
hé kǒu wān
  • estuary;firth
  1. 河口湾地区逐渐形成冲积-海积沉积类型。

    The alluvial-marine sediment types gradually formed at estuary region .

  2. 感潮河段和河口湾的污染物弥散研究

    Study on Dispersion of Polluter in Tidal River and Estuary

  3. 据沉积作用和沉积相组合,钱塘江河口湾的形成及其发育可以分为四个阶段:(1)末次冰期(20000-15000aB,R)&下切河谷形成;

    The formation of the estuary can be divided into fourstages : ( 1 ) last glaciation ( 2000-15000a B.P. )

  4. POM模式在河口湾污染物质输运过程模拟中的应用

    Application of the Princeton Ocean Model to investigating pollutant transport in a firth

  5. 与TST有关的海侵型丘礁滩组合圈闭、浊积扇岩性圈闭、河口湾-浅滩-潮控三角洲砂体岩性圈闭;

    Bioherm reef complex trap , lithologic trap of turbidite fan and estuary-shoal-delta within TST ;

  6. K18煤层是河口湾沉积格架上形成于浅覆水高位森林沼泽之中,最终又被河口湾沉积所覆盖。

    The K18 coalbed was formed in a high position forest swamp covered by shallow water on the structure of estuary sediments and it was finally covered by estuary sediments .

  7. 珠江河口湾伶仃洋的地形

    Bottom relief of Ling Ding Yang of the Zhujiang River Estuary

  8. 海篷子生长在欧洲寒冷的河口湾上。

    Glasswort is a plant of the cold estuaries of europe .

  9. 晚第四纪古河口湾的发育及有关的资源环境问题。

    Late Quaternary stratigraphy and evolution of the Changjiang Delta , China .

  10. 桂北泥盆纪河流&河口湾沉积特征及其意义

    Features and significance of Devonian FLUVIAL-FIRTH sedimentation in North Guangxi

  11. 河口湾沉积学及层序地层学研究

    Study on sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of estuaries

  12. 九龙江河口湾表层沉积物中重金属分布及其潜在生态风险

    Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Jiulong River Estuary

  13. 这条河流入河口湾。

    The stream debouches into the estuary .

  14. 不一会儿,我们离开了河口湾,向公海前进。

    Soon we had left the River Estuary and were heading towards the open sea .

  15. 大连软件园二期工程阴阳山-河口湾地段城市设计

    Urban Design of Yinyang Mountain-River Mouth Bay Area of Software Park 2nd Phase in Dalian

  16. 伶仃河口湾铜鼓水域水沙净输运分析

    Analysis on the Net Transport of Current and Sediment in Tonggu Waters of Lingding Estuary

  17. 古长江河口湾充填潮流作用机制的初步探讨

    Preliminary study on the role of tidal currents in the filling of the paleo-Changjiang River Estuary

  18. 河口湾相模式研究

    Research on estuarine facies models

  19. 河口湾环境发生强烈变化的一个突出的例子是荷兰。

    An outstanding example of the drastic alteration of the estuarine environment is found in the Netherlands .

  20. 福建九龙江河口湾水下沉积近期变迁的初步研究

    An initial study on the recent vicissitudes of underwater deposit at the Jiulong River Estuary in Fujian

  21. 中部块状砂岩和上部含砾砂岩形成于河口湾和前滨、临滨沉积环境。

    The middle massive sandstone and upper pebbly sandstone formed in an estuary , foreshore and nearshore environments .

  22. 冰后期长江下切河谷体系包括早期的河谷充填沉积、中期的河口湾沉积以及晚期的三角洲沉积。

    The postglacial Changjiang incised-valley system consists of the earlier valley fills and consequent estuarine and deltaic deposits .

  23. 东海陆架泥质沉积作用(5)河口湾淤泥质沉积。

    MUD SEDIMENTATION ON THE EAST CHINA SEA CONTINENTAL SHELF ( 5 ) nearshore and bay clay sediments .

  24. 比较发现,河口湾潮响应场与低频响应场之间存在明显特征差异。

    It is found by comparison that there are obvious differences between tide-induced and low-frequency forcing induced estuarine variations .

  25. 所有的商业性生物气都存储在下切河谷内河漫滩-河口湾砂质透镜体中。

    All commercial biogenic gas is stored in the flood plain-estuary sand lenses of the incised of the incised valleys .

  26. 但是,河口湾沉积序列整体向上变细及退积的特征仍反映了河口湾形成于海浸过程中,是河流入海处河口沉溺的结果。

    Nevertheless , overall characteristics of up-finer and retrogradation show that the estuary deposits are accumulated in the process of transgression .

  27. 西部水域受淡水影响最大,属河口湾环境,水质微咸。

    In the west , where the fresh water influence is greatest , the environment is estuarine and the water is brackish .

  28. 位于河口湾&浅海相中的最大海侵面将冰后期海侵沉积旋回分为其下的海侵层序和其上的海退层序。

    The maximum flooding surface lying in estuarine - shallow marine muddy unit demarcates the underlying transgressive sequence and overlying regressive sequence .

  29. 在河口湾、潮间带和河流三角洲前缘环境中形成的沉积体也不适合进行构型单元分析。

    It is also not suitable for the deposits formed in sedimentary environments such as firths , tidal zones and fluvial deltas .

  30. 湾、海湾、湖、水库、池塘、港湾、泻湖、河口湾、内海

    Bays , fjords , lakes , reservoirs , ponds , lochs , loughs , meres , lagoons , estuaries , inland seas