
  1. 钱塘江河口围涂工程对涌潮影响的数值研究

    Numerically Simulating the Effect of Reclamation Project on the Tidal Bore in the Qiantang Estuary

  2. 在前款入海河口围海造地,应当符合河口整治规划。

    Reclaiming land from seawaters in estuaries mentioned in the preceding paragraph should conform to the planning for controlling estuaries .

  3. 具体为:河口围填后相当于河流近口段、河口段、口外海滨段相应地向海延伸,必然会引起河口体系的自动调整并形成新的动态平衡;

    After reclamation , the mouth of river extends towards sea , causing the system of estuary adjustment automatically and reaching a new balance .

  4. 在前款入海河口围海造地,应当符合河口整治规划。这对我国沿海城市正在进行的污水海洋处置工程建设的宏观规划与管理有着重要的参考价值。

    Reclaiming land from seawaters in estuaries mentioned in the preceding paragraph should conform to the planning for controlling estuaries . It has a great value for macroscopic management .

  5. 强潮河口治河围涂工程促淤方法探讨&以钱塘江河口尖山一期促淤围涂工程为例

    Research on Accretion Promotion Method of River Regulation and Reclamation Project in Strong-tide Estuary

  6. 基于实测资料的分析和潮汐水流数学模型计算,探讨了钱塘江河口区围涂对杭州湾水域潮汐水流和海床的影响。

    Based on the analysis for surveyed data and the numerical simulation , the influence on tide flow and sea bed change of Hangzhou Bay has been studied .