
  1. 晚泥盆世弗拉斯法门期(FrasnianFamennian)之间存在一次全球性生物绝灭事件(简称FF事件)。这次事件在西秦岭地区有所表现。

    There existed an event of global mass extinction between the Frasnian and Famennian of the Late Devonian .

  2. 晚泥盆世或早石炭世,Indochina地体与SouthChina板块发生碰撞,形成一个超级联合古陆Cathaysialand。

    In late Devonian or Early Carboniferous times , the Indochina Terrane collided with South China and formed an amalgamated super-terrane called " Cathaysialand " .

  3. 拉斑玄武岩SHRIMP锆石年龄352Ma,说明蛇绿岩的形成可持续到晚泥盆世&早石炭世。

    Tholeiite has a zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age of 352 Ma , suggesting that the formation of the ophiolites may have continued till the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous .

  4. 南天山南缘晚泥盆世构造事件的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年证据及其意义

    ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar age determination on the Late Devonian tectonic event along the southern margin of the South Tianshan Mountains and its significance

  5. 2晚泥盆世-石炭纪伸展变形-深源热流体叠加事件(D2)。

    The geothermal event of the end of the Late Devonian to the Carboniferous extensional deformation of basin superimposing of deep source hot fluids ( D 2 );

  6. 云南沾益中泥盆世小肢鱼(Microbrachius)一新种

    A new species or microbrachius from Middle Devonian of Yunnan

  7. 四川龙门山区早泥盆世Emsian期群落古环境分析

    Palaeoenvironments of eight benthic communities in emsian stage of Lower Devonian from Mt. longmen , Sichuan Province

  8. 同样的状况可能影响了Ekhingol群系与未分化早泥盆世岩石。

    The same events might have affected the rocks of the Ekhingol formation and the undifferentiated Lower Devonian .

  9. 桂东北早、中泥盆世地层新认识

    A new advance on study of Lower-Middle Devonian in Northeast Guangxi

  10. 新疆北塔山晚志留&早泥盆世苔藓虫

    Late Silurian - Early Devonian bryozoans from Baytik mountain of Xinjiang

  11. 塔里木盆地北部晚泥盆世孢子组合

    Upper Devonian spores from the North Tarim Basin , NW China

  12. 塔里木盆地晚泥盆世及石炭纪岩相古地理

    Lithofacies palaeogeography of the late Devonian and Carboniferous in Tarim Basin

  13. 黔南地区早、中泥盆世沉积演化的动力机制东海陆架盆地第三系沉积构造动力背景分析

    TERTIARY BASIN setting analysis and sedimentary dynamics of the East China

  14. 西准噶尔晚志留世、早泥盆世孢子和疑源类

    Late silurian - Early Devonian spores and acritarchs from west Junggar

  15. 云南曲靖晚志留世和早泥盆世介形类

    Late Silurian and Early Devonian Ostracodes from the Qujing area , Yunnan

  16. 云南西部中-晚泥盆世硅质岩相地层及其放射虫动物群

    Middle-late Devonian strata of cherty facies and radiolarian faunas from West Yunnan

  17. 广西早、中泥盆世双壳类动物群、生活习性及其沉积环境

    The Early-Middle Devonian bivalve faunas , life-habits and depositional environments of Guangxi

  18. 桂林晚泥盆世钙屑浊积岩

    Calcic - clast turbidite of Late Devonian epoch , guilin

  19. 桂中、湘南中泥盆世晚期有孔虫

    Late Middle Devonian foraminifera from Central Guangxi and southern Hunan

  20. 滇西中泥盆世海百合的两个新属

    Two new genera of Middle Devonian crinoids from western Yunnan

  21. 广西隆林和南丹地区早、中泥盆世双壳类

    Early and Middle Devonian bivalves from Nandan and Longlin districts of Guangxi

  22. 新疆昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山中泥盆世及石炭纪一些四射珊瑚

    Middle Devonian and Carboniferous TETRACORALS from Kunlun Mountain and Karakorum mountain , Xinjiang

  23. 昆仑造山带晚泥盆世沉积特征及构造古地理环境

    The deposition characteristics and Tectono-Paleogeographic environment of Kunlun orogenic belt in Late Devonian

  24. 华南中泥盆世成煤植物

    Coal Forming Plants in Middle Devonian from South China

  25. 广州地区晚泥盆世至早石炭世地层及植物组合

    Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous strata and floral assemblages of the Guangzhou area

  26. 贵州中泥盆世四射珊瑚新属

    Two genera of Middle Devonian rugose corals from Guizhou

  27. 湖南中部中泥盆世的轮藻化石及其生活环境探讨

    Discussion about the CHAROPHYTE fossils during Middle Devonian period and its living environment

  28. 湖南锡矿山剖面晚泥盆世底栖介形类及其大灭绝

    Late Devonian benthic Ostracodes at the Xikuangshan section of Hunan and their mass extinction

  29. 滇西南早泥盆世地层研究新进展

    Advance in the Research of the Early Devonian Strata in Southwestern Yunnan , China

  30. 青海玉树地区首次发现中泥盆世植物化石

    The discovery of the Middle Devonian plant fossils from the Yushu region in Qinghai