
  1. 同轴线式相位法测量油井含水率

    Coaxial Transmission Line Phase Method for Measuring Water Content of Oil Well

  2. 新型油井含水率测量仪的研制

    Development of New Water Cut Tool in Oil Well

  3. 缝洞型油藏储集空间类型对油井含水率影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on effect of reservoir space types on water cut of wells in karstic-fractured carbonate reservoir

  4. 油井含水率是评价油井及其油田开采能力重要指标之一。

    Moisture content of oil well is one of the important indicators to evaluate the oil well and oil production capacity .

  5. 大孔道一旦形成,油井含水率增加,油藏的采收率降低36%。

    The macroscopic throats in formations once forms , water cut in oil well increases , and oil recovery reduces by 36 percent .

  6. 研制的仪器不但提高了测量精度,还实现了油井含水率以往难实现的连续测量。

    The measuring instrument can improve the measuring accuracy of water content , and realizes continuous measurement of water content in oil well .

  7. 通过对传递函数模型的识别,分析了油水井的地下连通关系及注水对油井含水率的影响。

    The connecting condition between oil well and injection well , and the influence of water injection on water cut of oil well are studied with the identification of transfer function .

  8. 采用多元时间序列分析的方法,对油水井动态特性进行了分析,建立了油井含水率的多因素预测模型。

    Multivariate time series method is used to analyze the performance of oil production and injection wells . A multi factor model for predicting the water cut in oil well is presented .

  9. 另一方面可能造成方向性水窜,采油井过早见水甚至暴性水淹,油井含水率急剧上升。

    It may lead to water breakthrough along fractures on the other , producing water early , and even serious water channeling , so water content ratio increases dramatically in oil well .

  10. 出砂量的变化表明,胶结程度和水力冲刷是影响油层出砂的重要因素,大孔道一旦形成,油井含水率增加,油藏的采收率降低36%。

    The variety of a sand producing proves that cementation intension and hydraulic sand washing are important factors which affect formation sanding production . Once the macroscopic throats forms in formation , water cut in well increases , and oil recovery reduces to 36 percent .

  11. 随着油田的开采,油井含水率必将进入高含水甚至特高含水阶段,目前大庆油田已进入高含水后期,在此阶段如何实现油气藏的科学管理和提高采收率有着十分重要的意义。

    With the oilfields of mining , oilfield will enter the high water-cut stage , even extra high water-cut stages . Daqing Oilfield has entered the high water-cut stage . At this stage , the scientific management of oil and gas reservoirs and enhanced oil recovery has great significance .

  12. 解决了薄差油层压裂效率问题,解决了临近高含水层薄差油层的压裂保护问题,促进了产量的提高,降低了部分油井的含水率。

    It solved the problems of fracturing efficiency and barrier-protection . The production is improved and the water cut in some wells is decreased .

  13. 随着油气田开发进入中后期,油井综合含水率上升,油田开发难度加大,为进一步提高采收率,需要对油藏流体相态进行深入研究。

    As oil and gas field development entering mid-later period , total water cut of oil well is increased , oilfield development is becoming more difficult .

  14. 应用该仪器实测了大庆油田有限责任公司第二、六、七采油厂近30口油井的含水率,实测与化验结果相比,误差最大为15.1%,最小为0.6%。

    The maximal and minimal errors are 15.1 % and 0.6 % of the result of the detector measurement as compared with that of the measurement of water cut of about thirty oil wells of the No. 1 , 2 and 7 Oil Recovery Plants in Daqing Oilfield .

  15. 油井小层含水率预测方法研究

    Method for predicting water cut in small layers of oil wells

  16. 油井经济极限含水率的计算

    The Calculation of Economical Limiting Water Content about Oil Well

  17. 一种测量油井产液含水率的电容式传感器

    Kind of Capacitance Sensor Applied to Measure Water Cut of Production in Oil Well

  18. 对某油田的S井,以3年内不起下管柱、油井产液含水率50%为基础,进行了实例设计,说明了设计方法、设计过程及设计方案的实施办法。

    An example of design is presented , clarifying the method and procedure of the design and the implementation of the designed scheme .

  19. 随着油气田的持续开发,油井产出液综合含水率不断升高,污水回注已成为油田注水采油的主要手段。

    With the continued development of oil and gas fields , Integrated liquid water content oil output rising , wastewater re-injection has become the primary means of oil field water injection .

  20. 油井产物大多含水,随着油田开采时间的增长,油井产物含水率逐渐增大,在集输管路中形成油气水三相混输。

    When the time of mining gets longer , the water content in oil well product increases and oil-gas-water mixed transportation comes into being in gathering pipelines .

  21. 试验结果表明,可动凝胶调驱能改善注水井、采油井的吸水和产液剖面,降低水、油流度比,从而降低油井的含水率及增加产油量。

    The test results show that the movable gel as profile control and flooding not only improve the water injection and liquid production profile but also reduce the mobility ratio oil to water , which brings down water cut and improves oil production .