
  • 网络Pollitt;pariet;rabeprazole
  1. 皮卡多出版社(Picador),25美元。在这本宣言之中,波利特主张女性应当停止为堕胎而道歉,并称其有积极的社会利益。

    ( Picador , $ 25 . ) In this manifesto , Pollitt argues that women should stop apologizing and reclaim abortion as a positive social good .

  2. 他从来就和波利特意见不一致。

    He never saw eye to eye with Pollitt .

  3. 波利特曾在特斯拉参与ModelS和ModelX车型的研发,这家电动车制造商在过去18个月里与iPhone制造商展开人才争夺战。

    Mr Porritt worked on the Model S and Model X at Tesla , which has been engaged in a war for talent with the iPhone maker for the past 18 months .

  4. 目的观察波利特(雷贝拉唑)治疗胃食管返流病(GERD)的临床疗效。

    Objective to observe the clinical efficiency of rabeprazole in treating gastro-esophageal reflex disease ( GERD ) .

  5. 波利特、达克普隆和Nexium对幽门螺杆菌的体外抑菌效果比较

    In-vitro activity of rabeprazole , lansoprazole , and esomeprazole against Helicobacter pylori

  6. 克里斯•波利特(ChrisPorritt)在三年前离开阿斯顿马丁(AstonMartin),出任特斯拉汽车工程副总裁。请到他对于苹果的汽车项目是一个助力;该公司电动车团队的领导者史蒂夫•扎德斯基(SteveZadesky)今年刚离职。

    The recruitment of Chris Porritt , who left Aston Martin to become Tesla 's vice-president of vehicle engineering three years ago , is a boost for the Apple car project after the departure of Steve Zadesky , the team 's leader , this year .

  7. 波利特治疗胃食管返流病40例临床疗效观察

    Observation of the clinical efficiency of rabeprazole in treating gastro-esophageal reflex disease

  8. 特斯拉证实波利特已离开该公司。

    Tesla confirmed Mr Porritt 's departure from the company .

  9. 艾莉的好朋友,玛戈特、塞蕾娜和波利特准备给艾莉开一个告别单身惊喜派对。

    Elle 's friends , Margot , Serena and Paulette will give her a surprise wedding shower .

  10. 普京冷淡的表示,波利特科夫斯卡娅的作品对于俄罗斯影响甚微。

    Mr Putin callously said at the time that Politkovskaya 's work had minimal impact in Russia .

  11. 目的:探讨波利特三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To discuss the efficacy and safety of eradicating the Helicobacter pylori by Rabeprazole triple therapy .

  12. 上篇通过对波利特著作的研究,介绍古希腊的艺术批评观念。

    The first part studies the books of Pollitt , and introduces the ways of Greek Art critic .

  13. 特斯拉在2013年5月形容波利特是“世界级领导者”和“杰出工程师”。

    Tesla described Mr Porritt in May 2013 as a " world-class leader " and " outstanding engineer . "