophyte in Mu Us sandy land

  27. 研究了沙埋对浑善达克沙地植物群落中多年生禾草无芒雀麦种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长的影响。

    This paper studied the effects of different depth sand burying on the caryopsis germination , seedling emergence and growth of Bromus inermis Leyss .

  28. 与非沙埋的对照相比,羊柴幼苗在33%和67%沙埋条件下并不显著地改变其生物量分配格局;

    The seedlings in both 33 % and 67 % sand burial treatments did not significantly change their biomass allocation pattern comparing with the unburied ones .

  29. 本文研究了沙拐枣属抗干旱、抗风蚀、沙埋等的内在机制,以及抗逆性造林技术。

    This paper studies the drought resistance , wind-erosion resistance , sand resistance and other characteristics as well as the techniques of forestation under the adverse circumstances .

  30. 根据沙丘风沙流运移规律,控制流动沙丘的风蚀、促进沙埋是提高流动沙地沙柳固沙林的关键。

    According to the moving regular pattern of sandy dune , control of wind erosion of moving dune is key to increase sand fixation forest of Salix psammophila C.