
  • 网络Bohemian;bohemia
  1. 此时,哈维尔刚从他位于波希米亚(Bohemia)的乡间别墅回来,一群反对派活动人士请他担任领袖。于是,哈维尔领导了天鹅绒革命,由害羞的知识分子转型为精明的政治策略家。

    A group of opposition activists looked to Havel , just returned from his country house in Bohemia , for leadership . He took command of the Velvet revolution , transformed from shy intellectual into shrewd political tactician .

  2. 论格林尼治村波希米亚生活艺术的消费文化倾向

    On Expenditure Culture Tendency of Bohemia Life Art in Greenwich Village

  3. 我们花了很多钱买波希米亚玻璃制品送人和自用。

    We splurged on Bohemian glass for gifts , and for ourselves .

  4. 说到波希米亚玻璃,许多商店都有出售这种传统的玻璃制品,但做工最为精细的却陈列在19世纪装饰艺术博物馆(museumofdecorativearts)里。

    As for Bohemian Glass , there are many shops selling traditional glassware but the finest examples are in the 19th-century Museum of decorative arts .

  5. 他指出,美国经济学家理查德佛罗里达(richardflorida)的研究,证明了“波希米亚”群体的吸引力,这些群体让他们生活的地区变得繁华。

    He said research by the US economist Richard Florida had made the case for the attractiveness of " Bohemian " communities , which made the areas in which they lived prosperous .

  6. 英语中,在“Czech”(捷克人)一词普遍使用之前,人们常常用“Bohemian”(波希米亚人)来表示捷克人或者捷克语。

    The word " Bohemian " used to denote the Czech people as well as the Czech language before the word " Czech " became prevalent in English .

  7. 不过这些东西都是Sally“认为”想要的,而她心目中时期希望有自己的伴侣是富有创造力、对金钱不关心的波希米亚人。

    These things , however , were what Sally 's head desired , but her heart actually longed for the company of creative , bohemian people who had little concern for gobs of cash .

  8. LidiaSerpa出生于安哥拉一个颇具艺术氛围和波希米亚气质的家庭中,母亲是波希米亚西班牙籍歌手,父亲是葡萄牙商人。

    Born in Angola to a bohemian Spanish singer and a Portuguese businessman , Lidia Serpa has always lived a very artistic life .

  9. 一月份的北半球,很多地方还蜷缩在寒冷的冬天里,可是墨西哥小波希米亚的冲浪小镇&萨与利他(Sayulita)已在充分展示其全部的美丽色彩和由暖骨热量所带来的成熟。

    In January , when much of the Northern Hemisphere is huddled down in the cold winter , the small bohemian surf town of Sayulita , Mexico , shows off its full colors and is ripe with bone-warming heat .

  10. 吉普赛人的生活智慧与波希米亚文化现象

    On Relation Between Gypsies Life Wisdom and Origin of Bohemian Culture

  11. 她是一个波希米亚天后-一个典型的少女风格。

    She is a bohemian diva a classic girl with style .

  12. 他是一名记者,波希米亚和实际滑稽。

    He was a journalist , bohemian , and practical joker .

  13. 你知道我在哪儿可以买到波希米亚车料玻璃器皿?

    Do you happen to know where I can find Bohemia crystals ?

  14. 世界如何动态地改变对波希米亚的计划是决定性。

    How the world dynamically changes is crucial to Bohemia 's plan .

  15. 波希米亚平纹枕芯布台布很快就熨烫平整了。

    Bohemian ticking The tablecloth was soon smoothed over with an iron .

  16. 1158年的今天,瓦尔狄斯拉姆二世成为波希米亚国王。

    1158 – Vladislav II becomes King of Bohemia .

  17. 穿一件让人惊叹的波希米亚式连衣裙&看上去越轻盈越好。

    Wear a fabulousboho frock – the more ethereal youlook , the better .

  18. 她收藏了一批做工精细的波希米亚玻璃制品。

    She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass .

  19. 格林威治村曾经是纽约的波希米亚人生活的中心。

    Greenwich Village was once the center of New York 's Bohemian life .

  20. 这是由捷克波希米亚为主。

    It was dominated by the Czechs of Bohemia .

  21. 一束波希米亚的光亮刺破黑夜,浸润生活的平淡

    A beam of Bohemian light , piercing the night Moistens the ordinary life

  22. 一半画廊,一半波希米亚式咖啡馆。

    Half gallery , half Boho coffee shop .

  23. 波希米亚印花,花朵及图形在女装和裙子上风行一时。

    Boho prints , floral patterns are all the rage in dresses and skirts .

  24. 波希米亚可是在欧洲中部呀!

    Bohemia 's in the middle of Europe !

  25. 波希米亚浪荡子与唯美主义精神的内部穿孔

    Bohemian Dandy and Aesthetic Spirit of Internal Perforation

  26. 论波德莱尔对波希米亚生活的诗学贡献

    On Baudelaire 's Poetics of Bohemian Life

  27. 在我去过的这三个地方中,我注意到的另一种潮流就是波希米亚风。

    Another trend that I saw in all three places I visited was the bohemian look .

  28. 欧洲19世纪末思潮视域中的颓废波希米亚

    On the Decadence Bohemia of European Trend of Thought in the End of the 19th Century

  29. 《波希米亚人》中的爱与死

    Love & Death of La Boheme

  30. 波德莱尔与波希米亚生活的诗学空间

    Baudelaire and Poetics of Bohemian life