
  • 网络Taro Kono
  1. 日本外务大臣河野太郎(TaroKono)敦促国际社会警惕朝鲜的会谈动机。

    Taro Kono , Japanese foreign minister , has urged the international community to be careful about North Korea 's motivations for talks .

  2. 河野太郎也指出:为了大量的广告收入,媒体也受到了核工业的操纵。

    Mr Kono also accuses the media of being in the nuclear industry 's pocket , because of lashings of advertising .

  3. 接替菅义伟的人选包括前防卫大臣兼外相河野太郎、前防卫大臣石破茂、现任环境大臣小泉进次郎。

    Party leaders most likely to replace Suga include former Defense and Foreign Affairs Minister Taro Kono , former Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba , and current environment minister Shinjiro Koizumi .