
  1. 不知道“公民被宣告死亡后,以其居住地为中心的所有民事法律关系消灭”是根据民法通则哪一条?

    According to which clause of PRC General Principles of the Civil law did you say that after declaration of the death the civil legal relation regarding residence as the center eliminates ?

  2. 论刑事法律关系的消灭

    On the Extinction of Criminal Legal Relation

  3. 犯罪的消灭对刑事法律关系的消灭有着至关重要的影响。

    The extinction of crime exerts a great effect on the extinction of criminal legal relation .

  4. 撤销权的行使将直接或间接导致民事法律关系的消灭。

    Revocation of the right to exercise directly or indirectly lead to the eradication of civil legal relations .

  5. 与民事、经济等法律关系的消灭不同,犯罪人死亡必然导致刑事法律关系消灭;

    Unlike the extinction of civil and economic legal relation , the death of criminal inevitably leads to the extinction of criminal legal relation .

  6. 期待权因基础法律关系的消灭、标的物所有权消灭、再让与、添附等原因而消灭。

    Expectant right eliminates for the elimination of basic legal relationship , and elimination of the subject matter of the ownership , Re-transfer , accretion and other reasons .

  7. 而非破产清算作为公司终止前的一项重要制度,对于了结公司既存法律关系,消灭公司法人资格有着不可替代的作用。

    And as an important standardized system prior to the termination of the company , non-bankruptcy liquidation plays an irreplaceable role in settling the pre-existing legal nexus and elimination of corporate legal personality .

  8. 非破产清算是指处理因破产、合并或分立原因以外解散的企业法人的各项未了事务,结束以其为中心的一切法律关系,最终消灭企业法人人格的程序。

    Non-bankruptcy liquidation refers to procedures that dispose various unfinished affairs of the dissolved enterprise ( beyond the reasons of bankruptcy , merger or division ), terminate all legal relations centered on it and finally bring the enterprise legal persona to an end .