
  • 网络Sand method;Safad;Safa;Peter Safar;Iskandar Safa;Safar Ali Eslamian Koupaei
  1. 分析论证了一维超饱和输沙法恢复饱和系数α与准静水沉降法修正系数K互为倒数;

    This paper analyses and proves that the restoring saturation coefficient α of one dimension extra saturation sediment discharge method and the modified coefficient K of the quasi hydrostatic settlement method are reciprocals each other .

  2. 吹填沙法建防洪堤

    To Building Flood-Control Embankment by Method of Barged-in Fill Sand

  3. 沉沙池超饱和输沙法恢复饱和系数研究

    Study on the recovery saturation coefficient of over-saturation sediment transport in settling tanks

  4. 掌管山谷牧养牛群的是亚第赉的儿子沙法。

    Shaphat son of Adlai was in charge of the herds in the valleys .

  5. 覆沙法改善对虾育苗池水质试验

    On Method for Spreading Sand into the Prawn Seed-rearing Pond to Improve the Water Quality

  6. 用超饱和输沙法计算沉沙池泥沙沉降率的验证及实际应用

    Certification and Actual Application of the Calculation of the Sedimentation Rate of the Settling Basin by Using the Supersaturated Sediment Discharge

  7. 这段经文中的「审判官」,在希伯来文就是「沙法」。

    The word for judges in this portion of the scriptures is " shaphat "( proper word for judges ) in Hebrew .

  8. 又膏宁示的孙子耶户作以色列王,并膏亚伯米何拉人沙法的儿子以利沙作先知接续你。

    Also , anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel , and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet .

  9. 王说:「我今日若容沙法的儿子以利沙的头仍在他项上,愿神重重的降罚与我!」

    Then he said , God do so and more also to me , if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat shall stand on him this day .

  10. 正当以利亚走在路上的时候,他遇见沙法的儿子以利沙在赶著牛耕地,他就把自己的外衣搭在以利沙的身上。

    As Elijah continued walking , he saw Elisha the son of Shaphat plowing with some oxen . Elijah passed by him , and threw his own mantle on Elisha 's shoulders .

  11. 在水利工程沉沙池的设计中,计算泥沙沉降的方法往往采用一维超饱和输沙法,其泥沙沉降车的计算最关键是要确定综合经验系数α。

    While designing a sediment settling pool in water conservancy projects , the sediment deposition is usually computed by supersaturated sediment transport method with one-dimensional flow assumptions . The key to computation is to determine the comprehensive empirical coefficient a.

  12. 改良微气调沙藏法贮藏板栗的研究

    Study on Modified Minimum Control Atmosphere of Sand Storage in Chestnut

  13. 输沙量法和地形法计算螺山汉口河段淤积量比较

    Calculation of Deposition in Luoshan-Hankou Reach Using Sediment-transport Balance and Topographic Change Methods

  14. 输沙量法与地形法估算河道冲淤量的对比研究

    Contrast study on Estimation of River Deposition-Erosion Amount by Sediment Budget Method and Morphological Change Method

  15. 设计彩沙示踪法研究滨海沙滩底沙运动&以厦门大学滨海沙滩为例

    Design coloured sand tracing to study beach bedload movement & Take beach of Xiamen University for example

  16. 运用“翻沙训练法”对西安理工大学男、女篮球队进行了训练实验。

    The male and female basketball players from Xi an University of Technology were trained with fusing training .

  17. 我们同情爱莎姐妹的遭遇,认定这一凶残的行径是对人类和沙利亚法的践踏。

    We sympathize with our sister Aisha and call this atrocious act a crime against humanity and against Shariate law .

  18. 依据沙利亚法如果有人做出如此可恨的行为,要对罪犯采取同样的惩罚。

    Under Shariate law if someone carries out this heinous act , the same thing will be done to the criminal who has perpetuated this act .

  19. 本文重点介绍了几种新方法:席地生产法、多次覆沙栽培法、育苗盘基质栽培法和泡沫箱生产法等。

    This article mainly introduces several new methods : on-the-ground production method , multi-times sands cover planting method , nursery seedling plate stroma planting method and foam case production method .

  20. 结果表明:输沙量法能较好地反映整个河槽断面的综合冲淤情况,而地形法更侧重于计算平滩水位以下的淤积量。

    The result shows that the amount calculated by sediment-transport balance method is better to reflect the integrated situation of the whole channel , while the result calculated by topographic change method puts more emphasis on the erosion / deposition amount below flood level .

  21. 输沙量差法计算河道冲淤量的误差分析

    Analysis on Errors of Channel Scour and Fill Amounts Calculated by Sediment Discharge Difference Method

  22. 输沙量差法是计算河道冲淤量的主要方法之一。

    The difference method of sediment discharge is one of the main methods for calculating the amounts of channel scour and fill .

  23. 分析也表明,利用水沙动态图法分析河流的水沙长期变化具有一定的优越性。

    It also shows that it has advantages using water-sediment diagram in analyzing the trends in water and sediment loads of rivers .

  24. 断面地形法、网格地形法和输沙量平衡法是计算河道冲淤量广泛采用的三种模式。

    The section topographical method , grid topographical method , and sediment discharge balance method are widely adopted in the calculation of channel erosion-deposition amount .

  25. 三是用无实测冲淤变化资料河段,本文用同流量水位法和沙量平衡法估算兰州以下各个河段的冲淤厚度。

    For reaches where no surveying data are available , thickness of the amount of deposition or erosion is estimated by sediment balance equation and also by the variation of water level under same discharge .

  26. 本研究以四倍体刺槐K4无性系等为试验材料,对其硬枝扦插和嫩枝扦插技术进行优化试验,尤其采用越冬沙藏催根法和埋枝黄化催芽法进行扦插研究。

    But it is difficult to root , especially in cutting propagation . The objectives of the present study were to optimize techniques of hardwood cutting and softwood cutting for tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clones . Hardwood cutting after overwintering sand storage root promoting and wood-burying etiolation root promoting were used .

  27. 长江干流宜昌至沙市河段地形法槽蓄量分析研究

    Geomorphologic Channel Detention for Yangtze River from Yichang to Shashi

  28. 风积沙路基湿压法施工

    The construction of waterish impaction style about the roadbed of aeolian accumulation sand

  29. 方法:采用甲苯胺蓝、爱尔沙蓝特殊染色法及电子显微镜技术。

    Methods : Special stainings of toluidine blue , Alcian blue and electron microscopic technique were used in the study .

  30. 采用形态法、沙而达考夫染色法和悬滴液发芽法,测定15个国外李品种的花粉量、花粉粒的正常形态和花粉生活力。

    With the methods of morphological observation , staining and germination , the pollen amount , pollen morphology and pollen viability of15 foreign plum cultivars were measured .