
  • 网络legal society
  1. 公权与私权,是法制社会权利之两翼。

    Public right aad private right are two sides of legal society .

  2. 法制社会下的企业人力资源管理

    Human Resources Management in Enterprises in a Legal Society

  3. 树立法律权威是法制社会的必然要求

    Establishing Legal Authority is the Necessity of Legal System Society

  4. 法制社会该如何建设?

    Is this how to build a society with rule of law ?

  5. 社会冲突的存在,使诉讼为现代法制社会所必需。

    The existence of social conflictions makes lawsuits indispensable to modern jural society .

  6. 在法制社会里,责任政府以公共责任为本位。

    In the legal community , Responsible government orders to service Public responsibility .

  7. 笔者认为,现代法制社会是建立在市场经济基础上的。

    The author thinks that modern society is based on the Market economy .

  8. 现代社会是法制社会。

    Modern society is a constitutional society .

  9. 法制社会中的警察权&以公共领域为对象的考察

    The Police Right in the Legal Society

  10. 政治家明白他们不可能简单地大笔一挥就创造出一个法制社会。

    Politilcians know they cannot create a lawful society simply at the stroke of a pen .

  11. 论新加坡法制社会建立的途径和原因

    Discussion on the Channels and Reasons for the Establishment of Society with Legal System in Singapore

  12. 笔者认为随着文明法制社会的进一步发展,现行减刑制度也应当进行内容模式等方面的变革以适应不断变化了的现代行刑社会。

    Therefore the commutation system should be improved to satisfy the changing need of modern execution society .

  13. 没有法律意识的人是不能适应法制社会发展需要的。

    The person without legal consciousness can not meet the needs of social development of legal system .

  14. 受到革命冲击之前的白鹿原是典型的宗法制社会。

    By the revolutionary impact of white deer before the case was originally a typical legal society .

  15. 在进入当代社会之前,闽西客家社会是典型的封建宗法制社会。

    The Hakka society in West Fujian used to belong to a typically feudal and patriarchal clan system .

  16. 由于哈代所处的时期受到兴起的资本主义冲击,传统的宗法制社会的价值观面临着史无前例的冲击和挑战。

    Since Hardy lived in the time when capitalism started to boom , the traditional values of patriarchal society were facing unprecedented challenges .

  17. 增强公民权利意识是法制社会的文化根基,中国公民的权利意识在不断增强。

    It is cultural base in legal society to strengthen citizens'right consciousness . The right consciousness of Chinese people is constantly being strengthened .

  18. 在现代化的法制社会里,只有通过守法的基本途径,才能实现幸福这一人生的终极目的。

    In the modern legal society , only by observance , the ultimate aim of life , i.e. , happiness , can be realized .

  19. 在英国文学史上,许多作家都通过自己的创作来缅怀古朴的宗法制社会,寻觅梦中的伊甸乐园。

    In British literary history , many writers recall simple and unsophisticated society of patriarchic clan system to seek their dreamed paradise through their own creation .

  20. 清末建立法制社会的努力虽然没有成功,但其意义不能低估。

    Although the effort of setting up the society of the rule of law in the ending Qing Dynasty was failure , its significance was great .

  21. 因此在今天的法制社会,项目在很大程度上取决于各参与方之间的合同安排和国家支持项目的法律框架。

    Therefore , the item is decided by contract arrangement with each participant and the law frame of nation support to item in today 's legal social .

  22. 这也反映了当时社会从古老的封闭的宗法制社会转向近代开放的社会,所正在经历的困惑与痛苦。

    This reflects the confusion and sufferings the society is experiencing at that time in transforming from an old closed patriarchal society to the modern open society .

  23. 民事强制执行法律制度作为私权实现的重要公力救济手段,是现代法制社会的必然要求。

    As an important strong public saving way of realizing personal power , executing the civil law forcely is needed necessarily by modern society of legal systems .

  24. 本文用历史分析和比较法分析的方法探讨如何建构法制社会中警察权的疆域,以期为警察法治的理论和实践服务。

    With the method of analysis history and comparative law , the essay analyses how to construct the territory of police power in the society governed by law .

  25. 普遍上新加坡给外人的第一印象是:一个结构严谨的法制社会,治安好,却附带着诸多限制;

    Generally , Singapore impresses foreigners as a well-governed society in which people abide by laws . Public order is good , but people are subject to various restrictions .

  26. 全面实施素质教育要求大学生具备较高的法律素质,现代法制社会也要求大学生要有过硬的法律素质,因此,培养大学生的法律素质就显得越来越重要。

    In order to enforce the all-round education , college students should have higher quality of law knowledge which also is the need of construction of modern jural society .

  27. 具体来说,在司法过程中仍应坚持“以结果无价值为基础的行为无价值二元论”,这是由法制社会所要求的形式合理性所决定的。

    Specifically speaking , the judicial practice should adhere to the theory of criminal illegality for it is determined by the formal rationality in the society ruled by law .

  28. 公务员问责制是法治社会的重要组成部分,也是法制社会成熟的标志,因此对发展中的中国具有重要意义。

    The accountability system is the integral part of legal society and the marker of its maturity , so such a system is of great significance for the developing China .

  29. 本文认为苔丝的悲剧是在宗法制社会的毁灭与资本主义社会的胜利这一历史演变过程中形成的。

    In this passage , we can know the tragedy of Tess takes shape from a social developing procession , in which the traditional society exterminated and the bourgeois society had a victory .

  30. 电子政务的运行必须在法律监督之下,电子政务的发展也必须基于信息法律的保障,电子政务的实施有利于建设法制社会。

    The operating of e-government must be under law supervision , the development of e-government relies on the insurance of information laws , the effectuation of e-government favors the construction of constitution society .