
  1. 小说《沙家浜》争议的背后

    The Backside of the Controversy about the Novel Sha Jia Bang

  2. 认为小说《沙家浜》遭到批判的原因恰恰在于其文本结构契合了当前的大众心理。

    The reasons incurring critique just lie in the corresponding between the test structure and mass mentality .

  3. 从经典走向世俗&论小说《沙家浜》的大众传播谋略

    From Classics to Common Custom & On the Strategy in the Masses Disseminate of the Novel Sha Jia Bang

  4. 常熟市福昌玻璃模具厂创办于1996年,座落在美丽富饶的名胜圣地沙家浜。

    Changshu Fuchang Glass Moulding Factory , which locates in the beautiful and prosperous region & Shajiabang , was founded in1996 .

  5. 薛荣的小说《沙家浜》从某种意义上讲是对京剧样板戏《沙家浜》的颠覆。

    Sha Jia Bang , the novel written by Xuerong , is overiding the Beiging opera model opera Sha Jia Bang .

  6. 本文阐述了江苏沙家浜温泉国际度假中心垂直地埋管热响应试验所取得的实效。

    This paper mainly discusses the in-situ thermal response test of buried vertical pipe in Shajiabang Hot-spring International Holiday Centre , Jiangsu Province .

  7. 江的得意之作(原名《芦荡火种》)《沙家浜》也是经过张十易其稿,成为革命的样板戏。

    Her masterwork ," Spark Amid the Reeds ", underwent ten rewrites by Mr Zhang to make it into a thing of revolutionary glory .

  8. 需外的沙家浜风景区,更是因为一典京剧《沙家浜》而名震大江南北,成为了常熟的旅游必不可少的一处红色旅游项目。

    The Shajiabang scenic area outside the city was so famous because of , a Beijing Opera and has become a must for a vocation in Changshu .

  9. 本文记述了沙家浜芦苇荡风景旅游区规划设计中如何通过对风景地域特色的重构与再现,使其在满足现代旅游的需求中延续生命与活力的思索。

    This article explores how to continue the vitality of the regional feature of landscape through reconstructing the elements of regional landscape in the plan of the reed shoal in shajiabang .

  10. 从一个脸谱走向另一个脸谱&不同历史文化语境下的今昔《沙家浜》流传至今的《圣经》包括历史,传说,传记,宗谱。

    From One Typify to Another Typify & " Sha Jia Bang " in Different Historical and Cultural Contexts ; The Bible as it has come clown to modern times is composed of history , Legend , biography , genealogy .