
  • 网络statutory dissolution
  1. 论保险合同的法定解除与终止

    On the Statutory Dissolution and Termination of Insurance Contract

  2. 然而,法定解除也应当有它的适用范围。

    However , legal relieves also must have its applicable scope .

  3. 论我国劳动合同的法定解除

    On the Legal Dissolution of the Labor Contract of Our Country

  4. 第一部分为合同法定解除的一般分析。

    Labor contracts as a kind of contract , the contract .

  5. 第三章第一节对我国合同法规定的合同解除的结构和体系、法定解除事由进行了分析。

    Therefore , chapter three only discusses the reasons of legal rescission .

  6. 法定解除与广义的约定解除。

    Legal rescinding and engagement rescinding in the broad sense .

  7. 第二章讨论了保险人保险合同法定解除权发生的原因。

    The second chapter discusses the occurrence of the right .

  8. 合同履行期前的法定解除事由探讨论期前违约制度&履约期待权的救济措施

    On Breaking a Contract in Advance & The Remedy for the Expectation Rights of Contract-keeping

  9. 合同法定解除制度是现代合同法中非常重要的一部分。

    The institution of legal relief for contract is significant in contract law of today .

  10. 从同时履行抗辩权的概念、历史考察及比较研究、适用条件、与法定解除的区别等四个方面对其进行了系统的研究。

    Its definition history , comparative study , applying condition and difference between legal release .

  11. 简述了法定解除的条件,强调了法律对法定解除条件的限制。

    It also discuss the requirements of legal rescission , and emphasizes legal restrictions of it .

  12. 在法定解除情形,合同当事人行使合同解除权无须第三人同意。

    On legal conditions of canceling contract , they can cancel without third party 's agreement .

  13. 构建了一个较为合理且可行的保险合同法定解除制度体系。

    It builds up a more reasonable and feasible legal relieves system of insurance contract framework .

  14. 合同法定解除原因是合同解除制度的重要组成部分。

    Reason of legal rescission contract is an important component of the system of rescission contract .

  15. 合同解除权产生的情形因约定和法定解除权的不同而不同。

    The right to cancel a contract obtained by agreement differs from that by provisions of law .

  16. 期待自己的研究能够对我国合同法定解除权制度的完善有所裨益。

    Expectations of our own research contracts can improve the system of statutory right of cancellation benefit .

  17. 第二部分为合同法定解除条件的立法例及学说比较分析。

    The second part is a legal contract termination conditions of the legislation and comparative analysis theory .

  18. 对保险合同法定解除中的一些基本问题提出自己的看法。

    Propose my own view on some basic questions of the legal relieves of . insurance contract .

  19. 尝试运用经济学的分析工具对保险合同法定解除效果进行探讨。

    Attempt to reach the legal potency of legal relieves of the insurance contract using the economic analysis .

  20. 论保险合同法定解除的溯及力问题&兼议09《保险法》的修改

    On the Retroactive Effect Legally Revoked in Insurance Contracts & Concurrently Discussing the Amendment of 09 Insurance Law

  21. 第四章对应第三章所指出的缺陷,探讨我国法定解除制度完善的方法。

    Lastly , chapter IV explore the ways to improve the system of the legal rescission of contract .

  22. 第一部分,保险人法定解除权的一般分析。

    The first part is about some common theories of insurer 's legal right to termination Insurance Contract .

  23. 保险合同的利益平衡机制遭到损坏是保险人行使法定解除权的边界。

    The insurance contract the damage of benefit balance is the boundary of the insurer to exercises the legal relieves .

  24. 引言和第一章主要是概述法定解除的发展历史和基本理论。

    Firstly , chapter ⅰ introduces the development of history and the basic theory of the legal rescission of contract .

  25. 大陆法系合同法定解除制度于学说理论及立法司法实践层面,长期以来多有争议、难作统一解说。

    There exist great disputes to legal contract-cancellation system of civil law system in theory and legislative and judicial practice chronically .

  26. 定期租船合同法定解除事由评析&兼论《海商法》相关条款的修订我国海上保险人解除合同的法定事由探讨

    On the statutory circumstances for rescinding time charter party An Exploration on the Legal Basis for Rescinding Maritime Insurance Contract in China

  27. 对两大法系以及国际公约中关于合同法定解除事由的规定进行了较为详细的评述和比较,并结合我国《合同法》,讨论了国外先进立法对我国的借鉴意义。

    It gives more detailed reviews and comparisons about two legal systems and provisions of contract legal rescission causes in international conventions .

  28. 而韩国民法将归责事由作为法定解除权的构成要件。

    Korean civil law will be attributable to the fault of the subject matter as a statutory right to terminate the constituent elements .

  29. 包括协议解除、约定解除权、法定解除权三种类型。

    It Include three types , i.e. Agreement to lift , and they agreed right of cancellation , the statutory right of cancellation .

  30. 但是,由于我国目前正处于保险业发展的初期,竞争机制还不完善,保险人法定解除权制度在理论和规定上也存在许多弊病。

    However , because our country is in initial stage of insurance 's development at present , competition mechanism is still not complete .