
  1. 用AC法从高锑低银类铅阳极泥中回收银和铅

    Recovery of silver and lead from lead electrolysis refining anodic slime bearing high antimony and lower silver by AC process

  2. 从罗定铅阳极泥中回收银

    Recovery of silver from lead anode slime in Luoding

  3. 采用少试样、大体积,常规处理样品,原子吸收分光光度法直接测定铅阳极泥中金、银;

    The less sample and great Volume of liquid sample are used to make the determination of gold and silver in lead anode slime by atomic absorption spectrophotometry .

  4. 探讨了铅阳极泥中金、银、铜、锑、铋等金属回收方法与指标以及砷的污染防治措施。

    Processes for extracting metals from the slurry and recovery rates of them , such as gold , silver , copper , antimony and bismuth , and measures of controlling arsenic pollution are discussed .

  5. 采用浮选磁选还原浸出重选脱泥工艺处理银含量为3.15×10-4的某银锰矿。

    The silver in some oxidized silver-manganese ore with a grade of 3.15 × 10 ~ ( - 4 ) Ag was concentrated with a novel technique including flotation , magnetic separation , reducing leaching and gravity desliming .

  6. 从铜阳极泥提取金和银

    Extraction of Gold and Silver from Copper Anode Slime

  7. 7-(4-氯-2-硝基苯偶氮)-δ-羟基喹啉-5-磺酸直接分光光度法测定阳极泥中的微量银

    7 - ( 4-Chloro-2-Nitrophenylazo ) - 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-Sulfonic Acid Direct Determination of Silver by Spectrophotometric Method

  8. 铅阳极泥酸浸富银渣中的银呈氯化银状态。

    The state of silver in silver-rich residue from leaching of lead anodic slime with acid is AgCl .