
  • 网络court trial
  1. 众所周知,法庭审判在司法过程中占有重要的地位。

    As we all know , court trial is of great importance in jurisdiction .

  2. 八是,少年法庭审判。

    8 , the juvenile court trial .

  3. 他被送交法庭审判,并被裁定有罪。

    He was brought before the court and found guilty .

  4. 他因危险驾驶而被移交地方法庭审判。

    He was hauled up before the local magistrates for dangerous driving .

  5. 据NPR新闻的汤姆·鲍曼报道,数十名发射官员将面临惩罚,惩罚级别从惩戒到军事法庭审判不等。

    As NPR 's Tom Bowman reports , dozens of launch officers will face punishment ranging from reprimands to courts-martial .

  6. 在法庭审判时的相关证据显示,乐成在同FBI的卧底聊天时写道,“如果你能把蓖麻毒素做成速效死亡药片,肯定会大卖。”

    Among evidence introduced at his trial were statements Le made in writing about getting ricin froman FBI covert employee , including : " If you can make them into simple and easy death pills , they 'd become bestsellers . "

  7. AFACT的官员NeilGane则称必须对盗版者的犯罪行为进行彻底调查,警方应关闭其营业场所并将盗版者送交法庭审判。

    Neil Gane , AFACT director of operations , said pirates should be in " no doubt " that what he called their criminal actions would be thoroughly investigated , shut down by police , and judged in court .

  8. 论定罪三段论及其在法庭审判中的作用

    On Syllogism in Conviction and Tts Function in the Lawcourt Trial

  9. 法庭审判的公开具有三种例外情形。

    There are three exceptional instances of the publicity of trial .

  10. 很快,他被带到法庭审判。

    Soon , he was brought to court for trial .

  11. 这类案子一般在不公开的军事法庭审判。

    Cases of this type are tried in a closed military court .

  12. 他被交付奈茨布里奇刑事法庭审判。

    He was committed for trial at Knightsbridge crown court .

  13. 爱德华兹夫人因被指控杀人而出席法庭审判。

    Mrs Edwards will appear in court charged with manslaughter .

  14. 法庭审判问答冲突的语言研究

    The Conflict between Questioning and Responding in Chinese Courtroom : A Linguistic Research

  15. 法庭审判是目的指向和任务驱使非常明确的交际过程,参与者会利用会话含义来达到他们的目的。

    Courtroom communication is goal-directed and task - driven .

  16. 进行法庭审判的地方。

    A room in which a law court sits .

  17. 对大多数家庭纠纷来说,调解比法庭审判更便宜,效果也更好。

    Mediation is cheaper and better than court proceedings for most family disputes .

  18. 这项动议被交给军事法庭审判。

    The motion was handed over to a committee .

  19. 刑事法庭审判的是重大犯罪案件。

    A crown court hears major criminal cases .

  20. 警方必须尽力把罪犯送交法庭审判。

    The police must do all they can to bring the criminals to justice .

  21. 审判公开的权利包括法庭审判的公开和判决的公开。

    The right to a public hearing includes the publicity of trial and judgment .

  22. 谁让他们过了分界线就上军事法庭审判。

    The man who lets them cross the line will be court-martialed and broken .

  23. 这五人的法庭审判于周二开始。

    The accused now face a judge trial which is set to begin Tuesday .

  24. 在法庭审判期间,他放声大哭,并坦诚了自己的罪行。

    During the court hearing , he broke into tears and confessed with the charges .

  25. 所有的人都没有经过法庭审判。

    None was given a court trial .

  26. 法庭审判是最重要的法律活动之一,也是法律实践最重要的形式之一。

    As one form of legal implementation , courtroom trials are the most important legal activities .

  27. 他的法庭审判吸引了全国的目光。

    His trial captivates the country .

  28. 英国大约三分之一的学校关闭,法庭审判也被推迟。

    Around a third of schools across Britain were closed , while court trials were delayed .

  29. 这不仅仅是一场法庭审判,这是英雄的失落。

    There is more than just a courtroom trial . It is the loss of a hero .

  30. 二人于本月早些时候被送交法庭审判,罪名是煽动叛乱。

    Both officers were brought before the courts earlier this month , and charged with incitement to mutiny .