
  1. 硬PVC注塑成型技术在电子领域中的应用

    The application of Injection Moulding Technology of Rigid PVC to Electronic Industry

  2. 浅谈MPI在注塑成型技术中的应用

    A Brief Description of Application of MPI in Injection Molding Technology

  3. 气体辅助注塑成型技术及其模具CAE

    Gas Assisted Injection Mold and Its CAE

  4. 随着各领域对塑料质量性能产品日益增长的需求,发展了许多新的注塑成型技术,其中快速热循环注塑成型工艺(RHCM,RapidHeatingCycleMolding)是近几年发展出的新技术之一。

    With the growing demand in various fields of plastic quality performance products , many new injection molding technology have been developed . And Rapid Heating Cycle Molding ( RHCM ) is one of the new technologies developed in recent years .

  5. 本文研究的重点内容分为以下几个方面:(1)首先概述了注塑成型技术、注塑模CAE技术,并介绍了注塑模CAE技术发展的概况和流动模拟技术研究现状;

    The main content of the study is composed of the four following respects : Firstly , not only the technology of the injection molding and injection plastic mould CAE but also the development situation of injection plastic mould CAE and flow simulation are introduced summarily .

  6. 渡槽薄壁结构弹塑性动力分析模型及试验验证薄壳注塑成型技术

    Viscoelastic dynamic model for analysis of thin wall concrete aqueduct and experimental verification

  7. 气体辅助注塑成型技术&一项向传统注塑工艺挑战的未来技术

    Gas - Assisted Injection Molding ── A New Technology with Innovation and Challenge

  8. 气体辅助注塑成型技术在电视机模具中的应用

    Application of Gas-assisted-injection Molding Technique in TV Cabinet Mould

  9. 国外反应注塑成型技术的进展

    Oversea Technical Advance of the Reaction Injection Molding

  10. 气体辅助注塑成型技术

    Gas assisted Injection Molding Technology

  11. 微注塑成型技术被认为是适合批量加工聚合物微器件的制造方法。

    Micro-injection molding technology is considered as the suitable manufacturing methods of volume process of polymer micro-devices .

  12. 塑料3K-Ⅱ型微行星齿轮减速器设计方法与注塑成型技术的研究

    Study of Design Method and Injection Molding Technology for Plastic 3K - ⅱ Micro Planetary Gear Reducer

  13. 常用的微器件加工方法主要有微注塑成型技术和微热压技术。

    At present , the common fabrication methods of micro devices include micro-injection molding technology and micro-pressing technology .

  14. 共注塑成型技术涉及多色多物料注射的不同形式,同时模具的结构又各有不同。

    There are different types of co-injection techniques such as multi-color injection , which requires different kinds of mold .

  15. 薄壁注塑成型技术是在常规注塑成型技术的基础上发展起来的一种新技术。

    Injection molding for thin-wall is a new technology which developed on the basis of the traditional injection molding technology .

  16. 研究表明,注塑成型技术可用于批量制造聚合物微流控芯片,具有很好的应用前景。

    Therefore , injection molding technology has the ability of successfully manufacturing microfluidic chips in mass and has promising prospect .

  17. 本文采用微发泡注塑成型技术,研究了成型工艺参数对医疗制品尺寸稳定性的影响,并提出了优化的玻纤增强型材料成型工艺。

    This paper investigated the effects of processing conditions on the dimensional stabilities of medical products , using microcellular injection molding .

  18. 近年来,随着塑料制品应用领域的不断拓宽,注塑成型技术越来越受到人们的关注,人们对注塑制品的质量要求也越来越高。

    In most recent years , along with the increasing expanded application of plastic products , injection molding technology has won brand concern .

  19. 目前,微注塑成型技术已日益成熟,国内外有关微结构注塑成型的研究也很多。

    Nowadays micro injection molding technology has been increasingly matured , and there are a lot research on the micro injection molding at home and abroad .

  20. 双色注塑成型技术,作为一种最早诞生于20世纪七十年代的生产工艺,在国外已经得到了较广泛的应用。

    As the first production process in the seventies of the 20th century , two-color injection molding technology has been more widely used in the foreign countries .

  21. 随着工业的发展以及注塑成型技术的广泛应用,塑料制品的使用已经几乎渗透到各个行业中。

    With the development of the industry and the wide use of injection molding technology , Plastic products are being used in almost every trade of life .

  22. 微透镜阵列是重要的集成化微光学元件,采用微注塑成型技术或纳米压印技术实现批量化生产。

    Micro lens array is important micro-optics part and has been widely used in high-technology fields , it is mass produced by micro-injection molding technology and nano-imprinting technology .

  23. 国内对双色注塑成型技术的研究和应用还处于初级阶段,对于双色注塑的成型工艺和成形质量控制方面的研究还比较缺乏。

    The research and application of two-color injection molding are in an early stage . The research of two-color injection molding forming process and quality control are still poor .

  24. 随着注塑成型技术的不断完善,人们对注塑成型的了解不断加深,对注塑制品质量的要求也不断提高。

    Due to the continuously improvements of the injection molding technology , people are more familiar with the injection molding process and require higher quality of injection molding product .

  25. 介绍一种新的塑料加工技术&气体辅助注塑成型技术的工艺过程和设备配置,分析了其成型特点和典型应用。

    S The technology and machinery for innovative plastics processing , gas assisted injection molding , are described , the feature and typical application of the technology are also analyzed .

  26. 塑料制品的使用已经渗透到汽车、电子、航空等各个行业当中,注塑成型技术是塑料制品的主要加工方法之一。

    The application of plastic parts has been penetrated to the automobile , electronics , aerospace and other industries , Injection molding is one of the main processing methods for plastic parts .

  27. 注塑成型技术具有生产效率高、成本低、产品多样化等特点,是塑料制品的主要成型方法之一。

    Due to the high productivity , low cost and the flexibility to wide variety of shapes , injection molding has become one of the most widely used processing technologies in plastic manufacturing industry .

  28. 微发泡注塑成型技术可以提高制品的尺寸稳定性,但对于复合材料特别是玻纤增强型材料,制品的尺寸稳定性还有待进一步提高。

    The microcellular injection molding technology could obviously improve the dimensional stabilities ; however , for composite materials especially the glass fiber reinforced materials , the dimensional stability of the products should be further enhanced .

  29. 伴随着微机电系统技术而发展的微注塑成型技术,目前已在微机械、微电子、微光学及生物医学等领域获得了较广泛的应用。

    With the development of the Micro Electro Mechanical System ( MEMS ), micro-injection molding technology is developed and widely used in the micro-mechanical , micro-electronics , micro-optics , biomedical and many other fields now .

  30. 介绍了近年来气辅注塑成型技术方面的几种新技术,包括外部气体辅助成型技术、振动气辅成型技术、冷却气体气辅成型技术、多腔控制气辅成型技术和气体辅助共注成型技术。

    Some new methods of the gas-assisted injecting molding technologies including external gas molding , vibrated gas-assist molding , cool gas GAIM , multi-cavity control GAIM and gas-assisted co-injection molding are presented in this article .