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shā sōng
  • abies holophylla
沙松[shā sōng]
  1. 基于Lysimeter的人工固沙林地生态需水量计算方法与应用不同类型沙松人工林产量及生长预测

    Calculation Method for Ecological Water Requirement of Artificial Forestland in Sand Area Based on Lysimeter and Its Application Prediction for the yield and the growth of different types plantations of Abies holophylla

  2. 不同类型沙松人工林产量及生长预测

    Prediction for the yield and the growth of different types plantations of Abies holophylla

  3. 沙松播种育苗技术

    Seedling techniques by sowing of Abies holophylla

  4. 结合生态群落结构和生物多样性因素分析得出:在东部山区的适宜地区应大力推广培育沙松-落叶松-阔叶混交林等针阔混交林模式。

    A suggestion was given from the analysis on community structure and biological diversity that the mixed patterns of Abies holophylla-larch-broadleaf plantations should be popularized greatly at proper region in east Liaoning province .

  5. 由于长期高强度采伐,优良天然沙松资源蕴蓄量急剧下降,如何通过合理的更新措施恢复其资源已经为生产中亟待解决的问题。

    Due to the long-term high-intensity harvesting , excellent natural the Abies resources will carry the amount of a sharp decline in how to update measures to restore its resources for the production urgent to solve the problem .