
  1. 狮泉河水电站工程混凝土冬季施工技术

    Winter concrete construction technique for Shiquanhe Hydropower Station

  2. 大坝心墙防渗掺合料的生产质量是狮泉河水电站大坝质量控制的关键。

    Dam core impervious material quality is critical to dam quality of Shiquanhe hydropower station .

  3. 狮泉河水电站坝体防渗心墙材料由粘土和砂砾料掺合组成;

    The anti-seepage material for the impervious core of the dam for Shiquanhe Hydropower Station consists of the admixture of both clay and gravel ;

  4. 狮泉河水电站粘土心墙土石坝掺合料最大干密度及颗分关系试验

    Experiment on relationship between maximum dry density and grain size composition for mixing material of earth-rock fill dam with clay core of Shiquanhe Hydropower Station