
  • 网络corrugated diaphragm;convoluted diaphragm
  1. 大多数学者研究波纹膜片的弯曲问题,是采用扁壳理论讨论具有浅波纹的膜片。

    In most cases , only the problem of shallow corrugated diaphragm was analyzed by using the theory of shallow shells .

  2. 应用格林函数方法,将波纹膜片的非线性边值问题化为非线性积分方程进行求解。

    The nonlinear boundary value problem of the corrugated diaphragm reduces to the nonlinear integral equations by applying the method of Green 's function .

  3. 本文从设计计算,制造与应用3方面,就国产3YC20弹性合金(系机电部重庆仪表材料研究所产品牌号,相当于00Cr17Ni13M03)制造替代进口的316L材料的波纹膜片膜盒,进行了实验研究。

    Calculations for Circular Arc Type Corrugated Membrane The feasibility and reliability of imported 316L alloy diaphragn substituted by 3YC20 ( self-made ) elastic alloy diaphragm in imported instruments were studied .

  4. 关于波纹膜片实验设计法的探讨

    An Approach to the Experimental Design of Corrugated Diaphragms

  5. 解答可供波纹膜片的设计参考。

    The present work is expected to be useful for design of corrugated diaphragms .

  6. 三圆弧波纹膜片的设计

    Design of Three-convolution Circular Arc Corrugated Diaphragms

  7. 圆弧形波纹膜片、膜盒、波纹管、焊接波纹管非线性计算通用程序

    A Computer Program for Solving Nonlinear Problems of Circular Arc Corrugated Diaphragms , Capsules , Bellows and Welded Bellows

  8. 本文提出了采用可调式膜片成型模进行波纹膜片设计的实验设计法。

    This paper states the experimental design of the adjustable forming die adopted to proceed the design of corrugated diaphragms .

  9. 环壳理论与直交异性板理论在计算三圆弧波纹膜片上的比较

    Comparison of the Calculations of Three-Convolution Circular Arc Corrugated Diaphragms by Toroidal Shell Theory and by Orthogonal Anisotropy Plate Theory

  10. 阳螺纹-阳螺纹管子当两个波纹膜片在边缘处粘结时,就构成一膜盒。

    Pin-to-box pipe When two corrugated diaphragms are joined at the outer edges , the unit is referred to as a capsule .

  11. 讨论具有刚性硬中心锯齿形和梯形波纹膜片的摄动解法。

    This paper discusses the Perturbation solution of diaphragms with toothed and trapezoidal corrugation and a non-deformable rigid body at the center .

  12. 绘出了不同载荷组合下波纹膜片的特征曲线,得到的特征曲线可供设计参考。

    The characteristic curves of the corrugated diaphragm for different load combinations are given . The obtained characteristic curves are available for reference to design .

  13. 本文采用轴对称旋转壳体的简化Re-issner方程,研究了在中心集中载荷作用下具有光滑中心波纹膜片的非线性弯曲问题。

    By using the simplified Reissner 's equation of axisymmetric shells of revolution , the nonlinear bending of a corrugated diaphragm with plane central region under concentrated load had been investigated .

  14. 在大多数位移式仪器仪表中,要求波纹膜片产生大小至少和膜片厚度是同样数量级的弹性位移,这就要求使用薄壳的几何非线性理论进行分析。

    In a number of instruments measuring displacements , the elastic displacement is at least the same order as its thickness , so that it is necessary to use geometrical nonlinear theory of thin shells to analyze .

  15. 利用ANSYS有限元程序对机械密封焊接金属波纹管波纹膜片进行应力分析计算。

    ANSYS was used to calculate the stress within membranes of welded metal bellows used for mechanical sealing .

  16. 有人用直交异性板的理论计算波纹板(膜片)的弹性位移,所得结果曾与实验对照比较满意。

    The calculation of elastic deformations of corrugated diaphragms has been given by orthogonal anisotropy plate theory [ 1 ] , and its result agrees with the experimental results .

  17. 介绍了测试金属波纹管、膜片、膜盒、跳跃膜片等弹性元件特性参数的测试仪。

    Introduced the test metal corrugated pipe , the diaphragm , the bellows , the reflect scope , the reflector , the caper diaphragm , the isoelastic part and characteristic parameter .